Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

Quick glance tends to suggest that it was not the ending itself that was problematic but rather the manner in which it was done...seems they did not reach the actual question of whether the program COULD be ended...

Thanks for letting me know.
This does not sound good

Btw, the Supreme Court blocked Trump from ending DACA today. Roberts screws us again. Supreme Court blocks Trump from ending DACA - CNNPolitics

The poor briefing telegraphed the outcome, see above
But Trump says they will refile

One more thing, Ann Coulter did try to warn everyone on our side about John Roberts being just another Souter. But they did not listen to her
This is from July 2005

Souter In Roberts’ Clothing - Ann Coulter
" ........ If the Senate were in Democrat hands, Roberts would be perfect. But why on earth would Bush waste a nomination on a person who is a complete blank slate when we have a majority in the Senate! We also have a majority in the House, state legislatures, state governorships, and have won five of the last seven presidential elections — seven of the last 10!

We’re the Harlem Globetrotters now. Why do we have to play like we’re the Washington Generals every week?

Conservatism is sweeping the nation, we have a fully functioning alternative media, we’re ticked off and ready to avenge Robert Bork … and Bush nominates a Rorschach blot.

Even as they are losing voters, Democrats don’t hesitate to nominate reliable left-wing lunatics like Ruth Bader Ginsburg to lifetime tenure on the high court. And the vast majority of Americans loathe her views......."
It's common sense that walls work. Even if you scale it you waste precious time that gives the authorities time to nab you. Last year a group of over a hundred people dug under a fence to bypass it but the border patrol got there by the time they had all gotten through.
Exactly But anti wall people like to post example of tall ladders or wire cutters or tunneling as proof we do not need a wall
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No Mona that must be fake news.
We have been told over and over by posters like husker and bubba that walls don't work.
Clearly they did not in Seattle...seems they did nothing to deter the police from clearing that hole out LOL! Oh wait...those were not real walls...those were glorified K-rails and barricades.
The Supreme Court ruled on Friday evening that construction on the Wall can continue using $2.5 billion in reallocated Pentagon funds.
If Biden wins, their delaying games will still have won
Hopefully it was not too late
Good description of the difference improved wall has made in Yuma sector

" ... Over the past three years, construction crews here have installed 90 miles of border wall and almost 40 miles more of a parallel, back-up wall in the Yuma border patrol region, which spans from the Imperial Dunes in southeastern California to Arizona’s Pima County line. Compared to what I saw on a visit one year ago, the places on the border that Border Patrol agents show me today are unrecognizable.

The border has physically changed as a result of the Trump administration’s decision to fund projects along the 2,000-mile dividing line between two countries...."

In western Arizona, over a hundred miles of new border wall is getting results
Great explanatory article.
The DMC tries to knock Trump saying he is not building NEW wall . People who do not live near or who have not traveled near the old border take that as a meaningful criticism.
This article shows reality
President Trump’s policies limiting immigration, decried by liberals and the Biden-Harris ticket, won broad bipartisan and Hispanic support in the election, and even turned several border towns red for the first time in years.

According to two reviews, majorities of Hispanics and Democrats supported the administration’s curbs on immigration to stop the coronavirus, protect jobs and maintain the current population mix.

And in several heavily immigrant border counties, voters rejected the demonization of Trump’s policies and agents of U.S. Customs and Border Protection and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

In a voter exit survey for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, 78% said immigration was an “important” issue for them and was key to who they voted for. Support for Trump’s border closings to block further COVID-19 exposure won 80% support.

Significantly, said the Zogby Analytics survey shared with Secrets, 60% of Hispanics and 54% of Democrats backed Trump’s immigration cuts to protect U.S. jobs. And similar numbers agreed that the cuts were good to “maintain our nation's population.”

Another surprise: Hispanic, Democratic voters backed Trump immigration limits
I am not at all surprised that Hispanics when thinking critically about immigration and how it affects them decide they want to control and limit it.

It is only when brainwashed by the media that they want everything open.

The one caveat is as long as they can cross freely back and forth to visit family.
Biden has said he would halt deportations and suspend many of the border policies that helped end last year’s migrant surge.

“Make no mistake, that is going to sound the alarm that our borders are open. You will see a crisis that makes last year’s crisis look like child’s play. And you can take that to the bank.”
-- Acting Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan

Biden's guy seems confused about the job

Unbelievably bad...

While we're at it, the whole wall thing is about racism whether you like it or not. Whites who support it are accused of being racists. Those of color who want it open are being tribal racists. It's all around.


Big California donors want to fill Kamala Harris’s Senate seat with a woman of color

This is California at the highest level. Not some fringe element as our local Liberals insist is the case (people who make lots of noise but don't have real power).

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