Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

Thanks Garm for asking Deez for explanation. I thought I had good reading comprehension but what I got from articles on Supreme"s ruling was that Feds could replace wire in the area Texas declared it had authority to control.

As an aside, Mona I thought immediately of you when I read the SCOTUS decision seemed to override states rights

Lee is correct. SCOTUS vacated an order against DHS. It didn't order anything against the State of Texas. It can put up barbed wire if it wants, but it can't stop DHS from taking it down. As you can see, that sets up the potential for significant conflict.

Ultimately the Administration has created a constitutional crisis. It has chosen not to enforce federal immigration laws, but it will also hide behind the law to ensure that no one else enforces it. By the way, I don't think DHS is wrong. The Feds do have authority over immigration but when they're blatantly neglecting their duty to enforce federal law, it seems quite ****** to use the very laws it refuses to enforce to shutdown state efforts to enforce them or at least mitigate the damage done by their neglect.

It is inviting and provoking nullification and potentially secession and civil war. Not saying it'll happen, but they're provoking it.
I honestly don't care if Mike Lee is right or not. Abbott is doing what he must so that our State and country isn't destroyed. But I would bet Lee knows more than O'Rourke. Also, Eisnehower shouldn't have done what he did either.

Lee is right, and Beta is a colossal hand job as usual.
The hypocrisy of citing a law you refuse to enforce is about as cynical as it gets. These people are ruthless and all we can conclude is they want millions of uneducated, Catholic, misogynistic, homophobic, (more incredibly cynical actions by the Left; they hate the demographic but will flood the country for the power) illegal aliens to cross over. It's a combination of trying to nail down the Hispanic vote (but not in South Texas; they are not as rabidly racist as the rest of them are around the country) the long game of winning the census count (I believe illegal aliens can be counted by law) thereby grabbing Texas in the long run for the Left. Then, the country will truly fall apart. In my view, Texas is the only state capable of fighting this political (behind the facade of race and culture) war.
Constitutional crisis thanks to the Roberts court. Hopefully other governors join and start to move toward a peaceful secession. The USA is about to face a reckoning.
I'm going to Eagle Pass this weekend. Is that where the battle will begin? I'm taking my father in law to hit the Kickapoo Casino. We are not there for a fight. I wonder if we're making a mistake.
Constitutional crisis thanks to the Roberts court. Hopefully other governors join and start to move toward a peaceful secession. The USA is about to face a reckoning.

It isn't the Roberts Court (even the liberal wing) that's causing the crisis. It's the Biden Administration. They are causing all of this.
That is what I am referring to. Can a state bring an action against the federal government for ignoring the law? (Border actions are not the only law that is being ignored.)

Not a simple issue, and they've tried to sue for not enforcing immigration laws. SCOTUS shot them down. Link. The appropriate remedy is impeachment.
Sometimes we cucks have something useful to say.

I wouldn't call either one of you cucks. However, even now the establishment is willing to sell us out with the new Senate border bill and I'm willing to bet the National Review is or will go along with it. Sorry, I have no use for these people.

I meant nothing as a personal attack on you.
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Since there was a Biden/Demx deadline today we might see if the Feds are willing to use force against Texas.
25 states have publically declared support for us. Kristi Noem said if Abbott needs more barbed wire she will load it into truck.:coolnana:
Don't know if MSM is covering

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