Again, the conversation described in that text reveals that it was in the office of Andy McCabe on the 4th floor. The three of them -- McCabe, Strzok, Page, perhaps Ohr too, were discussing how to either prevent Trump from getting elected, or, having a plan in place in case he was. They were doing this while at work and on the clock.
As a reminder, McCabe himself was already compromised by this time. His wife was running for office in Virginia and, miraculously out of the blue, got a $700,000 campaign gift from HRC/DNC.
On top of all this, we know via Ohr, that there was active knowledge and perhaps even participation on the 4th floor of DOJ in the creation by GPS Fusion of the infamous "Steele Dossier." That dossier was then used as a predicate for the FBI to obtain from the FISA Court the ability to wiretap the Trump Campaign.
So, to answer your question of "what's wrong with it?" -- For starters, none of these people should have been anywhere near this investigation. But they were and, as a result, we may be looking at the worst case of political corruption is US history.