Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

The graph is rather telling....

The U.S. saw a record 250K immigrant encounters at the southern border last month ALONE | Not the Bee

Since it allows people who are here legally but not US citizens to vote in only 2 cities
How many people could there be?
I know it is tempting to blow this off but this is the figurative "crack in the dam". It is how dem's do politics. Start small, small numbers, small cost, but you set a new precedent. One that will be cited and leveraged by others with the same goal. This is BS and the GOP needs to act immediately on this.
I know it is tempting to blow this off but this is the figurative "crack in the dam". It is how dem's do politics. Start small, small numbers, small cost, but you set a new precedent. One that will be cited and leveraged by others with the same goal. This is BS and the GOP needs to act immediately on this.

This is the answer. "It's just two cities, calm down guys!" Next it's one state. "It's just one state, calm down guys!" Then it's...
I agree.
But the issue is moving from letting them vote in muni elections to letting them vote in state and national elections. THIS is the danger and I have NO doubt that is their goal.
Legal immigrants already are counted for Congressional reps.
We should fight this
AND really fight counting illegals for Congressional reps
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Allowing illegals to vote is absolutely absurd. It is a blatant attempt to pad the ballot box. If it's an election held in the United States of America, it seems logical that only eligible American citizens should get to vote.
IMO, the guiding principle for elections is pretty straightforward - "All citizens legally entitled to vote, and only those citizens legally entitled to vote, should get to vote." Seems simple enough to me.
What is the difference from all of the dumped ballots and found ballots? The elections are rigged anyway. I never look for a conservative president to be elected again. After the midterms,I have come to the conclusion it is a waste of time to vote anymore.
HHD interesting interview on Rogan my son sent to me where interviewee asserted the purpose for the open border is economical - we are not repopulating adequately to support the tax base (particularly SS and Medicare ) hence the need for more young workers. Joe asserted the increase was for more voters for one party but the interviewee (Adam Curry) counters with “what difference does it make who is in office? We get the same spending with them both”. I thought it was interesting. Can’t comment on the rest of discussion I only had time for first hour even though it didn’t get to the interesting topic until 20 min or so.
Migrants can be analogous to drugs. Americans import recreational drugs. Employers hire illegal immigrants. Seems obvious that the demand side is a big part of this.

Of course, an anchor baby is it's own special case: automatic citizenship.

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