Well I think we all learned something here today. Don't talk to Russian spies. And if you do, and the FBI comes knocking, whatever you do, do not lie to the US Government. Unless your attorney is present to remind you not to tell lies to the US Government.
There was nothing wrong with Flynn contacting the ambassador. This was common behavior and what "a normal person" would expect to be happening during a transition period. Every new incoming admin in American history has done the same, including Obama's.
And Flynn had no reason to believe himself in legal jeopardy. This is someone with a 33-year decorated military career. He has been a paratrooper, Army Ranger, intelligence officer, 3-star-general, and then the National Security Adviser. His resume alone should have earned him the benefit of doubt from the FBI. And would have from any normal, non-partisan FBI. In fact, Obama's FBI had the transcripts of the Flynn-ambassador conversation and could have just made note of it, asked him about it and given him a chance to correct the record. Why didnt they? Why did they even have the wiretap? The answer to those questions are the real story here.
Think about it using common sense. Which is more likely?
-- that a highly decorated military officer invited FBI officials to his office (without legal counsel) in order to tell bold-faced lies?
-- that he just forgot every detail of a conversation during a hectic, busy period?
Lastly, not sure why you keep calling their ambassador a "spy." Is this trolling or are you just uninformed? If the latter, do you even know that the two FBI officials behind this event (McCabe & Strzok) have themselves already been fired for misconduct?
I hope Judge Sullivan gives serious thought to tossing this stinking mess, or at least reducing the charges. And it sounds like he is. If he finds that the plea agreement was based on fabricated evidence, then it will be tossed. Even if not, a reduction from felony to misdemeanor seems appropriate based on the misdeeds of Mueller, Comey, McCabe, et al.