Random thoughts to remember about this Covidity:
1. When Covid startted we had 7 billion people on this earth, now we still have 7 billion people..
2. The Libs narrative wasn't even thought through before they launched it:
Covid is deadliy and dangerous and it is even worse because poeple transfer it without symptoms!
If Asymptomatic transfer is unknown then one can imagine that for every 1 person, that had Covid symptoms, 10 had Covid but didn't show symptoms. Out of the 10% who showed symptoms, only 2% of 10% died from it, or 2% of the 1% who showed symptoms out of all the carriers....That makes it one weak mf'er.
i think the math equation is: 1000 had Covid-100 showed signs-2 people died. Or 2 out of 1000 people died tha thd Covid
3.Why would I take a chemical that no one will ever admit to having any adverse effects or deaths, for fear of making skeptics. The liberal Government, drug companies, and liberal media alll want you to live in their feardome, and if they knew 50,000 people died from the vaccine or 5 million had heart problems they would never admit it or track it.
4. Does anyone really believe if Trump was president and he was pushing vaccines, that the Lib media would be saying, yes listen to Trump, Get a vaccine?
5. We can't refute all the numbers what the media tells us, like how many people are dying like flies in Newark, or the % hospitals filled with covid is at 125% in Boston...but one population that we can observe without media interference and one they couldn't hide is College and Pro Athletes hospitalization and death rates on positive covid tests.
I don't think there has been any deaths and few hospitilizations. So they can piss down your back and tell you it is raining, but they forgot what we can observe and make assumptions if we choose to.
6. Finally, I do believe the Delta variant is a re-release or a new improved version probably coming from the wuhan lab or from the people who developed the first one. Kind of like a New And Improved Tide detergent with cleaning crystals.
It was too much "fun" the first go round...so maybe this will start killing off people at a higher rate. But I'm guessing next year there will still be 7 billion people on this world.