Comey Testimony

John Dean claims there is no "privileged" status that protects conversations a POTUS has which means there was nothing protecting the memos from being shared unless there was "confidential" information contained in them. Essentially, anyone can walk in to speak with the POTUS and then share that conversation with the media, absent confidential information.

This counters Trump's lawyer asserting that the exposure of the memos should be investigated since they were "privileged conversations" as if Comey was Trump's doctor or lawyer. Of course, Trump also talked directly to Lester Holt about the conversations.
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Trump may not have been part of the Russia meddling investigation but appears to be part of the investigation now. During Watergate Nixon wasn't in trouble until the cover-up ensued.

Actually, Comey said he did not think Trump engaged in obstruction of justice. If Trump had done so, Comey said it was his duty to report it, and he reported nothing.
Fortunately, it's not my job to worry about. We have a special counsel with impeccable credentials to investigate it. I'll trust Mueller's work outcome.
As Comey said, Trump has the authority to fire him, order a FBI investigation, or stop an FBI investigation. He could never be prosecuted for obstruction of justice for doing so, no matter how many ridiculous lies goofy libs want to tell.
As Comey said, Trump has the authority to fire him, order a FBI investigation, or stop an FBI investigation. He could never be prosecuted for obstruction of justice for doing so, no matter how many ridiculous lies goofy libs want to tell.
You should totally let President Nixon know!
As Comey said, Trump has the authority to fire him, order a FBI investigation, or stop an FBI investigation. He could never be prosecuted for obstruction of justice for doing so, no matter how many ridiculous lies goofy libs want to tell.

He does have the right to fire him. That's doesn't mean there wasn't an attempt to obstruct justice.

It's time for Trump to give up the tapes. Oh, they don't exist? Then I think we can agree that Trump is a liar.
So Trump is a liar. Ok. Is that the new standard for judging politicians? Because Hillary was a liar. Big time. 60 million people didn't seem to mind.
So Trump is a liar. Ok. Is that the new standard for judging politicians? Because Hillary was a liar. Big time. 60 million people didn't seem to mind.
It speaks to whether Trump has any credibility on this matter in a "he said - he said" situation. Comey is inherently more believable.
You and your little buddy are going to have to decide if Trump is Hitler, Nixon, or Herbert Hoover. Maybe a combination?

Regardless, he continues to destroy the liberal agenda, so keep up the whining and crying.
You and your little buddy are going to have to decide if Trump is Hitler, Nixon, or Herbert Hoover. Maybe a combination?

Regardless, he continues to destroy the liberal agenda, so keep up the whining and crying.

Cute. Not sure what that has to do with the conversation on this thread but I hope it made you feel better.
So Trump is a liar. Ok. Is that the new standard for judging politicians? Because Hillary was a liar. Big time. 60 million people didn't seem to mind.

DT claims Comey is lying. Comey claims DT is lying. The only evidence is one side's documented perception of what he claims was said, which no one has seen.

That's why this 'he said, she said" dog and pony show was doomed to be nothing but inconsequential theatrics from the start.

Fake claims of DT colluding with Russia are toast. Comey is a self-confirmed leaker.

No chance obstruction can be proven off an 'I hope ___' statement and firing an FBI Director with highly unorthodox and suspect past behavior no matter how loud Dems scream in phony outrage.

Comey fed both sides extra helpings of self-righteous sh*t sandwiches and every American should be happy as he slumps off into the sunset and is no longer in charge of safeguarding our country.
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Comey fed both sides extra helpings of self-righteous sh*t sandwiches and every American should be happy as he slumps off into the sunset and is no longer in charge of safeguarding our country.

Like I said earlier, I am not pro trump and I was not pro hillary. I wrote in a candidate and feel like I am on the outside looking in, unrepresented in the ongoing partisan trump/anti-trump nonsense. When I look at Comey, I see someone Brad just described. He did the whole reopening hillary's investigation fisaco right before the election. Now he is in a Trump fisaco. He just seems like someone that is stirring up partisan chaos to me and he has not done any good for America in any way both times he has dipped into politics with Hillary and Trump.

I understand both sides takes and agree and disagree with parts of both which I why I liked posts on both sides on the first page, but ultimately I think this Comey fellow kind of sucks.
I'd say this has all been a waste of time except we do now that Loretta Lynch tried to get rid of Hillary's email case. Was that also obstruction of justice, I wonder? Do you think she just said "I really hope you can find a way to let this go?" I'm quite curious about that now.
The only one that is a proven liar is the one who is not producing the taped conversations that he said he had.
Cute. Not sure what that has to do with the conversation on this thread but I hope it made you feel better.
I will explain it to you; Libs try and compare Republicans to nefarious characters as part of their M.O. You compared Trump to Hoover. Bubba compares him to Nixon. Get it now?

Bubba's problem is that Nixon was involved with burglary and wiretapping, which is illegal (yes, even for Obama), but Trump is accused of obstructing justice because he told Comey to back away from Flynn, which is legal for him to do.

The investigation continues, but if you think the DOJ under Trump is after Trump, you are blind to reality. They want to investigate Russians, and probably a Hawaiian, and maybe even a hillbilly from Arkansas.
I'd say this has all been a waste of time except we do now that Loretta Lynch tried to get rid of Hillary's email case. Was that also obstruction of justice, I wonder? Do you think she just said "I really hope you can find a way to let this go?" I'm quite curious about that now.

Of course. The hypocrisy of claiming "this is a waste of time" while claiming curiosity in the Lynch situation is too much to not point out.

Loretta Lynch interfering in how Comey was to talk about the HRC investigation is all the more reason she should have recused herself.
The only one that is a proven liar is the one who is not producing the taped conversations that he said he had.
No Bubba, you are a proven liar. You admitted so when you said you were playing the devil's advocate. How about this: Trump will provide the magic tapes (and what could they possibly say that Comey hasn't?) when Hillary and the IRS turn over all of their emails? Maybe Trump could pull a Nixon and just wipe the tapes like the IRS and Hillary wiped their servers, and we call it a day.
It's not curious that you'd think this was a waste of time while being curious about Lynch.
That may be because Comey stated that the MSM has produced fake news repeatedly concerning this matter, but the libs keep acting like there are facts behind the big "collusion conspiracy", or because Sessions actually did the right thing by recusing himself and Lynch didn't, or because there is not a single shred of evidence produced over the past year showing any collusion as stated by many Democrats and numerous government officials, or because special counsel was appointed in the current scenario and not in the Hillary server crime.
The hypocrisy of claiming "this is a waste of time" while claiming curiosity in the Lynch situation is too much to not point out.

I never said I wasn't curious about Comey. You're just in too big a hurry to twist things to fit your argument. Haven't you ever been a little curious about something that turned out to be a waste of time? You're clearly much more perceptive than I am, in that case. I was certainly only mildly curious because I knew what the left was hyperventilating about and the vast majority of it was ridiculous. The parts that weren't ridiculous weren't likely to come out in testimony. And I knew exactly how the reactions would go. But still, I was mildly curious.

However, in the Lynch case, I DON'T know exactly what's going to happen. Well... I mean I know you guys will deny, deflect and ultimately call people hypocrites who make a stink about it - you and Bubba have hit the trifecta there, so congratulations. But what I didn't know was whether the media would eventually be forced to take up the story, and if so, how long would it take. They tried desperately to ignore the Clinton email scandal until it just got too big to ignore.

You're just in too big a hurry to twist things to fit your argument. Haven't you ever been a little curious about something that turned out to be a waste of time? You're clearly much more perceptive than I am, in that case.

And yet she didn't. In fact, she met privately with the husband of the woman who was under investigation - something which at the time we were assured was completely meaningless. Is it still meaningless? I guess the takeaway from that is just that hey, stuff happens, and people sometimes make bad judgments, and in retrospect, she should have recused herself. Now let's get back to talking about how Trump coerced Comey and obstructed justice by saying he sure hopes Comey will let it go.
Any of you guys want to argue with Dershowitz?

He brings up a good point. How can the president be accused of obstruction when he could just pardon the person regardless (and kill the investigation right then and there).

He's fundamentally wrong because his entire argument is based on a false premise. The assumption he's operating under is that the POTUS gets to define "obstruction of justice" because he controls the justice system. Is some twisted logic, the POTUS is immune from any "obstruction of justice" charge.

Yet one fact discredits his entire premise. Article 1 of Nixon's impeachment was titled "Obstruction of Justice". Clearly Congress in the 70's had the ability to charge the sitting POTUS with this charge. Did the Constitution change since then?

Now, I don't think a Republican controlled Senate will ever move to impeach Trump but Dershowitz' argument runs directly counter to historical precedent.
He's fundamentally wrong because his entire argument is based on a false premise. The assumption he's operating under is that the POTUS gets to define "obstruction of justice" because he controls the justice system. Is some twisted logic, the POTUS is immune from any "obstruction of justice" charge.

Yet one fact discredits his entire premise. Article 1 of Nixon's impeachment was titled "Obstruction of Justice". Clearly Congress in the 70's had the ability to charge the sitting POTUS with this charge. Did the Constitution change since then?

Now, I don't think a Republican controlled Senate will ever move to impeach Trump but Dershowitz' argument runs directly counter to historical precedent.
Maybe my logic is wrong, but since the president can't pardon himself, he also cannot obstruct an investigation of himself. It's a direct conflict of interest. On the other hand, you apparently put no stock in the fact that the president was NOT being investigated, and as a result he could instruct Comey to end any investigation without it being a conflict of interest.
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Let my guess your reply: the Flynn investigation could blow back against Trump. This is where you would be wrong: both Trump and Comey knew that was not possible given the info that had already been accumulated.
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No Bubba, you are a proven liar. You admitted so when you said you were playing the devil's advocate. How about this: Trump will provide the magic tapes (and what could they possibly say that Comey hasn't?) when Hillary and the IRS turn over all of their emails? Maybe Trump could pull a Nixon and just wipe the tapes like the IRS and Hillary wiped their servers, and we call it a day.

That may be because Comey stated that the MSM has produced fake news repeatedly concerning this matter, but the libs keep acting like there are facts behind the big "collusion conspiracy", or because Sessions actually did the right thing by recusing himself and Lynch didn't, or because there is not a single shred of evidence produced over the past year showing any collusion as stated by many Democrats and numerous government officials, or because special counsel was appointed in the current scenario and not in the Hillary server crime.
He said/he said. Let's think about this. Trump has said the conversation was recorded. Comey was under oath. He would be a fool to comit a felony and perjur himself in front of the senate in the event that the recording statement by trump was actually true. This is a true clown show.
He said/he said. Let's think about this. Trump has said the conversation was recorded. Comey was under oath. He would be a fool to comit a felony and perjur himself in front of the senate in the event that the recording statement by trump was actually true. This is a true clown show.
If you are trying to make the point that Trump is lying, don't waste your breath. All politicians lie. It is just a matter of degree. Regardless, the point is irrelevant. In fact, the whole Russian investigation is irrelevant. Russians have been trying to influence us and other countries for years, and vice versa. What is the point? Hillary lost and the Dems have no power, so the only game in town is to slander the Trump administration in hopes of reversing the current political trend. Big deal. Have fun. Unfortunately for you, it is the actual policies of the Democrats that resulted in them being rendered currently irrelevant. It was not the Republicans bitching about Obama as some of them seem to believe and mimic.
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