
The guidelines are out folks. Keep those music levels down.

Singing and shouting? Forget about it.

It's like they copied and pasted the Horn Fans guidelines. Except for the avoid singing and shouting, keep music levels down, and limit alcohol parts. Otherwise, I think you may have a case against them.
How is it constitutional for any politician to shut down private property? This is such an obvious violation of natural rights, I just can't understand how we sit by and let this happen.
can you imagine if a GOP Gov shut down grocery stores for 2 weeks in an area of low income familes??
Would Michelle be screaming about heartless Repubs denying food to needy people?
Two months ago, Scientific American praised New Mexico for following the science and controlling "the spread of Covid-19” with “widespread testing and science-based targets”

Today, the COVID Tracking Project says “New Mexico’s situation is dire”

This Govt just taking over things like this makes me think of Atmos Energy filing eminent domain suit on me in Tenn. We the people are always screwed when the powers want control.
They gave my son hydrox, Zithromycin. They wanted him to take 50,000 IU of Vitamin D all at once. I pushed back and told the Dr., too hard on the kidneys. I was told it’s all just a recommendation and do what you want. My son is fine, just lost his taste for 3 weeks.
There are so many mistakes being made in the management of Covid including care for the sick. The biggest mistake has been thinking there is only one way to treat sick patients. From thinking everyone needed a ventilator (actually harmed some patients) to thinking one drug is better than another through a biased study, it’s been tragic.

Trump expediting the vaccine process could be the greatest move ever or potentially the worst. At least we can be assured he will be criticized anyway in the name of “unity.”
Great if you like homeless tents everywhere with trash destruction needles and feces,
businesses shutting doors or relocating,
rampant increase in crime averaging 40 a day ( both property and person crime)
while slashing the police budget,
like seeing good people leave the police force in record numbers.
Yea great.:rolleyes1:
At least you have that summer of love peaceful block party thing to look forward to.
Great if you like homeless tents everywhere with trash destruction needles and feces,
businesses shutting doors or relocating,
rampant increase in crime averaging 40 a day ( both property and person crime)
while slashing the police budget,
like seeing good people leave the police force in record numbers.
Yea great.:rolleyes1:
At least you have that summer of love peaceful block party thing to look forward to.

I'm guessing you don't want to live here which makes me sad. I do hope you enjoy the effects of the tremendous GDP from our rockin' corporate environment.
I just rehired a former employee who moved there two years ago. She is basically abandoning her condo in downtown Seattle as it has lost so much value since she purchased it. She literally told a story of walking outside her building to see a man taking a dump on the sidewalk while another homeless guy just sat beside him smoking a cigarette. Sounds lovely.
I just rehired a former employee who moved there two years ago. She is basically abandoning her condo in downtown Seattle as it has lost so much value since she purchased it. She literally told a story of walking outside her building to see a man taking a dump on the sidewalk while another homeless guy just sat beside him smoking a cigarette. Sounds lovely.

We were told it is just a pleasant festival going on. Your first hand account holds no credibility around here.
I just rehired a former employee who moved there two years ago. She is basically abandoning her condo in downtown Seattle as it has lost so much value since she purchased it. She literally told a story of walking outside her building to see a man taking a dump on the sidewalk while another homeless guy just sat beside him smoking a cigarette. Sounds lovely.

Seattle is not a cheap place to live. The HUGE economic growth of Tech sector companies (Amazon, Microsoft) and other companies (T-Mobile, Starbucks, etc) have come at a cost of affordable housing (especially to people new in the market) and an unfortunate homeless problem.

For those that bought into the market a while back, it's very profitable. I was able to sell a condo (1BR, 770ft) 2yrs ago not too far from the infamous CHAZ area that after taxes will pay for my 3 sons to each attend an in-state public school with zero debt for them or my wife and I. I'll eventually sell my primary residence to retire and it's worth 3X what I paid for it in 2006. That will allow me to buy a very nice home in a more affordable city, likely for cash. I'm fortunate.

Seattle Times Housing prices.jpg

The "**** on sidewalks" is a conservative meme. Yeah, it's funny but all the years I worked downtown Seattle, walking 6-7 blocks to and from bus stops I've never seen it. There is a rash of tents, even on sidewalks for business boarded up. There are tents along the freeways. Many of them are abandoned. My own theory is that it's now so easy to get a tent, fresh clothes, and sleeping bag from local charities, churches and municipalities that these things hold no value to the homeless person. They simply move on and leave the refuse knowing they can walk down to the local mission and get a new supply at any moment.

Drugs are a problem but they are no more a problem in Seattle than West Virginia. What is a problem is that our economic growth has left many behind. Sadly, that occurs in any fast growth city. Does Austin have more homeless than Dallas? Seattle started a pilot program that cities like Las Vegas have been using for years. Las Vegas will give any person a 1-way ticket out (typically to LA). Seattle put aside $100k to give a 1-way bus ticket to a family member anywhere in the country. That's a start because in the end we've all lost a sense of taking care of each other. Government, charity and churches have their limitations.

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