Comey Testimony

You forgot "fake news!" Comey' memo says they had two in person conversations. 1 about some law enforcement stuff and again when obama was wishing him well on his way out. I'd not count the last one. In three years. Given trumps pace he would have spoke to comey 100ish times in the same period. They key is that his administration was under investigation and he was pestering the FBI about it.
Phone calls don't count? I read something like 9 calls.
You forgot "fake news!" Comey' memo says they had two in person conversations. 1 about some law enforcement stuff and again when obama was wishing him well on his way out. I'd not count the last one. In three years. Given trumps pace he would have spoke to comey 100ish times in the same period. They key is that his administration was under investigation and he was pestering the FBI about it.
No, Flynn was being investigated after he had been let go when the conversation took place. Does not rise to legal obstruction.
You forgot "fake news!" Comey' memo says they had two in person conversations. 1 about some law enforcement stuff and again when obama was wishing him well on his way out. I'd not count the last one. In three years. Given trumps pace he would have spoke to comey 100ish times in the same period. They key is that his administration was under investigation and he was pestering the FBI about it.
Trump speaking about Flynn, not the Russian collusion counter intelligence investigation. Wrong again, Sooner boy!
Trump speaking about Flynn, not the Russian collusion counter intelligence investigation. Wrong again, Sooner boy!
They're all part and parcel. It's like me trying to argue that I'm a Texan when I live in Wichita Falls, am an OU graduate and have season tickets. That's an "okie" fact set.
They're all part and parcel. It's like me trying to argue that I'm a Texan when I live in Wichita Falls, am an OU graduate and have season tickets. That's an "okie" fact set.
You wishing it so doesn't make it so. Comey is not claiming what you said.
Comey's Pre-testimony indicates no phone calls and only those two conversations. Chain of command.
There are sources other than his written testimony. I didn't see where you noted that you were specifically referring to his pre-testimony.
You wishing it so doesn't make it so. Comey is not claiming what you said.

I felt compelled to document my first conversation with the President-Elect in a memo. To ensure accuracy, I began to type it on a laptop in an FBI vehicle outside Trump Tower the moment I walked out of the meeting. Creating written records immediately after one-on-one conversations with Mr. Trump was my practice from that point forward. This had not been my practice in the past. I spoke alone with President Obama twice in person (and never on the phone) -- once in 2015 to discuss law enforcement policy issues and a second time, briefly, for him to say goodbye in late 2016. In neither of those circumstances did I memorialize the discussions. I can recall nine one-on-one conversations with President Trump in four months -- three in person and six on the phone.
Time to get some new material Compadre. It wasn't even funny the first time.

It's not a joke. Seriously, pathos...logos.

Uh Oh! SH didn't learn a damn thing about polling from the last several elections. It's hilarious that you still try using polling as a fact of what the American People really think. Polling and MSM lost all credibility and no one even pays attention to them anymore.

The polls showed a very close race in the end. Comey's letter created a significant swing in the polls. Trump won by a 70k vote difference among 3 critical states. That's a razor thin margin but he leveraged it to win going away in the electoral college. For the midterms and reelection he'll have a record of achievement (or not) to run on and a history of idiotic statements.
And it went downhill from there. Do we have Senate testimony every time someone gets fired in DC? Drama queen.

Marco Rubio made some good points. The rest of your post is weak sauce. Comey was the FBI Director. Per our POTUS he was fired over the Russia investigation in which Trump's campaign is near the center if not at the center. This isn't important? You're lying to yourself if you believe that.
Wait, so Comey admits to leaking things?

He is not coming off as a snowden whether you think snowden is a hero or a traitor. He is coming off to me as a shady character that should never have been in charge of the FBI regardless of whether the president was Obama, Trump or anyone else.

I am just reading snippets, but it sounds to me like his focus has been being involved in all the political BS of both parties and not so much law and order or the good of the country. Thoughts from anyone watching?
What we learned in the morning session:
-McCain is almost senile. An American hero, but time to go.
-Comey doesn't trust Trump. Of course, Trump fired him and called him a nut job.
-Trump was never under investigation, and Comey told Trump so three different times.
-Trump told Comey he "hoped" that Comey would "let the Flynn investigation go", which Comey took, presumably, as directing him to stop investigating Flynn. This despite the fact that Trump has the ability to start or stop any FBI investigation upon his order. Comey subsequently did nothing more than make meeting notes. Comey talked by phone to Trump about the matter one time after the initial private meeting between the two, and afterward no one from the administration ever followed-up on the Flynn matter with Comey. Comey stated he had never heard of anyone being charged with a crime for "hoping something" would happen. Comey would have reported Trump if he felt Trump was engaged in obstruction of justice, but he made no such report. Comey said he would be honest with Trump, and Trump said that's all he wants, "honest loyalty".
-The New York Times lies per Comey. Fake news. In fact, their Feb. 14th article stating Trump Campaign members had repeated contacts with Russian Intelligence officials was "entirely wrong".
-There have been "many, many stories" about the Russia investigation produced by the media that are "dead wrong". Fake news.
-Comey personally told Trump that the "dossier" on Trump funded by Democrats was being distributed the following day, and was false information (sorry OUBubba, no peeing pictures for you and your Okie family to oogle).
-The leakers have no idea what was said in most meetings, so they are a great source for fake news produced by the liberal MSM.
-Trump told Comey to keep investigating the Russians and would like to know if any of his "satellite people" were involved with Russia during the election.
-After receiving classified briefings, Dianne Feinstein stated twice (in May 2016) that there was no collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia.
-Per Comey, "nothing has impeded" the FBI in the Russian investigation.
-Comey felt like the DOJ and Hillary Clinton had a conflict of interest during the election.
-Comey stated that Trump firing him makes no sense if Trump wanted to somehow stop the Flynn investigation.
-Flynn is being investigated for making false statements to the FBI.
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Wait, so Comey admits to leaking things?

He is not coming off as a snowden whether you think snowden is a hero or a traitor. He is coming off to me as a shady character that should never have been in charge of the FBI regardless of whether the president was Obama, Trump or anyone else.

I am just reading snippets, but it sounds to me like his focus has been being involved in all the political BS of both parties and not so much law and order or the good of the country. Thoughts from anyone watching?

Yes, he did say he deliberately had a friend share the content of the memos (an d the memos themselves?) to the NYT to spur pressure for a Special Counsel. Rightly or wrongly, he's pretty politically savvy. Are the memos themselves confidential?

The Loretta Lynch bomb was also big but won't get a lot of play.

Comey was concerned that Trump would lie (thus the memos) and directly said he's a liar and defamed him and the FBI

Overall, I thought the Senators appropriately in their questioning directly in contrast to the Trey Gowdy and Elijah Cummings styles.
Here is the transcript about Comey leaking the memos:

  • COLLINS: Did you show copies of your memos to anyone outside of the department of justice?
  • COMEY: Yes.
  • COLLINS: And to whom did you show copies?
  • COMEY: The president tweeted on Friday, after I got fired, that I better hope there's not tapes. I woke up in the middle of the night on Monday night, because it didn't dawn on me originally, that there might be corroboration for our conversation, there might be a tape. And my judgment was I needed to get that out into the public square. So I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter. I didn't do it myself for a variety of reasons, but I asked him to because i thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel, so I asked a close friend of mine to do it.
Marco Rubio made some good points. The rest of your post is weak sauce. Comey was the FBI Director. Per our POTUS he was fired over the Russia investigation in which Trump's campaign is near the center if not at the center. This isn't important? You're lying to yourself if you believe that.

Given how bad Comey is at his job, he deserved being fired.
I think he's got more integrity than most. I have faith in Mueller and Rosenstien. I have no faith in Sessions.

It's funny how I thought Comey decimated Trump's integrity. Say what you will but Trump's integrity is down there with the Lane Kinnin's of the world.
Given how bad Comey is at his job, he deserved being fired.

I can think of a more important position in which someone is repeatedly demonstrating how poor they are at their job that deserve be fired. Comey's job performance was much better than many in politically appointed/elected positions now and in previous administrations.
Trump may not have been part of the Russia meddling investigation but appears to be part of the investigation now. During Watergate Nixon wasn't in trouble until the cover-up ensued.

Trump may not have been part of the Russia meddling investigation but appears to be part of the investigation now. During Watergate Nixon wasn't in trouble until the cover-up ensued.

Nixon wasn't really in trouble even with the obstruction until the continued cloud became untenable to the Republicans. We're at a place now where they're trying to shove all of the horrible legislation through while they have a chance. Trump is like the Bandit, Ryan is the Snowman and McConnell is Fred with the Coors loaded up in the back of the truck. I guess Comey is Sheriff Branford - you seemed much taller on the telephone...
Previously I complimented the Senators' behavior in today's hearing. I should have stopped short of complimenting John McCain. I'm a big fan of his but today wasn't a good day for him. He's getting lambasted in multiple forums but twitter, as usual, is having a hey day at McCain's expense.


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