After watching this shitshow today I am convinced Mueller not only didn't write the report, he was only a figurehead for the committee that actually did.
It came out today that Wiessmann did all the hiring. So if you were wondering how this operation got staffed with only rabid dog partisan Dems, there you go. Mueller was just cover, window-dressing. He was a name, to give them cover. if anything was cleared up today, it was that Mueller had little idea what they were doing.
You may recall from my many earlier posts on this topic, that Weissmann, a disgraced and ethically-challenged prosecutor, attended the Hillary 2016 Victory Party.
I used to work there. We were never allowed to come remotely close to any conflict of interest. The rule was that you not only were to avoid any conflict of interest but you were specifically told to avoid
any appearance of a conflict of interest. That included any stock you owned of whatever company, any real estate you owned in a certain jurisdiction, anyone you knew remotely connected to any party. Anything really. The rule was that if you did run across something, you were to immediately shut the file and personally deliver it to the front office, where we would sit and discuss it -- what was the potential conflict here? and how much of the file did you see before you stopped reading? If it was not bad, they would give it to another atty in the office, with instructions to never discuss it. But if you read half the file, they might jettison it from the section entirely. They always erred on the side of caution on these things. Always.
So, for people like me, what happened here with these partisan hacks filling up Team Mueller is quite a shock. No one in a position of authority I ever met at DOJ would have ever allowed this. Or anything close to it. And this cuts across multiple admins and both political parties. No one would have allowed what happened here to happen.