
The analogy I'd use is walking around with a loaded gun in your hand without any care or acknowledgement. That carelessness should have some culpability.
Not even remotely close...although I can see how people who hate the Second Amendment would be afraid of someone exercising a Constitutional right.

Carrying a gun carries absolutely zero culpability except and unless the gun holder takes the constructive step of *checks notes* pulling the trigger. Only if a bullet is fired MIGHT any measure of culpability attach. And even that is not absolute...
Random thoughts to remember about this Covidity:
1. When Covid startted we had 7 billion people on this earth, now we still have 7 billion people..
2. The Libs narrative wasn't even thought through before they launched it:
Covid is deadliy and dangerous and it is even worse because poeple transfer it without symptoms!
If Asymptomatic transfer is unknown then one can imagine that for every 1 person, that had Covid symptoms, 10 had Covid but didn't show symptoms. Out of the 10% who showed symptoms, only 2% of 10% died from it, or 2% of the 1% who showed symptoms out of all the carriers....That makes it one weak mf'er.
i think the math equation is: 1000 had Covid-100 showed signs-2 people died. Or 2 out of 1000 people died tha thd Covid

3.Why would I take a chemical that no one will ever admit to having any adverse effects or deaths, for fear of making skeptics. The liberal Government, drug companies, and liberal media alll want you to live in their feardome, and if they knew 50,000 people died from the vaccine or 5 million had heart problems they would never admit it or track it.

4. Does anyone really believe if Trump was president and he was pushing vaccines, that the Lib media would be saying, yes listen to Trump, Get a vaccine?

5. We can't refute all the numbers what the media tells us, like how many people are dying like flies in Newark, or the % hospitals filled with covid is at 125% in Boston...but one population that we can observe without media interference and one they couldn't hide is College and Pro Athletes hospitalization and death rates on positive covid tests.
I don't think there has been any deaths and few hospitilizations. So they can piss down your back and tell you it is raining, but they forgot what we can observe and make assumptions if we choose to.

6. Finally, I do believe the Delta variant is a re-release or a new improved version probably coming from the wuhan lab or from the people who developed the first one. Kind of like a New And Improved Tide detergent with cleaning crystals.
It was too much "fun" the first go maybe this will start killing off people at a higher rate. But I'm guessing next year there will still be 7 billion people on this world.
Knowing you have it and infecting someone else is bad. Unknowing is not bad unless you're walking around loudly making the arguments many of the anti-vaxxers are making. Then you're just a loud redneck. If you are ignoring all guidance by every major hospital and Oncology Center in the US then you know, even if you don't. You know that you can catch it and that you can pass it on.

That is my position.
Why so racist?
Random thoughts to remember about this Covidity:
1. When Covid startted we had 7 billion people on this earth, now we still have 7 billion people..
2. The Libs narrative wasn't even thought through before they launched it:
Covid is deadliy and dangerous and it is even worse because poeple transfer it without symptoms!
If Asymptomatic transfer is unknown then one can imagine that for every 1 person, that had Covid symptoms, 10 had Covid but didn't show symptoms. Out of the 10% who showed symptoms, only 2% of 10% died from it, or 2% of the 1% who showed symptoms out of all the carriers....That makes it one weak mf'er.
i think the math equation is: 1000 had Covid-100 showed signs-2 people died. Or 2 out of 1000 people died tha thd Covid

3.Why would I take a chemical that no one will ever admit to having any adverse effects or deaths, for fear of making skeptics. The liberal Government, drug companies, and liberal media alll want you to live in their feardome, and if they knew 50,000 people died from the vaccine or 5 million had heart problems they would never admit it or track it.

4. Does anyone really believe if Trump was president and he was pushing vaccines, that the Lib media would be saying, yes listen to Trump, Get a vaccine?

5. We can't refute all the numbers what the media tells us, like how many people are dying like flies in Newark, or the % hospitals filled with covid is at 125% in Boston...but one population that we can observe without media interference and one they couldn't hide is College and Pro Athletes hospitalization and death rates on positive covid tests.
I don't think there has been any deaths and few hospitilizations. So they can piss down your back and tell you it is raining, but they forgot what we can observe and make assumptions if we choose to.

6. Finally, I do believe the Delta variant is a re-release or a new improved version probably coming from the wuhan lab or from the people who developed the first one. Kind of like a New And Improved Tide detergent with cleaning crystals.
It was too much "fun" the first go maybe this will start killing off people at a higher rate. But I'm guessing next year there will still be 7 billion people on this world.
You know there is significant he-ing and she-ing going on out there, right?
Sounds like covid does some people who would otherwise lead miserable existences due to their poor habits for decades a favor by ending it for them.

Cruel? I don't think so. Those people are a drain on the very system the libs say is bad to begin with.

A lot of folks have died for hundreds of years from viruses and the like. When did we ever determine "essential" businesses and lockdown in this country before now for things worse than covid?

Why are we still debating this?
Several questions on this thread asking why are lockdowns, new variants being pushed? The Great Reset is the answer. That’s the agenda. One world currency (central bank digital currency) , so they can track us and cut off our access to currency if our social credit score drops too low. Sounds like fun!
Update at work. Over 550 employees, 35,000+ customers per week, 18 months, no deaths and no hospitalizations for any employee nor their families.

There always has been coronavirus and always will be variants. This is just a political move by democrats to control money and funnel it to their elitist supporters to in the end eradicate their opponents for total control.
Update at work. Over 550 employees, 35,000+ customers per week, 18 months, no deaths and no hospitalizations for any employee nor their families.

There always has been coronavirus and always will be variants. This is just a political move by democrats to control money and funnel it to their elitist supporters to in the end eradicate their opponents for total control.
More proof we should mask up!

You must want people to die!!!

Insert hilarious sarcasm emoji <here>.
Update at work. Over 550 employees, 35,000+ customers per week, 18 months, no deaths and no hospitalizations for any employee nor their families.

There always has been coronavirus d always will be variants. This is just a political move by democrats to control money and funnel it to their elitist supporters to in the end eradicate their opponents for total control.

The canary in the coal mine to me were the people working in grocery stores. They came in contact with hundreds of people a day, and if they started catching the Wuhan and dropping like flies, then I'd have known it was a serious issue.

When they didn't, I knew it was all a political weapon.
Employer vaccine requirements are coming. We've already heard of Hospitals requiring vaccines. Sports teams are requiring vaccines (See Minnesota Vikings, Boston College). Now the big cheese employer, the Federal Government is considering a vaccine requirement. That would be a significant step in getting the country to heard immunity.

We've had vaccine requirements to complete certain actions for generations (eg. public schools require Measles vaccine). Vaccine requirements are not a new phenomenon.
This is becoming the Climate Change debate. One side has 95% of the scientists, research and facts to support their position. The other side has 5% and accuses the 95% of "group think" over and over. Meanwhile the Climate continues to deteriorate and the Pandemic death totals and impacts mount. In both cases you'd have to ignore what you see to believe the 5%.

And no no no. You don't get to think you're on the side of Science! and Research! and Facts!, when all the Experts!, said the following about the Wuhan Virus:

  • The Wuhan virus is no big issue.
  • It may be an issue, but we'll deal with it the way we always have, and masks don't work.
  • OK we lied about masks, but only so you rubes don't go and buy them all. Now you must wear them at all times.
  • It's racialist to call the Wuhan the Wuhan, and you only must call it by its scientific name. The fact that China is pushing the same line is pure co-incidence.
  • The coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China, couldn't possibly have come from the Coronavirus research lab in Wuhan, China, and to say otherwise is a wild conspiracy theory, which no less that Polifact called a Pants on Fire lie.
  • Shutdowns are the best and only way to combat the spread, and if you lose your business and life savings, the government will put you on welfare so you'll be OK. Meanwhile we don't lose our jobs, pensions, or a single retirement point.
  • It's wrong and dangerous to protest against the shutdowns, you'll spread the virus and kill people.
  • It's OK to protest though for approved causes like the Burn Loot Movement - you won't spread the virus and it's very important to pack the streets and scream slogans at the top of your lungs.
  • But it's dangerous for churches to hold in-person ceremonies - you'll spread the virus.
  • It's not possible to create a vaccine by the end of the year, it'll take years, and President Trump's Operation Warp Speed is a joke.
  • The vaccine is is wonderful and all must take it, even those under 30 in good shape, and with a minuscule risk or virus effects.
  • You should still wear masks for ???? reasons.
  • This vaccine, developed in a year though we said that was impossible, and produced under emergency rules and with liability waivers to the manufactures, is perfectly safe.
  • OK maybe, maybe the coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China, might have come from the Coronavirus research lab in Wuhan, China, we'll see which way the wind blows politically before we say anything else.
  • You must wear masks on all airplanes, even if you're vaccinated, unless you're an elected Democrat running away from your duties, in which case we won't talk about it.
  • No matter how many times we're wrong, or have lied to you, you're a stupid Science Denier! if you don't listen to us now.
Employer vaccine requirements are coming. We've already heard of Hospitals requiring vaccines. Sports teams are requiring vaccines (See Minnesota Vikings, Boston College). Now the big cheese employer, the Federal Government is considering a vaccine requirement. That would be a significant step in getting the country to heard immunity.

We've had vaccine requirements to complete certain actions for generations (eg. public schools require Measles vaccine). Vaccine requirements are not a new phenomenon.

Doubtful on the Federal Government - what are they going to do, fire somebody? As if they have that ability. Is being vaccinated against the Wuhan in their labor rules? If not, then Slow Joe or whoever tries to mandate it might as well try pissing up a rope, which would be hard for Joe as he pisses in his diaper.

Especially if the non-vaccinated person is a black, who do have the highest rate of non-vaccination by ethnic group, but unlike those Trump hicks, it's for totally OK and justifiable reasons!
Employer vaccine requirements are coming. We've already heard of Hospitals requiring vaccines. Sports teams are requiring vaccines (See Minnesota Vikings, Boston College). Now the big cheese employer, the Federal Government is considering a vaccine requirement. That would be a significant step in getting the country to heard immunity.

We've had vaccine requirements to complete certain actions for generations (eg. public schools require Measles vaccine). Vaccine requirements are not a new phenomenon.
THE difference was that those were actual FDA-approved vaccines, not an EUA lab test.

Thankfully, my building believes in free choice.

Mark my words...inside of five years, the lawyer ads on television will be a toll-free number to call if you got stuck with an experimental vaccine, especially if that stick was a choice between employment and no employment.
THE difference was that those were actual FDA-approved vaccines, not an EUA lab test.

Thankfully, my building believes in free choice.

Mark my words...inside of five years, the lawyer ads on television will be a toll-free number to call if you got stuck with an experimental vaccine, especially if that stick was a choice between employment and no employment.
They will also be for those required to wear a mask by their employer. The ones with asthma, emphysema, COPD and any other respiratory type illness.
Employer vaccine requirements are coming. We've already heard of Hospitals requiring vaccines. Sports teams are requiring vaccines (See Minnesota Vikings, Boston College). Now the big cheese employer, the Federal Government is considering a vaccine requirement. That would be a significant step in getting the country to heard immunity.

We've had vaccine requirements to complete certain actions for generations (eg. public schools require Measles vaccine). Vaccine requirements are not a new phenomenon.
You are correct. It will be a nightmare to manage because you still have around 40% of clinicians refusing to get vaccinated. My guess is that many will just take time off, file lawsuits and/or find work in private practice.
You are correct. It will be a nightmare to manage because you still have around 40% of clinicians refusing to get vaccinated. My guess is that many will just take time off, file lawsuits and/or find work in private practice.
The biggest hospital in Tulsa has a physician vaccine rate of 97% as of two months ago. Docs are getting it.

The EAU will be over ridden by October.
Mark my words...inside of five years, the lawyer ads on television will be a toll-free number to call if you got stuck with an experimental vaccine, especially if that stick was a choice between employment and no employment.

To sue whom? Not the drug companies. They have tort immunity. The employers requiring the vaccines? Good luck getting the Texas Supreme Court to allow that. It would be framed as an exception to the at-will relationship. The current court will never recognize that unless the legislature does it.
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The biggest hospital in Tulsa has a physician vaccine rate of 97% as of two months ago. Docs are getting it.

The EAU will be over ridden by October.
I’m sure there are facilities with higher rates than others, but the 38 facilities I work with are still not seeing those rates.
The biggest hospital in Tulsa has a physician vaccine rate of 97% as of two months ago. Docs are getting it.

The EAU will be over ridden by October.
Quite honestly, I would not put it beyond some of them to simply take a vaccine card. Never get an actual shot but, by god, they have a card that claims they did.

It would be the medical equivalent to prosecutors having fixed tickets for friends or the banker who approves a loan for a buddy with crappy credit.
To sue whom? Not the drug companies. They have tort immunity. The employers requiring the vaccines? Good luck getting the Texas Supreme Court to allow that. It would be framed as an exception to the at-will relationship. The current court will never recognize that unless the legislature does it.
All it takes is ONE case to get the snowball rolling. Look at all the crap CURRENTLY being shilled...

I'm even seeing ones for Paraquat, which I thought we had banned in this country in the early 80's. Even the potheads knew it was bad stuff because paraquat-free was a selling I was people who might have seen baggies passed through double-albums...

The reality NOW is that employers are on constructive notice of bad things related to the experimental substance. Thus, there is a much stronger argument that they willingly subjected employees to elevated risks of harm. And since there is also precedent with the Workforce Commission of being told to resign or be fired being tantamount to no choice (see the ERCOT cases from early aughts), it will be an interesting legal landscape.

If and when the FDA decides humans are no longer just lab rats, things could change. But right now, we are seeing experimentation on humans without voluntary consent, something that was outlawed post-WWII.
Australia anti-masking criticism.
Once again, the left lumps everyone into being an anti-vaxxer. It doesn’t help the cause of getting more people to get vaccinated. Neither does flip flopping on masks again.

Yes there are anti-vaxxers. There are also a large population of people wanting the FDA approval prior to taking it. Education about the vaccine is the best bet.
Australia anti-masking criticism.

This is stupid on so many levels.

People used blackout curtains during the Blitz, they didn't stumble around in the dark all night long.

Not getting an experiential vaccine affects the person who doesn't get it - what happened to My Body My Choice? Or does that only apply for killing an unborn baby?

As for masks - there's no real world evidence they did anything to slow the virus. When mask mandates are overlaid on curves, you only know they happened from the text box, not any change in the graph.

Insults and curse words generally don't do much to change someone's opinion. It's like an advertising campaign of "Buy our product or you're a stupid sack of ****."

But this tone isn't there to change anyone's mind - it's to bask in the glow of moral superiority.

As for the anti-vaxxers - the largest percentage of non-vaccinated people by ethic group are those loyal Democrat voters, the blacks. Speaking of which, hasn't LeJoke James, hero of this group, refused to say if he'd gotten the vaccine or not?
All it takes is ONE case to get the snowball rolling. Look at all the crap CURRENTLY being shilled...

I'm even seeing ones for Paraquat, which I thought we had banned in this country in the early 80's. Even the potheads knew it was bad stuff because paraquat-free was a selling I was people who might have seen baggies passed through double-albums...

The reality NOW is that employers are on constructive notice of bad things related to the experimental substance. Thus, there is a much stronger argument that they willingly subjected employees to elevated risks of harm. And since there is also precedent with the Workforce Commission of being told to resign or be fired being tantamount to no choice (see the ERCOT cases from early aughts), it will be an interesting legal landscape.

If and when the FDA decides humans are no longer just lab rats, things could change. But right now, we are seeing experimentation on humans without voluntary consent, something that was outlawed post-WWII.

You left something out. It takes a court that has spent the last 30 years mostly closing the courthouse doors in people's faces (on cases with far more merit than this would have) choosing to wildly change course and throwing its biggest donors and the most entrenched and powerful people in the state under the bus. It would be almost as big of a switch as Clarence Thomas suddenly deciding to rule with abortion providers. I just don't see it happening.

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