
I wonder if she will be sued or anything for spitting her covid laced aerosol all over that man and others since we are told that is what happens.
She's gonna wear a big orange onesy and crocs for a few days over that. She may be in long enough to get a hook'em tattooed on her lower back.
Read the thread and comments. Very similar to reading Texags after an inglorious loss. However, there is one key distinction: whereas aggy is straight up delusional, these folks are sadly mentally ill.

Fauci now wanting vaccine mandate to fly domestic. Here we go.
Worse, Slow Joe responded to a reporter's question by deferring to his medical team on mandates to fly...even after claiming there IS no federal solution.

The Dems are hellbent on destroying private industries...
She's a former LA Raider cheerleader, playboy playmate and Baywatch actress. She's out of Bubba's league.

Even now :yes:

Probably so, but a good friend of mine who's probably not much better than Bubba (was an Aggie) BS'd his way into bedding Nicole Eggert (also from Baywatch). Faked a leg injury.
Probably so, but a good friend of mine who's probably not much better than Bubba (was an Aggie) BS'd his way into bedding Nicole Eggert (also from Baywatch). Faked a leg injury.

You're friends with Meadowlark Lemon?

Some here probably aren't old enough to remember that reference...
Basically, a pity f**khead?

He didn't seem to mind. Lol. I've never seen a guy with fewer "tools in his shed" score better chicks. He was balding, kinda chunky (though not obese), and didn't have a lot money. But he was very smooth, reasonably intelligent, funny as hell, and a legendary ******** artist. It was a thing of beauty to watch him work.

I generally think Twitter is useless, but one big upside to it is that these pretentious, arrogant DC commentators get exposed as the discredited assclowns that they are. However, since they only talk to each other, they usually don't even think to delete the prior tweet. Flip-flopping and forgetting about prior inconsistent statements just goes with the territory. However, eventually the public sees this, and it kills their credibility with everybody outside their bubble. At this point, nobody outside of DC takes Jennifer Rubin seriously anymore.
But like I have said, if other twitter people can easily find these glaring flip flops, the people who write them must be aware. There is no accountability, so it doesn't matter.
Another Captain I know just told me he tested + for the kung flu. Jabbed and boosted. So effective. Another person not able to work because of sniffles, basically. That is as bad as he says it is.

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