for me the writing was on the wall as early as February----it is a pandemic and the disease doesn't care what you want or where you are. It just wants to make you sick. So to speak.
I ordered my tickets and made my contribution just like I have for the past 38 years but did not and do not plan to attend any games if they hold them. Bevo Boulevard can work its magic without me.
As for all you brave folks who think this is manageable, I hope you are right and wish you well. See you in 2021 or 2022.
And the fact that a bunch of 20 year olds think it is all hunky dory carries the same weight with me as people the same age deciding it would be great to join the military and get involved in one of the fun wars that are frequently arranged. I had a lot of friends in the 60s who thought Viet Nam would be a neat place to prove their manhood. Most of them got their names on the plaque at Veterans' Park in our little hometown. Brave Boys. Young men always think they are immortal.