
Coronavirus preventative measures

NY restaurants are requiring stricter rules of authorization to eat at an establishment, than the rules applying to people crossing the southern border

Both mandates/ sets of rules are driven by Democrats. Makes no sense
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Yet NYC cases are “skyrocketing” per a quick google search. I have relatives visiting NYC this weekend. They say it feels like a dictatorship and they voted for Biden.
Thanks for the article Garmel. I found it particularly interesting because the cytokine storm is precisely what the censored Drs have been preaching as the therapeutic approach we should be addressing.
It appears to be a Darwinian event to some.
The left lied last year and hope people don't remember that they were caught lying about Sturgis 2020 being a spreader event...
Arkansas, which is ground zero for the delta spike, has deaths peaking at levels last Fall.

Guessing it is fake news everywhere. Guessing if an ICU is "near capacity!!!", there are other wings in the hospital collecting cobwebs.
This is being done either as fear porn for vaccinations, or hospitals clamoring for more money, or the staff is upset that their August vacation was cancelled.
This is being done either as fear porn for vaccinations, or hospitals clamoring for more money, or the staff is upset that their August vacation was cancelled.
And suddenly it has become horrible and a national threat for businesses that house sick people to be at or near capacity in their business.

The gubment can't manage anything, but it knows best how to curb hospital bed usage.
Okay, here are two states with more alarming deaths. Also, two states with a higher % of dem voters who have the lowest vaccination rate in the nation.

@horninchicago , did you have to deal with the ground stop in CLT yesterday? It made us miss our flight to LHR so we're chillin' at the airport waiting on our flight tonight.

By the way CLT is a dump of an airport, but if you land there and really need a beer, there's a bar called Carolina Beer Co. (in the D gates area) that has a great altbier. It's as good as the authentic stuff I drank in Düsseldorf. Highly recommend. I even let Deez, Jr try it. He thought it was great.

@horninchicago , did you have to deal with the ground stop in CLT yesterday? It made us miss our flight to LHR so we're chillin' at the airport waiting on our flight tonight.

By the way CLT is a dump of an airport, but if you land there and really need a beer, there's a bar called Carolina Beer Co. (in the D gates area) that has a great altbier. It's as good as the authentic stuff I drank in Düsseldorf. Highly recommend.

No I was off yesterday smoking a brisket. I don’t like Charlotte.
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Guessing it is fake news everywhere. Guessing if an ICU is "near capacity!!!", there are other wings in the hospital collecting cobwebs.
Hospital overcapacity in Oklahoma is fake news:

Bull. Ventilator usage is crazy. Hospitals have people on vents for days waiting for icu rooms. St Francis had 15. Pryor had 6 on vents in the ER waiting for transfer. We had a patient and closest transfer we could get was albequerque. They kept him on med surg. Glad to see you’re an expert on Oklahoma hospital care. Welcome! Meanwhile our state government is 4 weeks behind on variant testing. Maybe the data you’re looking at is fubar.
No I was off yesterday smoking a brisket. I don’t like a Charlotte.

By the way, I couldn't get my luggage in CLT, so I'm wearing the same clothes (including undershirt and boxers) that I wore all day at AUS yesterday. By the time I get home to LHR, I'm sure I'll smell like a friggin' homeless person.
Bull. Ventilator usage is crazy. Hospitals have people on vents for days waiting for icu rooms. St Francis had 15. Pryor had 6 on vents in the ER waiting for transfer. We had a patient and closest transfer we could get was albequerque. They kept him on med surg. Glad to see you’re an expert on Oklahoma hospital care. Welcome! Meanwhile our state government is 4 weeks behind on variant testing. Maybe the data you’re looking at is fubar.
I don't have to be a Juilliard trained musician to know if something is out of tune either.

Didn't say I was an "expert", I leave that to Fraudci, et al. I said "Guessing" on my statements.

What are the numbers on all the other illnesses that have a need for ventilators? Why are we still talking about it? Are there not enough? Hell, maybe Ford can shutdown vehicle production to make some more.
Thank the covid idiots on things being closed in airports.

Dude, no fuckin ****. When I was getting my second beer, the bartender was talking to a bro who asked why they weren't serving food. Her exact words - "nobody's coming into work. They can come in, but almost nobody is." Thank God the bartenders are coming in. There'd be violence if they weren't.
Dude, no fuckin ****. When I was getting my second beer, the bartender was talking to a bro who asked why they weren't serving food. Her exact words - "nobody's coming into work. They can come in, but almost nobody is." Thank God the bartenders are coming in. There'd be violence if they weren't.
They got numb nuts in the WH, so I don't see the end game on the fear mongering anymore. I guess controlling people is fun.
Well hot damn, I found something with protein that I didn't have to wait in a 7 hour line to get. Of course it cost more than a real steak, but that's beside the point. At least it isn't m&Ms or potato chips.


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