Legal obstruction has a much higher bar that requires something like bribery, black mail, etc.
There's no way in hell DT gets impeached for obstruction without severely damning, concrete evidence. The same way HRC skated by on mountains of provable evidence.
She was protected by POTUS, DOJ and FBI, but the same latitudes will apply to DT in Congress and the evidence against him will never come anywhere near HRC's level.
Without an irrefutable smoking gun it won't happen no matter how high the deck is stacked against him with the MSM, Dems, special counsel, etc.
The most Mueller can do is conclude obstruction took place and present the evidence to the House for impeachment consideration.
It then requires a simple majority in the Republican dominated house (239-194) to impeach (charge with obstruction).
With 433 seats occupied (2 vacant) they'd need 217 votes for a majority...23 Reps would have to flip assuming all Dems stick together.
Nearly all considering the flip would be scared to death of making the guaranteed list of Reps who stabbed DT in the back blasted on every Conservative news site.
Good luck getting that outcome when all those guys face 2018 elections and know damn well half their base will desert them unless the evidence was beyond reproach.
IMHO, it'll be harder to pass the actual impeachment than convict in Senate. There's much more to answer for at the polls at stake and this directly effects their own base.
If impeachment passed it would take a 2/3 majority (67 votes) in the Rep controlled Senate (52-46-2) to convict and remove from office.
With 100 Senators, Dems would need to flip 19 Reps to get there. Or better yet, DT would only need to lock down 34 allies.
As I said, no way in hell he gets convicted of obstruction without rock solid evidence of smoking gun stature. He said/she said and implied meanings won't make a dent.
The whole thing is just the next lame Lib pipe dream once collusion blew up in their face. I'm sure they'll be another hysterical overthrow scheme once obstruction is ruled out.
Gonna be funny come 2018 elections when the public realizes the Dems spent the last two years stirring up false claims to obstruct and take down DT.
All the while offering zero new improvements that help the American people to their already dying platform. Plus the added dimension of constant hysteria and violence.