Chance of Football in 2020

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It appears that not only were ADs taken out of the loop, they were all instructed not to talk about it
This^^^^^^is one of the main things wrong with this country. It's the ends-justify-the-means people. They undetermine trust and erode integrity. They think they know better and it is OK to butcher time-tested codes of ethics if that us what it takes to get their way.
So football is going to be played. High school football in most places, college football in many places, and the NFL. For some reason, there were many who work in sports media who were actively attempting to have all of football canceled. It's a weird position to take given that cancellation would have cost jobs in the sports media business. And it certainly seems like they were working in concert with whoever it was who made the Big10/Pac12 decision to cancel, as well as with some national organizations.

Here were some of their statements --

Pat Forde is a coronabro

Pete Thamel is a coronabro
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...Some players have grouped together to sue. They wont be able to change the outcome but hopefully they can force a release of the details. Most of these people work for state institutions and, thus, the public has a legal right to those records. You would think the media would have already made FOIA requests and/or sued but I guess they dont want to know the answer. Or perhaps they already know.
Huskers players sue Big Ten over postponement

I can’t read this since it is behind the NYT paywall,
but I wonder if they consider the alternative to not playing football for the players. My guess is that this scenario is omitted.

Opinion | College Football Is Not Essential
I have read NYT for decades. The sports page consists of Professional teams in NY and Boston. Otherwise simply sucks. The political "insights" into life outside of the North East and California are funny to the point of delirium. When Bush was president NYT sent a correspondence to Crawford. His report "In Texas, even the vegetables have meat in them"! Ordered green beans (salt pork added). Funny stuff.

However, with Covid you can get free access too many papers online including NYT. I don't think I have ever seen a meaningful college sports article in the NYT.
Regarding these sports guys and their covid opinions.....
These people look dumber every day. I dont know why anyone pays any attention to them even before this^^^^^revealing trash.
That field - like most forms of journalism -has changed tremendously over the years. Not all, but about 90% of the sports journalist crowd are a joke.
Listening to them is akin to reading check out line tabloids or watching low grade soap operas.
ICU beds down 67% from peak. I wouldn’t trust infection numbers till after labor day due to significant back logs.

It is interesting, and puzzling, how most sports writers are actively working against playing the sport that they cover. Un-sourced rumor postings, as shown in the tweets above to drive a doom and gloom narrative, gas huffing the PAC and Big's cancellation of the season while never asking why the other 3 conferences are going to play.

I watched a video clip of some 3 stooges from Yahoo sports talking about the Big's cancellation decision, and while they admitted it was poorly (terrible actually) communicated and handled, all 3 of them made it sound like it was the only decision possible, and in the media's usual condescending and arrogant way of phrasing an argument such that their position is the only logical and correct one possible.

Meanwhile in the real world, while Penn State isn't playing, every other team in the state, HS, college (Pitt, Temple), and pro is.
It is interesting, and puzzling, how most sports writers are actively working against playing the sport that they cover. Un-sourced rumor postings, as shown in the tweets above to drive a doom and gloom narrative, gas huffing the PAC and Big's cancellation of the season while never asking why the other 3 conferences are going to play.

I watched a video clip of some 3 stooges from Yahoo sports talking about the Big's cancellation decision, and while they admitted it was poorly (terrible actually) communicated and handled, all 3 of them made it sound like it was the only decision possible, and in the media's usual condescending and arrogant way of phrasing an argument such that their position is the only logical and correct one possible.

Meanwhile in the real world, while Penn State isn't playing, every other team in the state, HS, college (Pitt, Temple), and pro is.
Same in Ohio. HS and Pros play but not the pre season number one team in the land. If Ohio State goes undefeated do they just win it all??
They could do the Alabama thing and claim 28 National Championships, 15 of them being from the Birmingham Local Fish Wrap or such. Just get the local paper to crown their champs and put it on the side of the stadium. You know the Aggs would.
Don’t want to brag but caseload looking manageable by Sept 12 and the next game two weeks later on Sept 26.

FYI ...for those who do not know....TcU/SMU now postponed(to be rescheduled) due to positive tests within TcU players and support staff.
I'll just give my two cents by sharing a quote directly from the TCU reps mouth to demonstrate how inane this is...

"In the course of following CDC guidelines and our aggressive testing and contact tracing strategy, we discovered that some student-athletes and support staff in our football program have tested positive for COVID-19. Those individuals were notified immediately and currently abiding by CDC protocols.

No one is currently facing serious health issues, and we intend to continue our enforcement of strict standards to protect the program and our community."

Let me rephrase that last bit for you....

"No one is currently facing any serious health issues, but we think we should cancel anyway because that's what we've been told to think. We will continue to enforce our unnecessarily strict standards for the protection of no one until we are told we should think otherwise by some untrustworthy bureaucratic arm of government or mainstream media outlets. Whatever we do, rest assured, We at TcU will take all necessary measures to ensure no one else gets not very sick.
If it becomes so painfully obvious that others with better sense have handled things much better and things are working out fine for them that we are made to look silly and have no choice, then we will, at that tim..Wait.. what??...That's already happening?? ...Wait...Cut the mic..."
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No one is currently facing serious health issues, and we intend to continue our enforcement of strict standards to protect the program.

No one not infected is facing serious COVID -19 health issues.


No one making these statements is an MD, much less a Board Certified ID Specialist.

Science, not rumors nor discredited political beliefs, is the only basis of action to combat a pandemic.
No one not infected is facing serious COVID -19 health issues.


No one making these statements is an MD, much less a Board Certified ID Specialist.

Science, not rumors nor discredited political beliefs, is the only basis of action to combat a pandemic.
Burnt....I'm sorry man you are on the wrong side of this issue. My point couldn't be clearer....When young people get together for sports, or anything for that matter......guess what, nothing happens! Things roll on...very little if any repercussions. Have you been paying attention? For the record, my wife and I have deep ties in the medical community, socially and otherwise. I also play tennis weekly with three doctors, two of which have had covid and all three of which have stated that everything they have seen and experienced gives them the view that this was very much like any typical severe flu season and they regret not having their facilities functioning normally and feel they were forced to unnecessarily discount the (much greater) needs of other, no-covid people during this time. There are countless support my point of view. Did you know thousands of people have been treated successfully with hclqn and zinc....hundreds within Texas alone? Did you know that same approach saw great success even on very elderly who contracted covid in a nursing home and 89% fully recovered? I bring this up to say even those who are the primary ones at risk dont necessarily face a death sentence and generally to say you cant blindly trust mainstreamscience/public "medicine." Most of the good that has been done in our land during this pandemic has occurred off the radar and in non-mainstream channels. DYOR. Back to the main point....very few people under age of 55 have very serious symptoms at all....look it up and amongst younger people it is almost nonexistent. Show me all of your examples of the horrific things that have occurred when young people have reconvened for school or sport. Oh my!! Someone got covid!! And then what?? Nothing!
Are you aware someone from the CDC even (though I generally regard them as trash) came out the other day and said it appears about 94% of deaths related to covid were all comorbid with other symptoms? Do you discount all the medical professionals and science who have been on the "other" side of this from the beginning? Are they dumb and the others smarter? Or do you think maybe the mass has it wrong?? Who has the greater motivation to acquiesce??No one here is basing anything on political views in regards to this. For one....if you think the mainstream medical community is trustworthy and without fault then you need to do some serious research and discovery.
Two....I am basing my views and opinions on observation, objective analysis of data and facts, and a plethora of real life examples proving this thing has been and continues to be overblown, missconsrued, and mishandled.
You keep believing the msm, CDC, Dr. Oz and whoever you want, and live in fear and trepidation, while those of us with a pragmatic and educated view on the subject are moving on. (We actually moved on a long time ago because we figured this out in April).
If you want more on the subject I suggest you go over to the Coronavirus thread at West Mall for class.
You are barking up the wrong tree here.....
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Science! But Science! isn't some singular train of thought. The history of science is differing viewpoints, heated arguments, petty disagreements based on personal histories, in short, just like everything else that humans do.

People who go around shouting Science! are about as laughable as the old professor in the Thomas Dolby video "She Blinded Me With Science!". "As a noted scientist, it's a bit surprising she blinded me with science. Right ho, right ho".

Which Science! do you listen to - the Science! that said in March don't wear masks, they're not of any benefit, or the Science! that now that says you'll kill everyone if you don't.

The Science! that says you can't protest against having your business shut down, that will spread the virus, or the Science! that says you can protest against police, as that is more important than measures to stop the spread.

Or maybe the Science! that says the best place to put recovering patients is back in the nursing home from where they came, such that they can quickly spread the virus to the most vulnerable population?

Treatment of infections diseases, like any other public policy, is a complex mixture of benefits, costs, trade offs, un-intended effects both good and bad. You can't just focus on "Stopping the virus at all costs!!!", there are many other factors that go into play to those charged with decisions that impact the lives and livelihoods of others.
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