Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

That all sounds good. Do you think some arm of the government should pursue those already in the US illegally to deport them?

Definitely. That's the job of ICE. Personally, with the disaster at the border right now, securing the border would be my top priority along with removal of those with criminal backgrounds and arrests. However, if anyone is caught in the country illegally, he or she should be deported.

Is that something e-verify would help with if it was properly used?

Absolutely. I think it would do more than any one thing. However, as others have said, it needs work. Furthermore, employers need civil immunity for simply inquiring of one's immigration status. They shouldn't discriminate on the basis of legal immigration status but illegal immigration status? Of course they should discriminate, and it should be easy for them to do so.
Well the concern for me is that in order to make it “bi-partisan” they bought some votes by adding in Ukraine and Israel.

Yeah, that's a bunch of ****, and I say this as someone who supports both Israel and Ukraine. The practice of forcing a bunch of unrelated crap into the same legislation to try to leverage members to support something they wouldn't otherwise support is dirty politics and should end.
Definitely. That's the job of ICE. Personally, with the disaster at the border right now, securing the border would be my top priority along with removal of those with criminal backgrounds and arrests. However, if anyone is caught in the country illegally, he or she should be deported.

Absolutely. I think it would do more than any one thing. However, as others have said, it needs work. Furthermore, employers need civil immunity for simply inquiring of one's immigration status. They shouldn't discriminate on the basis of legal immigration status but illegal immigration status? Of course they should discriminate, and it should be easy for them to do so.
E-Verify as a process is not as broken as many claim. The broken part is that there is no will to actually impose penalties on those found to be routinely violating the law. The day after we really decide to punish employers for turning a blind eye, our immigration problems will go to near zero. No jobs for illegal immigrants == no illegal immigration problem.
The failure of this bill isn't going to shift the blame to Republicans. Way too much denial that it was a problem and celebration of their non-enforcement to play that card.

And the GOP shouldn't pass this bill. It has some ok things in it but far too many downsides, and no serious person thinks the Administration will actually enforce the upsides in good faith.
Passing this bill as-is would be a disaster. It would enshrine 5,000 per day as the new normal. We already know that Dem's don't really want to protect the border. ANY bill that gets approved needs to have a much, much lower trigger and most needs to take all discretion out of the response. We know that Dem's will use any means possible to avoid protecting the border, so any new bill needs to take that decision/option completely out of their hands.
Definitely. That's the job of ICE. Personally, with the disaster at the border right now, securing the border would be my top priority along with removal of those with criminal backgrounds and arrests. However, if anyone is caught in the country illegally, he or she should be deported.


Absolutely. I think it would do more than any one thing. However, as others have said, it needs work. Furthermore, employers need civil immunity for simply inquiring of one's immigration status. They shouldn't discriminate on the basis of legal immigration status but illegal immigration status? Of course they should discriminate, and it should be easy for them to do so.

This is very true as well. Isn't it galling that what you say isn't already the case? It is a travesty of justice that businesses aren't allowed to discriminate against illegals. In fact the opposite is happening. Our politicians are forcing illegals in which means they prefer illegals get jobs than natural born citizens. Businesses and universities also discriminate against whites.

It may be a hard pill to swallow for some but there is an ethnicity that is at the forefront of causing all this to happen.
E-Verify as a process is not as broken as many claim. The broken part is that there is no will to actually impose penalties on those found to be routinely violating the law. The day after we really decide to punish employers for turning a blind eye, our immigration problems will go to near zero. No jobs for illegal immigrants == no illegal immigration problem.

I would be for a system that could identify and deport illegals, even if businesses aren't penalized that much. The question is what policy produces better results. I am open to experimentation.
E-Verify as a process is not as broken as many claim. The broken part is that there is no will to actually impose penalties on those found to be routinely violating the law. The day after we really decide to punish employers for turning a blind eye, our immigration problems will go to near zero. No jobs for illegal immigrants == no illegal immigration problem.

That's not completely true. While E-Verify can help, too many of these jobs are under the table cash jobs that E-Verify can do nothing about.
IMO the first broken part of Everify is an employer can not use Everify until After they have offered employment. How stupid is that?

Garm you are right but it is a start
I would be for a system that could identify and deport illegals, even if businesses aren't penalized that much. The question is what policy produces better results. I am open to experimentation.
IMO, having ICE or something like ICE responsible for finding and then deporting illegals is by far, the most expensive way to approach this. ICE (and raids) will still likely be necessary for a few industries that have become reliant on cheap/illegal labor, but the majority of employers will fall in line quickly once the government actually indicates a willingness to impose fines. The volume of illegals is too high to do this with just an ICE agency. (12 mil in 2014 so likely up to 20+ mil by now)

It has to be done by/with/thru the employers. And the only way to get employers to do this across the board is to have the fines for violation.
E-Verify as a process is not as broken as many claim. The broken part is that there is no will to actually impose penalties on those found to be routinely violating the law. The day after we really decide to punish employers for turning a blind eye, our immigration problems will go to near zero. No jobs for illegal immigrants == no illegal immigration problem.
No jobs is one thing.

No jobs plus extremely limited welfare is the total ticket.
It is a travesty of justice that businesses aren't allowed to discriminate against illegals. In fact the opposite is happening.

Officially, they can and must, but in practice, they can't. They can't ask about one's immigration status, and they have to be careful about what documents they ask for. The expectation is that if the employee can produce a document suggesting he's legal (like a SS card), the employer basically has to assume he's legal and then rely on the federal government to notify him of a mismatched Social Security number or something along those lines before firing him. In other words, we're encouraging fraud and identity theft.

Our politicians are forcing illegals in which means they prefer illegals get jobs than natural born citizens.

Many of them do, and many businesses definitely do. They can always play the deportation card on an employee who's illegal - huge leverage.

Businesses and universities also discriminate against whites.

Yep, and it's illegal. Like I've said many times, lawsuits should be everywhere on this.

It may be a hard pill to swallow for some but there is an ethnicity that is at the forefront of causing all this to happen.

The Mexicans?
"Undocumented Americans" - What on Earth! The folks who believe this garbage are hell-bent on ruining the country. Why not call them what they are - "Illegal Immigrants."
Barbara Lerner Spectre- "Europe Will Not Survive"


politics, policy, Sweden, government, UN, immigration, Jews, society, culture, Europe, EU, Israel

In a short expert from "The Jewish Community of Sweden," an Israel Up Close broadcast, Barbara Lerner Spectre, who runs a government-funded Jewish study group in Sweden, makes the following statement on the Jewish involvement of multiculturalism and immigration of non-Europeans into Europe:

"I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive."

Spectre is a founding director of Paideia, The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden, a non-denominational academic institute established in 2001.

Although you can find this mp3 as a video on YouTube and other video sharing sites, it is often censored as the original broadcast has proven embarrassing for many Jewish groups that want to distance themselves from the problems of immigration into Western nations like Sweden, France, the US, Germany etc.

2013-10-12 23:49:49


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The video tells me the West is lost because there are no men anymore. Part of it is cowardice. Part of it is that judges will ruin your life if you do the right thing. But if you are an evil immigrant Leftists pay your bail, pay your legal defense, and the city government won't prosecute you anyway.
In woke circles, "illegal immigrant" or "illegal alien" is a slur.
The woke groups have the same freedom of speech as the rest of us. However, I'm fed up with political correctness and microaggressions. They are "illegal immigrants" - because they violated US immigration law when they set foot on our soil.
If it looks like a duck, waddles like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

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