
I have an entire population of employees who are scared to death of this strain. I'm averaging about 20 people a day calling in because they or their spouse tested positive even though the worst symptoms are like allergies while many don't even have symptoms. They are all going to test just to find out. The libs need to stop the control play because it's crippling my operations over nothing.
I have an entire population of employees who are scared to death of this strain. I'm averaging about 20 people a day calling in because they or their spouse tested positive even though the worst symptoms are like allergies while many don't even have symptoms. They are all going to test just to find out. The libs need to stop the control play because it's crippling my operations over nothing.
No offense, but your folks don't sound
I have an entire population of employees who are scared to death of this strain. I'm averaging about 20 people a day calling in because they or their spouse tested positive even though the worst symptoms are like allergies while many don't even have symptoms. They are all going to test just to find out. The libs need to stop the control play because it's crippling my operations over nothing.
This is the end for folks who have avoided Covid till now. Obviously if Covid killed you, you would be scared **** less but those folks are sadly no longer around. So, we are going to be left with 100% survivor bias, which is “it wasn’t too bad”.
I had a guy cussing on a phone as I walked out of a hardware store. He was masked up and complaining about how many f’ing idiots were not wearing masks. I just laughed and kept walking.

30 minutes later he was at my gym. The masked public are all idiots.
In other words...a cold.

And we don't upset the apple cart over an effing cold. Period. End the mandates, end the masking requirements, end the social distancing. Let people get a useless shot if they want to and let the scared types wear the masks if they want.
Did you say a cold? Someone else said that years ago and was vilified.
30 minutes later he was at my gym. The masked public are all idiots.
That's the nutty part. Anyone concerned enough about masking in public to cause a spectacle should probably not go to a gym. Gym spreading is way more likely but also a way more healthy population (excluding the next 3-4 weeks, of course).
What made it even more hilarious was that you could see the beverage cart in the aisle. Dude was eating/drinking when *checks notes* masks are allowed to be off...

FBI getting involved means she will have hefty fines and losses of privilege even if no time is involved in the sentencing.
Something must have preceded it. It appears her seat was in the row in front of his. Wouldn’t surprise me he was making wisecracks over the mask insanity and she couldn’t take it. He knew all the trigger words: Karen, bîtch, etc. He probably should have asked where did she pack her pûssy hat. Oh goodness, that would have been rich but maybe she would have tried to strangle him.
Sadly, I think the irrationally goes up with intelligence.

Today I had an employee call in with a positive test result. I have to fill out a form to track positive cases. This employee's husband tested positive four days ago and has been absolutely paranoid about this since then but because of the holiday her first available test was yesterday. One question on the form is symptoms you have and she said only mild congestion. No other symptoms but have super high anxiety because she's positive. I asked why and her response was she has covid. I just left it alone. She's one of the smartest people in the building but has clearly bought into the "oh no I'm gonna die if I get it" narrative.
With that supposition I would ask why isn't Mississippi or Arkansas on the list? Why is Arizona on the list? Why is Scott Adams such a tool? I like Dilbert less these days.
Such a typical lib...take something you like and decide you no longer like it because you don't like the author.

The left typically hates Scott because he requires his followers to engage their brain.
Such a typical lib...take something you like and decide you no longer like it because you don't like the author.
Not sure that is purely a liberal trait. I quit the Dixie Chicks cold turkey when they bashed the country, and I have stopped giving my eyeballs to many other "celebrities" who are really just raging leftist tools.
Something must have preceded it. It appears her seat was in the row in front of his. Wouldn’t surprise me he was making wisecracks over the mask insanity and she couldn’t take it. He knew all the trigger words: Karen, bîtch, etc. He probably should have asked where did she pack her pûssy hat. Oh goodness, that would have been rich but maybe she would have tried to strangle him.
Oh my goodness, it’s better than I could have imagined:

Cornwall allegedly asked the flight attendant for help finding her seat and was told to find an open seat until beverage service was over, because it was a short flight. Well, that seemed to piss off Cornwall ... the documents say she responded to the flight attendant, "What am I Rosa Parks?" ... and that's when her alleged victim told her she "isn't Black ... this isn't Alabama and this isn't a bus."
The docs say Cornwall then turned her attention towards the man, who told her to "sit down Karen" and prompted her to respond, "sit down p****" ... among other derogatory comments hurled from both sides.
The docs say Cornwall then struck the 80-year-old male passenger with a closed fist, hitting him in the head and injuring him before spitting at him for bad measure.
She sounds like some blind dates or match dates I had at Texas. Of course, this woman is yet to appear on the cover of Texas Monthly for killing multiple people.
Oh my goodness, it’s better than I could have imagined:

Cornwall allegedly asked the flight attendant for help finding her seat and was told to find an open seat until beverage service was over, because it was a short flight. Well, that seemed to piss off Cornwall ... the documents say she responded to the flight attendant, "What am I Rosa Parks?" ... and that's when her alleged victim told her she "isn't Black ... this isn't Alabama and this isn't a bus."
The docs say Cornwall then turned her attention towards the man, who told her to "sit down Karen" and prompted her to respond, "sit down p****" ... among other derogatory comments hurled from both sides.
The docs say Cornwall then struck the 80-year-old male passenger with a closed fist, hitting him in the head and injuring him before spitting at him for bad measure.
Bond conditions were mildly humorous...the no alcohol is standard for a LOT of defendants, including those who did not have alcohol involved (although I expect this one involved some alcohol). But the no flying on commercial airlines is going to be a royal pain for her travel to and from court appearances...

Should we add this one to the crazy eyes category?
Oh my goodness, it’s better than I could have imagined:

Cornwall allegedly asked the flight attendant for help finding her seat and was told to find an open seat until beverage service was over, because it was a short flight. Well, that seemed to piss off Cornwall ... the documents say she responded to the flight attendant, "What am I Rosa Parks?" ... and that's when her alleged victim told her she "isn't Black ... this isn't Alabama and this isn't a bus."
The docs say Cornwall then turned her attention towards the man, who told her to "sit down Karen" and prompted her to respond, "sit down p****" ... among other derogatory comments hurled from both sides.
The docs say Cornwall then struck the 80-year-old male passenger with a closed fist, hitting him in the head and injuring him before spitting at him for bad measure.
I like her spunk!
I wonder if she will be sued or anything for spitting her covid laced aerosol all over that man and others since we are told that is what happens.

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