Cool guys/gals who 'back up' into parking spots

For me it's two thing, I can actually park better when I back in and It's easier to pull out when leaving. If there are people behind me though, I won't back in.

My uncle once told me that when he went to visit females that he always backed in to make a quick escape just in case..It worked for me once and I'm a backer upper now.
Y'all don't want to see how quickly the valet backs your car into a space. Hell, I don't want to watch it either and I used to do it.

On a side note, it was fun to prank new valets with a Saab. Don't know if the new breed of inferior Saab does this still or not but they used to have the ignition on the floor, between the two front seats. It was not on the steering column. Also, you had to have it in reverse or the key would not come out.

We would send off a new valet to park a Saab if it was not too busy. A few minutes later a confused, frustrated and embarrassed newb would say he thought he broke the car or did something wrong. One of us would go and get the key and act like he was stupid.

We would then later stage cars to the front and would send him after, you guessed it, the Saab. A few minutes later when one of us would be getting a different car he would flag you down in a panic. Good times.
I would never do it because I won't mess with anybody's car. I think that is chickenshit. I would disembowel somebody before I would mess with their car. That said, however, when somebody parks their "nice" or perceived nice car that way I hope somebody messes with it.
Sometimes I back into a spot. Sometimes I pull forward into a spot. Sometimes I pull through one spot into the next one so it appears that I backed into the spot, but in reality I never once had to put my car into reverse. Sometimes my wife drives and I just sit back and relax. Ultimately, I don't care what other people do.
I just watched the original "The Fast & The Furious" last night and ALL of those guys backed into their spaces.
two cars backed in this morning in the parking lot. both two inches from the line. good thing the cars next to them were econo cars. a truck or suv would not be able to fit in their spots. d bags
Having once driven a company car we had to take a company driving course. We were to back in whenever possible....The reasons why, it is safer to back in when nothing is moving behind you. If you have stationary cars it is safer to back in. When you are backing out into possible moving traffic it is difficult to see traffic. The number of accidents of backing into traffic is some astronomical number compared to pulling forward out of a parking spot. The jest was that it is safer to back in to a static spot than to back out of the spot into unpredictable traffic.

An insurance agent or actuarist could probably give a better explanation than myself. Hence I back in whenever possible and actually try to find a place to pull through so that I don't have to reverse at all.

Diagonal lanes, you are on your own, I don't see how backing in or pulling through helps.
I think backing into a parking space is douchey as well....but that's probably because i'm not very good at it.
I am late to this game but everyone in HK backs in because the parking lots are so small. I mean small small small. Coming down the ramp you may have 5 incehs tolerance on either side.

Going down the spiral it's customary to hug your car as close to the wall as possible and lookout your drivers side mirror and attempt to keep your car about 5 inches formt he wall. Do not look up or you will be scared out of your wits.

I was riding in my GF's aston when we went into my parking garage for the first time and about had a heart attack it's that tight.

People always back in because they fill up so tight it can be very problematic to get out if you have to back out (for front wheel drive cars)

carry on
doesn't really bother me that much, but I can see if you are delayed by an incremental minute or 2 when a "backer" is adjusting his vehicle why you would be aggravated. This has only happened to me maybe 1 or 2 times so it's a non-issue.

I do like the display of fancy cars done by valets at fancy places. It's a nice mini-car show as you walk to your own car.
i back my truck in spaces if the lot is small and cramped. it is easier to maneuver.

what i don't understand is why do you think people think they look cool for doing this? thats the last thing on my mind.

it makes sense for a car to just pull on in, but it's not so easy with a full size truck. if you don't have enough room to turn into the spot you're gonna be backing up anyways just to straighten up and stay within your lines.

i'd rather you think i was a dbag trying to be 'cool' than be an ******* and park right up on the line or over it.

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