
Never a fever got me right. What’s your treatment regime Clean? Good vibes being sent your way. Whatever you do do not rush back into anything physical. At least for me that was hard because I felt so helpless from fatigue I felt I should be doing something.
Never a fever got me right. What’s your treatment regime Clean? Good vibes being sent your way. Whatever you do do not rush back into anything physical. At least for me that was hard because I felt so helpless from fatigue I felt I should be doing something.
500 kicks a day keeps the covid bug away.

Never a fever got me right. What’s your treatment regime Clean? Good vibes being sent your way. Whatever you do do not rush back into anything physical. At least for me that was hard because I felt so helpless from fatigue I felt I should be doing something.

All they gave me at the clinic was a z-pack and some cough syrup. Because of my age and other factors, they did set me up to get the monoclonal antibody infusion tomorrow morning,
Hang in there @nashhorn

I thought you’d appreciate this:

compelling data. If the dipshits running this response would just keep a clean message like this guy, i think many people would more willingly take the vaccine. you can always count on politicians to screw up the messaging in their effort to gain influence.
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Well, you will be fine after you get the antibodies. That ought to be the treatment regime for everybody.
The prevention costs way way less than the treatment. An infusion is way more challenging and expensive to get than a vaccine.

They say the antibody infusion treats the current and long vcovid symptoms well.
That's a good question. I'm just hoping we can finally get a good vaccine.

Another question I'd ask is if they're going to hide testing data for 5 decades for this vaccine like they did the others.
Will a "good" vaccine matter for anything? Again, is covid so horrible that most people need to be vaccinated against it? And, even if so, will the masks/closures/draconian measures ever go away?
Will a "good" vaccine matter for anything? Again, is covid so horrible that most people need to be vaccinated against it? And, even if so, will the masks/closures/draconian measures ever go away?
CDC Seasonal Flu Vaccine Effectiveness Studies | CDC
The influenza vaccine is effective from 10% to 60%. Many health care employers have been requiring this for all employees. We instituted it in the fall of 2019.

I'm ready for some of the measures to go away. The good news? Eastern Oklahoma has broken their give a shitter and masks/closures/draconian measures went to **** and the hogs ate 'em.
CDC Seasonal Flu Vaccine Effectiveness Studies | CDC
The influenza vaccine is effective from 10% to 60%. Many health care employers have been requiring this for all employees. We instituted it in the fall of 2019.

I'm ready for some of the measures to go away. The good news? Eastern Oklahoma has broken their give a shitter and masks/closures/draconian measures went to **** and the hogs ate 'em.
Flu shot isn't and never has been a vaccine, well, until they conveniently changed the definition of vaccine. Doesn't matter, it doesn't prevent the illness.

So, who cares? "Many" health care employers. Yeah, right.
Omicron seems like it just might end the pandemic. It's significantly weaker and it's become the dominant strain. I know a few people who have gotten it and literally were over it after a couple days with only a slight fever or sore throat.
Flu shot isn't and never has been a vaccine, well, until they conveniently changed the definition of vaccine. Doesn't matter, it doesn't prevent the illness.

So, who cares? "Many" health care employers. Yeah, right.
I say this in the best way possible. Why are you so condescending and dismissive of anything/everything? You act as if you're an expert on all arenas of life.

Changes in Influenza Vaccination Requirements for Health Care Personnel in US Hospitals

"...between the 2013 and 2017 calendar years, required influenza vaccinations among health care personnel increased from 37.1% to 61.4%"

So, I would argue that 61+ percent would qualify for "many". And, my organization wouldn't be in that group as we didn't institute it until 2019. So, that number is low pre-pandemic and will certainly continue to be higher.
I there a way to test for various strains?
Yes. Some states cooperate less in that regard. I'll let you guess which ones. Also, "We're #1!" The Oklahoma Standard!

At least Stitt can pound his chest of his $2,000,000 of Hydroxychlorquine that is sitting in a storage container shrink wrapped like Walter White's millions. That gives him the lead over Noem.
I say this in the best way possible. Why are you so condescending and dismissive of anything/everything? You act as if you're an expert on all arenas of life.

Changes in Influenza Vaccination Requirements for Health Care Personnel in US Hospitals

"...between the 2013 and 2017 calendar years, required influenza vaccinations among health care personnel increased from 37.1% to 61.4%"

So, I would argue that 61+ percent would qualify for "many". And, my organization wouldn't be in that group as we didn't institute it until 2019. So, that number is low pre-pandemic and will certainly continue to be higher.
Because I think the reaction to this virus that just doesn't affect the majority of people is ridiculous. Sorry if you think I'm dismissive.
I say this in the best way possible. Why are you so condescending and dismissive of anything/everything? You act as if you're an expert on all arenas of life.

Changes in Influenza Vaccination Requirements for Health Care Personnel in US Hospitals

"...between the 2013 and 2017 calendar years, required influenza vaccinations among health care personnel increased from 37.1% to 61.4%"

So, I would argue that 61+ percent would qualify for "many". And, my organization wouldn't be in that group as we didn't institute it until 2019. So, that number is low pre-pandemic and will certainly continue to be higher.
I'd put it right back on you and ask why you actually think it matters if I do or don't get a job, or anyone else for that matter. Hospitals now know covid exists. Plan for it and have the staff and beds available. Beyond that, it isn't my problem.

I don't care. Is that dismissive enough?
I now have a nice and nephew in different families, they are 12 and 13, who have now been vaccinated and are suffering breathing issues.

Go figure.

So, y'all can take this jab and shove it.

Edit: Not just jabbed but "boosted" as well. Parents are idiots.

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