
You can go outside and smell the leftist wafting in the air. Hug a tree, etc etc.
Also, your ANTIFA clowns came down to Austin and were surprised about how quickly our police pulled them aside and locked them up. Even in the Socialist State of Austin, we're still in Texas and that bulls*** wasn't going to fly. Heard they had guns and pointed them at the officers who smiled and said "and that's threatening an officer" and put their surprised butts in jail.
Also, your ANTIFA clowns came down to Austin and were surprised about how quickly our police pulled them aside and locked them up. Even in the Socialist State of Austin, we're still in Texas and that bulls*** wasn't going to fly. Heard they had guns and pointed them at the officers who smiled and said "and that's threatening an officer" and put their surprised butts in jail.

LOL! Where do y'all come up with this stuff?
This isn’t like a Nick Saban sighting in Austin. Point is Texas doesn’t put up with the crap you and yours do. End story the thugs did NOT do well here.
This isn’t like a Nick Saban sighting in Austin. Point is Texas doesn’t put up with the crap you and yours do. End story the thugs did NOT do well here.

"You and yours"? You may not "put up with the crap" but you tell some WHOPPER stories. I bet the people you know would be fun to have a beer and a laugh over a fire pit given their storytelling prowess.
One of my friends is a DPS mounted patrol at the state capitol. I could tell you stories of the **** they did down there involving feces, urine, guns, group attacks on officers etc, but you wouldn't believe it.

I'm sure. Did they point guns at the officers who simply smiled back, took away the guns and hauled them to jail?
it's because the deuchecanoes get away with it in your neighborhood, not ours. I'm sure you're cowering in your home because your government told you to. We operate differently here and actually know people that defend us every day.
"You and yours"? You may not "put up with the crap" but you tell some WHOPPER stories. I bet the people you know would be fun to have a beer and a laugh over a fire pit given their storytelling prowess.
it can be true even if your police would back down. in Texas, not so much. More reality, they knew the idiots were coming, and they were ready for them when they arrived. I know you believe the government will save you, but that's a whopper of a story as well.
it can be true even if your police would back down. in Texas, not so much. More reality, they knew the idiots were coming, and they were ready for them when they arrived. I know you believe the government will save you, but that's a whopper of a story as well.

More than likely, it was a made up story. I tried to let you laugh it off but then you chose to whip out your schlong to claim yours is bigger. Carry on. I prefer the more intellectual pissing contests rather than the internet tough guy routine. You do you though.
More than likely, it was a made up story. I tried to let you laugh it off but then you chose to whip out your schlong to claim yours is bigger. Carry on. I prefer the more intellectual pissing contests rather than the internet tough guy routine. You do you though.
Maybe you're right. Jesus loves you, and I am trying. Happy Thanksgiving.
Late getting to this but yes I did do the hydroxy but not early enough for prevention before I caught it. What I attest is that taking it after I caught the blasted thing helped me save my lungs. Never went into them.
That’s an interesting study with some data suggesting the hydroxy group got more non lethal, non hospitalizing, adverse effects but as I read it, less of the serious effects including death. But I admit my reading research reports has deteriorated over the years.
Another note, that 50,000 IU’s of Vit D is what they give to cancer patients consider to malnourished for chemo to get them physically on a path of recovery. Surprised they would suggest that much to an otherwise healthy individual.
Late getting to this but yes I did do the hydroxy but not early enough for prevention before I caught it. What I attest is that taking it after I caught the blasted thing helped me save my lungs. Never went into them.
That’s an interesting study with some data suggesting the hydroxy group got more non lethal, non hospitalizing, adverse effects but as I read it, less of the serious effects including death. But I admit my reading research reports has deteriorated over the years.
Another note, that 50,000 IU’s of Vit D is what they give to cancer patients consider to malnourished for chemo to get them physically on a path of recovery. Surprised they would suggest that much to an otherwise healthy individual.
I’m smart enough to only read conclusion.

I took prednisone and z-pack. No symptoms until two days after the meds wore off and I felt very tired. The wife is still weak. I’m a specimen for my age.

that last sentence is a joke. I have no issues other than slight htn.
Wasting your time with that dude. He is the quintessential internet tough guy who then speaks of them in the third person. A poser. He isn't even tough on the internet. Lord knows what he's like in person.
Seattle is not an internet tough guy. Not sure where that came from.

States and cities with onerous lockdown orders and rules don't know how badly this crap hurts their credibility. Stories like this and Gavin Newsome's big dinner out kill their moral and political authority to lecture people about staying home and following their rules. They can argue "the science" all day long, but if they don't follow it themselves, I don't see how they can expect anyone to take them seriously.
With cases higher than ever, doesn’t the “science” tell us lockdown and mask policies are not working?

We've let lockdowns morph into something they can never be. They can keep hospitals from being overwhelmed in the very short term while healthcare professionals figure out the best courses of treatment. We've done that, and there's no reason to do it again. Far too little to gain for the cost.
We did Thanksgiving at Mrs Eyes family this year. Rural Tennessee. My MIL tried her best to keep everyone social distanced. But at the end of the day, we are family. We can’t help but hug and shake hands. We had 30 people there, but were outside. If I get Covid from it, so be it. Was a great day.
Now they will take you down and then take you away for making BBQ -- this was the only guy in Trudeau's Canada who knew how to do it, and now he's been "disappeared"

Glad they did not come by my place yesterday


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