
Promising. Anything to curb the spread. It seems like we are right back to where we started in the Spring with "Curb the spread" being a mantra to stem hospitalization overflow. On Sunday my late-60's Prostate Cancer surviving father had significant blood in his urine. He walked into an emergency room of a local DFW hospital who lacked any room to admit him to the hospital. He slept overnight in the emergency room while they ran tests then sent him home Monday morning. After being home for 4hrs they called and said a bed opened up. Hospitals are being overstretched again, likely due to Covid.
GMAB. There will be no hospitalization overflow. Ridiculous. @theiioftx, how are your hospitals looking?

My neighbor is a cardiologist. Thinks this is all political BS. Not sure how he leans. Nut, he sees this as BS, and until 40% of people are exposed, we won't get herd immunity. All this curb the spread, stop the virus whatever nonsense is just that.

McCormick Place in Chicago still has about 2980 beds ready to be used.
GMAB. There will be no hospitalization overflow. Ridiculous. @theiioftx, how are your hospitals looking?

My neighbor is a cardiologist. Thinks this is all political BS. Not sure how he leans. Nut, he sees this as BS, and until 40% of people are exposed, we won't get herd immunity. All this curb the spread, stop the virus whatever nonsense is just that.

McCormick Place in Chicago still has about 2980 beds ready to be used.
Patients are sitting for 20+ hours in ER's waiting for ICU beds in Oklahoma. It's going to get worse before it gets better. The 3 week lag of exposure to death will be interesting about 12/18ish.
Patients are sitting for 20+ hours in ER's waiting for ICU beds in Oklahoma. It's going to get worse before it gets better. The 3 week lag of exposure to death will be interesting about 12/18ish.

If stupid people would go to their doctor instead of the ER to be treated that would help immensely. Everybody thinks they need to go to the ER these days because everything is an emergency. Leave it for those who are really sick.
If stupid people would go to their doctor instead of the ER to be treated that would help immensely. Everybody thinks they need to go to the ER these days because everything is an emergency. Leave it for those who are really sick.
Not to mention, most years the majority of people who get the sniffles to a headache and cough don't run to the doctor, period. But those who still want to believe the fear mongering hasn't created this are kidding themselves. Seriously, the media runs case and death tickers while crying about the hospital beds. Absurd.
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Promising. Anything to curb the spread. It seems like we are right back to where we started in the Spring with "Curb the spread" being a mantra to stem hospitalization overflow. On Sunday my late-60's Prostate Cancer surviving father had significant blood in his urine. He walked into an emergency room of a local DFW hospital who lacked any room to admit him to the hospital. He slept overnight in the emergency room while they ran tests then sent him home Monday morning. After being home for 4hrs they called and said a bed opened up. Hospitals are being overstretched again, likely due to Covid.

I sincerely hope your father is ok. I remember going to MD Anderson back in the mid-90's when my Father was diagnosed with prostate cancer. It was the first time I'd confronted death like that. He had William Buckley's book, Nearer My God, by his hotel room night stand. It hit me hard because my Dad was not a Christian yet there he was confronting his life and his maker. He had the surgery and survived for twenty more years ultimately succumbing to complications arising from Alzheimers.

I hope the hospitals are not full of people over-reacting to COVID. If they are legitimately in an emergency situation, then what can we do?

And for the record, I've been a model citizen; wearing my mask everywhere I go and pretty much staying home most of the time anyway. I've been tested recently and it was negative.
I wonder what the wait time is generally to go from the er to a room.
I took a neighbor to ER 5 years ago. We waited 8 hours to get to a room. It was such an ordeal .
I have had several conversations since then with people who had similar experiences. The shortest wait time was 4 hours.
This is anecdotal but I do know waiting for hours for a bed is not unsual.

I hope your Dad is ok and did not need the bed.
Biden is dangerous
“I don’t want to scare anybody here but understand the facts: we’re likely to lose another 250,000 people — DEAD — between now and January,” said Biden.
Biden is dangerous
“I don’t want to scare anybody here but understand the facts: we’re likely to lose another 250,000 people — DEAD — between now and January,” said Biden.

There is no room for hyperbole. Trump claiming only 60k would die last Spring was even worse, IMHO.
As much as people want to lockdown to try and stop Covid, they need to realize it acts just like all the past viruses. Great twitter thread on how Covid is following the Hope-Simpson Flu patterns (even with lockdowns, etc..). US falls in N. Temperate and N. Tropical of the Hope-Simpon Flu patterns.

GMAB. There will be no hospitalization overflow. Ridiculous. @theiioftx, how are your hospitals looking?

My neighbor is a cardiologist. Thinks this is all political BS. Not sure how he leans. Nut, he sees this as BS, and until 40% of people are exposed, we won't get herd immunity. All this curb the spread, stop the virus whatever nonsense is just that.

McCormick Place in Chicago still has about 2980 beds ready to be used.
Busy but responsible. Now selectively scheduling elective surgical cases, limiting surgeries that require an inpatient stay and not admitting cases that are not likely to be deadly. Like any business, managing better than government mandates.

Our ASC’s are thriving. Most are commercial pay so those facilities are doing well.
There is no room for hyperbole. Trump claiming only 60k would die last Spring was even worse, IMHO.
It is deadly to compromised people. We didn’t protect them, but that’s not Trump’s fault.

I have a 60 year old brother who has it. He is not the healthiest person around. He will survive it at home. Flame away, but it’s a bad cold for 99% of those who catch it and have symptoms. A significant number of people had it and don’t know it.
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It was Fauci who put out that 60k number
Husker is wrong

Trump also said it albeit a day after Fauci so I'll back off my criticism although the former had continuously tried to downplay the impacts.

“The minimum number was 100,000 lives and I think we’ll be substantially under that number,” Trump said during a White House press conference. “Hard to believe that if you had 60,000, you can never be happy, but that’s a lot fewer than we were originally told and thinking.”
If I am “the former” I am still behind it. Covid is a bad virus to compromised people. So is the flu. This is the most mismanaged event in history.
Now the Mayor of LA says, "it’s time to cancel everything."

And he may have said this from the ski slopes at Aspen
Or perhaps while unnecessarily walking around the Louvre

LAers know how to riot. They should start one at the mayor's place. Austin should too.

They have one-party rule in Los Angeles and in California broadly. These hypocrites will get a little heat in the short term, but nobody will give a crap when it matters. They'll easily win reelection.
That is why they should riot. The next Democrat might be too scared to be such a tyrant. That's true democracy right there, when the people say "no. we aren't doing that and we will not allow you to harm us."
Why do airlines keep telling me about how clean their planes are, then hand me a wipe when I get on like I just ate wings?

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