No. Many tests are giving FALSE positives! Most of us are not Dr's. BUt the point is, don't let a Dr. with Political or Financial motivations mis inform you. Get multiple opinions, research testing. I know most of what Fauci is saying is wrong wrong wrong wrong! Someday, the truth will come out. Probably years from now or many months. Boosting immune systems of the younger less compromised populations in the US would have solved Coronavirus like it did H1N1. DNC and Media wont let that happen in an election year!
2020 is having less death from Flu, Pnuemonia than 2019 did. Rand Paul is a Dr. and he called out Fauci on the house floor! I will stand with Rand. He is right and not Fauci. Fauci has CAUSED more death, not prevented it! We have already established how death rates are about death WITH Covid 19 not FROM Covid 19. How many of these deaths were NOT Covid 19 causation?
The truth WILL come out. Don't back down, we need to be strong.