
I am on a SWA flight today jammed packed with all seats full. The democrat plan is now going into action to go back to normal with the economy. Only issue is they cannot put the cat back into the bag with teacher unions. It's hilarious to watch BeetleJuice get aggressive with the Chicago teacher union who fully bought into the hysteria and will take advantage of it. F you democrats. You physically and mentally hurt children in your effort to oust Donald Trump. The blood is on your hands.
I am on a SWA flight today jammed packed with all seats full. The democrat plan is now going into action to go back to normal with the economy. Only issue is they cannot put the cat back into the bag with teacher unions. It's hilarious to watch BeetleJuice get aggressive with the Chicago teacher union who fully bought into the hysteria and will take advantage of it. F you democrats. You physically and mentally hurt children in your effort to oust Donald Trump. The blood is on your hands.
My wife thanks you for flying SWA.
San Francisco sues own school district in a bid to stop children becoming 'Zoom-bies'

Same situation as in Chicago. Check this quote from the City Attorney:

"Not a single San Francisco public school student has set foot in their classroom in 347 days," Mr Herrera said at a news conference, calling it shameful and also unlawful. "More than 54,000 San Francisco schoolchildren are suffering. They are being turned into Zoom-bies by online school. Enough is enough."

There is no mention that unions do this and maybe that's why Conservatives don't like it. Meanwhile, the private school my daughter attends (1,000 students; K - 12) has all teachers on campus and were open for business day one of the school year this past fall.

No teachers union.
The Left’s Vaccine Problem

"A common problem seems to be a focus on process rather than on getting shots into arms. Some progressive leaders are effectively sacrificing efficiency for what they consider to be equity."

"Some blue states have also created intricate rules about who qualifies for a vaccine and then made a big effort to keep anybody else from getting a shot. These complicated rules have slowed vaccination in both California and New York."

"“Across New York State,” my colleague Dana Rubinstein has written, medical providers have had “to throw out precious vaccine doses because of difficulties finding patients who matched precisely with the state’s strict vaccination guidelines — and the steep penalties they would face had they made a mistake.”
I owe Bubba an apology. I learned yesterday that one of my hospitals waste several vaccines per day due to people not showing up for their appointment. They do try to give them out, but often have no takers. It’s a bad process typical of government.
Is it possible there is any person in the US who is unaware of the covid virus from China? Seems unlikely

Instead, this reeks of more money laundering, dressed up with a name to get liberals to reflexively nod their heads. Maybe one of the Bidens will end up running this bogus "media campaign?"
They are stealing money out of the Treasury right in front of you

They are expecting demand to fall off the cliff around mid-April. From another thread:

I have an ongoing debate with my former boss who’s retired and over 65. He got the shot plus all of his contemporaries. No surprise there. However I told him that sometime in early or mid March, all of the 65+ folks will be done and the gov will open it up to younger folks (not clear who exactly is included in this tier since it is not announced yet). I told him that after the initial surge of these folks that will last for about 4-6 weeks (end of April), the demand is going to fall off a cliff. He said if that happens, then the Biden admin, CDC, Fauci, etc will all go crazy. I told him the vaccine delivery issues will be over by end of April cause there will be no line (just a constant administration of doses). They are blind to this outcome just like DC was blind to 2016 Trump victory.
I owe Bubba an apology. I learned yesterday that one of my hospitals waste several vaccines per day due to people not showing up for their appointment. They do try to give them out, but often have no takers. It’s a bad process typical of government.
That sounds like a Marjorie Taylor Green level of apology...

Please, let's hear your solution to this "bad process typical of government".
My hands on experience is that people 45+ are mostly eager to get the vaccine. People under 40 are about 50/50. It varies by profession, and, therefore, some level of education plays a factor. Teachers of ALL ages will get it on a dime, for example.
That sounds like a Marjorie Taylor Green level of apology...

Please, let's hear your solution to this "bad process typical of government".
Well f you then. I take the apology back. There is absolutely no coordination from government with connecting multiple facilities and outlets to ensure nothing is wasted and more doses get administered. Biden has made things worse with the exception of trying to get terrorists at GITMO vaccinated as well as prisoners before law abiding citizens.
This is the same person in both instances -- and could be the next Manhattan DA


Well f you then. I take the apology back. There is absolutely no coordination from government with connecting multiple facilities and outlets to ensure nothing is wasted and more doses get administered. Biden has made things worse with the exception of trying to get terrorists at GITMO vaccinated as well as prisoners before law abiding citizens.
So, no solution. The modern GOP. Got it.
The democrats are in control now and it is a disaster. Good news is the media is now supporting them with nothing but positivity. As long as the terrorists are vaccinated, the democrats are happy. Did you get your $1400 yet?
So, no solution. The modern GOP. Got it.
There are a number of solutions, but they are all politically difficult. How about first come, first served? How about overbooking appointments? Both of these solutions will result in angry people who waited in line and didn't get the vaccine. And when white people get more vaccine than blacks, there will be cries of racism and BLM/Anifa riots. So we are stuck with the current system.
The democrats are in control now and it is a disaster. Good news is the media is now supporting them with nothing but positivity. As long as the terrorists are vaccinated, the democrats are happy. Did you get your $1400 yet?
Funny. We are 2-3 weeks into the Democrat's "disaster". Much like you've seen me credit Bush for Obama's successful H1N1 response because it was 3 months in, the vaccine roll out is not a "Democrat failure" yet. If they are unable to deliver on the 2nd doses then you could be correct. We won't know.
Funny. We are 2-3 weeks into the Democrat's "disaster". Much like you've seen me credit Bush for Obama's successful H1N1 response because it was 3 months in, the vaccine roll out is not a "Democrat failure" yet. If they are unable to deliver on the 2nd doses then you could be correct. We won't know.
But, but, but Sleepy Joe had a plan, unlike Trump who was killing everyone!
Simply not so. Not saying they are right or wrong but it is not comparable to a sheep herd, everyone is not going to line up even those wanting to go back into the classroom.
I called about 25 teachers on Friday when we had some vaccine burning a hole in our pocket. The only “no’s” were from those who were recovering from covid and one person who was going to wait a bit. I’m mean it’s not 100% in rural ok but it’s higher than you’d think.
Can't even listen to SiriuXM without the dumb *** DJs spewing ********. One of them talking about some band touring again when it's "safe for everyone". Hey numb nuts, pro tip: Nothing is ever safe for everyone. Shut the F up and play the next song you freaking mental midget.

Sick of this **** goddamnit. Open everything up and get on with life. I don't care about the hospitals etc. Never cared before last year, never gave it a thought. Not my problem.

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