
It is a highly contagious disease that is deadly to many people if they catch. To say I choose not to get a vaccine and then infect someone is what I'm talking about. People with blood cancer are compromised as to the effectiveness of the vaccine.

I only said what I said because it the freedom stuff is annoying to me at times. The loudest mouths are a bunch of ignorant rednecks that give the Republican Party a bad name.

F 'em I guess. They can stay home the rest of their lives while others go on super spreader events not caring who catches what. Even if it's ramping up in the unvaccinated crowd.
How do put a vaccinated person at risk because I am not vaccinated?

Should you go to jail if your personal choice results in you passing it on to someone who dies?
Good luck trying to show causality. Cannot rest on basis of "act clearly dangerous blah blah blah" precisely because there are so many cases of asymptomatic positives. Cannot rely upon an 'intentional act'. Reckless act will fail for the same reason as 'act clearly dangerous...'

And yeah, I WILL have better experts than the State can put on the stand...
According to Biden, you are not going to get Covid if you get the vaccine. So get the vaccine.

The largest percentage population not getting vaccinated are blacks. Are you calling them rednecks?
The biggest issue with overcoming the pandemic is people acting on emotion rather than common sense. It literally blinds them from the truth.
Do we jail people who unknowingly spread the flu to somebody who dies?
Any other virus/disease?

I'd say we treat legal issues surrounding covid just like every other disease on the planet.

Did we? I think it was an issue. I certainly would thought it a crime if someone had sex with me knowing they had Aids.

My comment solely addresses the theoretical limits of true freedom.

If someone refuses the vaccine, then passes Covid onto someone who dies (because they weren't vaccinated) then it's on the person who made their choice. In my mind, you can't escape culpability. I don't believe it's a conspiracy and I believe it's a deadly virus; much worse than the flu.

That's my position.

But I'm not stumping for door to door forced vaccinations. I'm just saying when you choose not to do it, it's not done in a vacuum. It is a choice to take a chance.

And it could be your own family member who dies.
Did we? I think it was an issue. I certainly would thought it a crime if someone had sex with me knowing they had Aids.

I know there were some prosecutions, but I don't know if they survived appellate challenges. We had a case in TDCJ that I was aware of where the convict got a new sentence (stacked on to the sentence already being served) for having sex without disclosing HIV status.

If someone refuses the vaccine, then passes Covid onto someone who dies (because they weren't vaccinated) then it's on the person who made their choice. In my mind, you can't escape culpability. I don't believe it's a conspiracy and I believe it's a deadly virus; much worse than the flu.

That's my position.

With very rare exceptions, you won't be able to pinpoint WHAT contact resulted in a positive test.

And it could be your own family member who dies.

Oh cut the fear-mongering already.
If someone refuses the vaccine, then passes Covid onto someone who dies (because they weren't vaccinated) then it's on the person who made their choice. In my mind, you can't escape culpability. I don't believe it's a conspiracy and I believe it's a deadly virus; much worse than the flu.

That's my position.

That's a very liberal position. Data says it isn't worse than the flu. Believing it is more dangerous now is liberal mythology.
That's a very liberal position. Data says it isn't worse than the flu. Believing it is more dangerous now is liberal mythology.

This is becoming the Climate Change debate. One side has 95% of the scientists, research and facts to support their position. The other side has 5% and accuses the 95% of "group think" over and over. Meanwhile the Climate continues to deteriorate and the Pandemic death totals and impacts mount. In both cases you'd have to ignore what you see to believe the 5%.
This is becoming the Climate Change debate. One side has 95% of the scientists, research and facts to support their position. The other side has 5% and accuses the 95% of "group think" over and over. Meanwhile the Climate continues to deteriorate and the Pandemic death totals and impacts mount. In both cases you'd have to ignore what you see to believe the 5%.

My suspicions about climate change do not revolve around the methane/CO2 levels in the oxygen and it's measurable impact on the warming of the planet. It's the "solution" that I have a problem with. I think it's being exploited as a massive power and wealth grab.

As for what I said being a Liberal position, I think that's an interesting conclusion when all I said is that if one unvaccinated person passes on COVID on to another unvaccinated persons demise, then it's on the first one for being reckless as it was for the unfortunate victim.

How is that political? It's common sense.

And if you've read any of my posts I think it would be easy to conclude that I'm not a Liberal. But I'm not so adverse that I can't have an opinion of my own that overlaps with a "Liberal" position.
My suspicions about climate change do not revolve around the methane/CO2 levels in the oxygen and it's measurable impact on the warming of the planet. It's the "solution" that I have a problem with. I think it's being exploited as a massive power and wealth grab.

As for what I said being a Liberal position, I think that's an interesting conclusion when all I said is that if one unvaccinated person passes on COVID on to another unvaccinated persons demise, then it's on the first one for being reckless as it was for the unfortunate victim.

How is that political? It's common sense.

And if you've read any of my posts I think it would be easy to conclude that I'm not a Liberal. But I'm not so adverse that I can't have an opinion of my own that overlaps with a "Liberal" position.
FYI. Atmospheric methane concentration is still less than 2 parts per million. Atmospheric carbon dioxide is around 400 parts per million. So there's around than 0.04% carbon in the atmosphere. Before the industrial revolution, the estimated carbon in the atmosphere was 0.03%. The difference in atmospheric carbon is 0.01%.

I've never seen any calculations that support a 2 F increase in temperature solely on more carbon in the atmosphere. The computer models that show large increases in temperature over 100 years have been wrong on predictions time and again. Did the north pole completely melt in summer 2012? No. Did the glaciers disappear by 2020? No. Are the poor loveable polar bears on the verge of extinction? No, over 30,000 polar bears counted in 2018.

So in summary, you are correct. It's all a lie to support progressive/communist goals. Hopefully more of the woke will truly awaken to progressive/communist lies before it's too late.
Did we? I think it was an issue. I certainly would thought it a crime if someone had sex with me knowing they had Aids.

My comment solely addresses the theoretical limits of true freedom.

If someone refuses the vaccine, then passes Covid onto someone who dies (because they weren't vaccinated) then it's on the person who made their choice. In my mind, you can't escape culpability. I don't believe it's a conspiracy and I believe it's a deadly virus; much worse than the flu.

That's my position.

But I'm not stumping for door to door forced vaccinations. I'm just saying when you choose not to do it, it's not done in a vacuum. It is a choice to take a chance.

And it could be your own family member who dies.
I used the term "unknowingly" for a reason. If one knew one had Covid and then went into a nursing home for any reason whatsoever, I would be open to prosecution if residents contracted it.
My suspicions about climate change do not revolve around the methane/CO2 levels in the oxygen and it's measurable impact on the warming of the planet. It's the "solution" that I have a problem with. I think it's being exploited as a massive power and wealth grab.

As for what I said being a Liberal position, I think that's an interesting conclusion when all I said is that if one unvaccinated person passes on COVID on to another unvaccinated persons demise, then it's on the first one for being reckless as it was for the unfortunate victim.

How is that political? It's common sense.

And if you've read any of my posts I think it would be easy to conclude that I'm not a Liberal. But I'm not so adverse that I can't have an opinion of my own that overlaps with a "Liberal" position.
See, dims are all the same. :|
Any studies on Covid recovery immunity vs the vaccine? I’ve seen and heard opinions but nothing written about any studies.
Any studies on Covid recovery immunity vs the vaccine? I’ve seen and heard opinions but nothing written about any studies.
I have read stuff supporting one or the other has best way to get immunity. Vaccine supported data was based on blood work but it is limited for what you are looking for. Field data supports natural immunity is better.
From listening in on conference calls vaccine immunity outlasts natural immunity. The mRNA vaccines went from being 95% effective to in the 70%'s. If that were a flu shot they would claim that the shot matched the virus very well. I think the think will continue to become more virulent but also more deadly. And, most of the elderly and comprimised have gogten the vac.
Knowing you have it and infecting someone else is bad. Unknowing is not bad unless you're walking around loudly making the arguments many of the anti-vaxxers are making. Then you're just a loud redneck. If you are ignoring all guidance by every major hospital and Oncology Center in the US then you know, even if you don't. You know that you can catch it and that you can pass it on.

That is my position.
Knowing you have it and infecting someone else is bad. Unknowing is not bad unless you're walking around loudly making the arguments many of the anti-vaxxers are making. Then you're just a loud redneck. If you are ignoring all guidance by every major hospital and Oncology Center in the US then you know, even if you don't. You know that you can catch it and that you can pass it on.

That is my position.

The analogy I'd use is walking around with a loaded gun in your hand without any care or acknowledgement. That carelessness should have some culpability.
This is becoming the Climate Change debate. One side has 95% of the scientists, research and facts to support their position. The other side has 5% and accuses the 95% of "group think" over and over. Meanwhile the Climate continues to deteriorate and the Pandemic death totals and impacts mount. In both cases you'd have to ignore what you see to believe the 5%.

Complete b-ll **** on both accounts. Shows you aren't following much of the studies on corona. The %s are swapped from what you are saying.

Climate change is a little different but very good scholarship disproving the crisis rhetoric.
It is a highly contagious disease that is deadly to many people if they catch. To say I choose not to get a vaccine and then infect someone is what I'm talking about. People with blood cancer are compromised as to the effectiveness of the vaccine.

I only said what I said because it the freedom stuff is annoying to me at times. The loudest mouths are a bunch of ignorant rednecks that give the Republican Party a bad name.

F 'em I guess. They can stay home the rest of their lives while others go on super spreader events not caring who catches what. Even if it's ramping up in the unvaccinated crowd.

Yeah.. the vaccine is a real life saver.

49 Fully Vaccinated New Jersey Residents Have Died From COVID-19
Knowing you have it and infecting someone else is bad. Unknowing is not bad unless you're walking around loudly making the arguments many of the anti-vaxxers are making. Then you're just a loud redneck. If you are ignoring all guidance by every major hospital and Oncology Center in the US then you know, even if you don't. You know that you can catch it and that you can pass it on.

That is my position.
If covid is that contagious, everyone will be exposed anyway. So how can anyone be culpable in that situation?
As for what I said being a Liberal position, I think that's an interesting conclusion when all I said is that if one unvaccinated person passes on COVID on to another unvaccinated persons demise, then it's on the first one for being reckless as it was for the unfortunate victim.

How is that political? It's common sense.

You said corona is much worse than the flu. At the current state that is a liberal mythology.

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