
So is paying below minimum wage, denying workers compensation coverage, refusing to hire anybody but white males, and ****-canning anyone who says something nice about unions. I agree with you that employers should have the right to make vaccination a condition of employment. However, the "capitalism" argument is weak and especially weak coming from someone who leans left.
I label you a south pole elf.

A good business will pay in excess of minimum wage to assure that they have retention of good staff. They want their employees taken care of and they don't fight workers comp. They treat their employees so well they don't want to unionize. They also know that a diversified workforce is more effective. It may sound mythical but there are companies out there like this. The paper mill in my region would qualify - even after the Koch's bought them out. Chik-fil-A. Quik Trip.
I label you a south pole elf

I plead no-contest on that.

A good business will pay in excess of minimum wage to assure that they have retention of good staff. They want their employees taken care of and they don't fight workers comp. They treat their employees so well they don't want to unionize. They also know that a diversified workforce is more effective. It may sound mythical but there are companies out there like this. The paper mill in my region would qualify - even after the Koch's bought them out. Chik-fil-A. Quik Trip.

That isn't the point. The point is that the capitalist view would let businesses make their own determination on those matters (and with vaccines) and let the market decide what's "good business.'
I plead no-contest on that.

That isn't the point. The point is that the capitalist view would let businesses make their own determination on those matters (and with vaccines) and let the market decide what's "good business.'
That's what I meant when I said let the businesses establish the mandate. I look for health insurers to start letting people know that they won't be paying for Covid are without a vaccination, capitlism, yo!
That's what I meant when I said let the businesses establish the mandate. I look for health insurers to start letting people know that they won't be paying for Covid are without a vaccination, capitlism, yo!

The point just slips past you, Coach. Lol No wonder you went for it on 4th and 1 twice.
Please tell me the last time there was a required vaccine for the flu? That's basically what rona is but with different side effects. It is IMPOSSIBLE to vaccinate effectively for rona. I just found out about a vaccinated person who works in a different division from me who is in ICU on a vent. For two days he almost died but is going to make it although he won't be able to return to work until sometime next year. There is no vaccine to stop this and it only seriously affects a very small % of people.

A 20 -21 yo kid at church suffered a stroke last week (he will recover, but lost movement on one and can't speak). After a few days after the stroke, the family thinks the stroke is related to getting the vax. He's in great shape, family has no history of stroke or heart issues.

He was weeks away from getting his EMT cert, so he took a stress test and whatnot on a regular basis the past year. Nothing showed up in those tests. It's odd

He ran the sound system at our church, good kid. Hoping for a full recovery. The parents are overwhelmed
I look for health insurers to start letting people know that they won't be paying for Covid are without a vaccination, capitlism, yo!

Why would they? Do they also deny coverage for flu patients or kids with RSV that fill hospitals and ICU beds every single year? In the grand scheme of trillion dollar insurance things, Covid is a blip on their radar.
Let's circle back yet again. You mean all the dead people the CDC self reported as dying with covid and not necessarily from covid?
If you'll refer back to about page 100 you'll learn that covid testing was a crap shoot in Feb/Mar of 2020. There were presumed positives in that window of time. AFTER hospital labs had the testing in their tool kits it was ubiquitous. So, EVERY symptomatic ER visit and subsequent hospitalization had a lab test validating COVID. They had to code it that way. And, in response to the "yeah, they wanted to up their numbers so the Gubmit would give them more money", the government pays on a cost based system. They have accountants come in annually and separate the wheat from the chaff during the Medicare cost report. The hospitals either get a check and have their Medicare rate increased or they have their rate decreased. Medicare rates can fluctuate wildly. A gall bladder surgery in Tulsa can go from $5,000 to $12,000. And, typically, the $5,000 hospital is doing way better than the $12,000 one due to things like uncompensated care, teaching costs, etc.
Medicare rates can fluctuate wildly.
OUBubba, I consider Medicare to be pretty close to black magic. I can never understand the summaries I get from Medicare and Tricare - they might as well be in Chinese for all I know. I wish there were a way to state charges and coverage in plain English that doesn't require a lawyer to interpret them.
OUBubba, I consider Medicare to be pretty close to black magic. I can never understand the summaries I get from Medicare and Tricare - they might as well be in Chinese for all I know. I wish there were a way to state charges and coverage in plain English that doesn't require a lawyer to interpret them.
Just know that it's cost based and no one is buying yachts or vacation homes on the back of Medicare these days. The 1970's and 1980's were the wild west of Medicare billing. Good old Ronnie Reagan doing some good work there.
Mr D
The one where you said my first name was Dick?
What the hell kind of a remark is that?

I drew the inference that your first name is Dick based on your disagreement that Dick Durbin's first name makes him a dick, because somebody whose name is Dick would naturally disagree. Ultimately I was making a joke, but just out of curiosity, is my inference correct?
I drew the inference that your first name is Dick based on your disagreement that Dick Durbin's first name makes him a dick, because somebody whose name is Dick would naturally disagree. Ultimately I was making a joke, but just out of curiosity, is my inference correct?
Nah. Bret. I also answer to Lee Harvey. As in “you Lee Harvey, you are a madman…”
Why would they? Do they also deny coverage for flu patients or kids with RSV that fill hospitals and ICU beds every single year? In the grand scheme of trillion dollar insurance things, Covid is a blip on their radar.

They wouldn't in an open market because a competitor would come in learn how to make money on it and take all their customers. The market serves people when the government flip it over where corporations tell every what to do. It's fascism. America has a sick fetish for it.
And the dead people. Don't forget the dead people.

Don't forget the dead people from suicides, domestic violence, cancer, heart disease which didn't get care or intervention because the government was busy locking people in their homes in 2020 and restricting access to hospitals. Stupid a-ss Abbott is doing it again.
Dumb trump supporters causing covid to spike in Oregon

Here is what is not reported this past week:

- In 10 days, the number of those with one vaccine dose will reach 200m out of 275m who are eligible. That is roughly 72.5%. Assuming a cap of 80% wanting vaccination, that translates to 220m total, or 20m left to vaccinate.

- 6m folks every week are getting immunized. The math works out thusly: (350k daily immunized first time plus 4*125k covid cases) * 7 days = 6m. I multiply known cases by 4 to estimate total cases since majority of cases are unknown.

- Thus, this surge has a shortened life.
Here is what is not reported this past week:

- In 10 days, the number of those with one vaccine dose will reach 200m out of 275m who are eligible. That is roughly 72.5%. Assuming a cap of 80% wanting vaccination, that translates to 220m total, or 20m left to vaccinate.

- 6m folks every week are getting immunized. The math works out thusly: (350k daily immunized first time plus 4*125k covid cases) * 7 days = 6m. I multiply known cases by 4 to estimate total cases since majority of cases are unknown.

- Thus, this surge has a shortened life.
I thought it was going to burn out quick. It did in other places. Thursday the epidemiologist thought it was “nosing down, but we will see”.

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