Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

Trump didn’t do anything but run his mouth and slander a bunch of poor people

he could have had his Justice Department prosecute a few hundred employers and the rest would shed their illegal employees. But most are Republicans who are enamored of cheap labor. The Dems won’t do anything because they see future votes wading the Rio Grande

nobody will do anything. As usual

if you want a realistic appraisal of Trump’s actions read some Ann Coulter columns. Her book was what sent him on the anti immigration crusade to start with

he is not as senile as Chance the Gardener but is just as dissembling.
Good point. The cartels could probably get a ton in ransom
I get the cartels already charge the Chinese triple to smuggle them here
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But a bunch of small rural towns are supposed to be able to do it by themselves just fine (and if you think they are overwhelmed, you're a racist).
It is funny to see these whiners complain they have no room so NOW they want Biden to close border.
We can't handle more migrants, either: NJ Gov. Murphy
For Dem's it becomes a justification for more federal dollars to blue states.

“You need scale, enormous amount of federal support, resources that go beyond anything that we can afford,” ....Gov. Murphy

It's still a winning formula for GOP and Texas. Even if the Biden admin writes more checks at least the BS line of "they aren't a drain on resources" will have to be tossed out. And if they start writing big checks to blue states there will be a solid number to compare future efforts at border enforcement to.
Go Abbott Go
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Thursday promised he would send "even more buses" of migrants to cities, including Washington, D.C., if the Biden administration moved forward with a reported plan to keep migrants in Texas — just as the administration is facing pressure from left-wing officials in cities like New York City over migrant traffic.

"Biden considers forcing migrant families to remain in Texas. This scam was tried years ago & was shot down by a judge," Abbott said on X, formerly known as Twitter. "We will send Biden the same swift justice."

"And, we will add even more buses of migrants to Washington D.C.," he said.


Abbott promises 'even more buses' if Biden admin pushes reported plan to keep migrants in Texas
it was so easy for them to cry "racism" when it was a white governor in a red state but now that it is a black mayor in the bluest of cities in the bluest of states..... they are at a loss for words......Where is the MSM? Where are the cries of xenophobe and racist?
This is really starting to have an effect.

“Stop Accepting Migrants!” – Democrats Hit Hard as Voters Deal Crushing Blow Over New York’s Migrant Mess"
It was just a poll but.......

Now if the GOP is smart they will get in front of what we know the Dems will do. Anything they do at this point is simply a "public perception band-aid" and is only meant to blunt criticism before the election. "We know their true colors and true plans, any Biden moves at this point are pure theater."
"Massachusetts Mayor Sounds Alarm on Migrant Crisis, Urges Lawmakers to Reform ‘Right-to-Shelter’ Law" Massachusetts Mayor Sounds Alarm on Migrant Crisis, Urges Lawmakers to Reform ‘Right-to-Shelter’ Law (

"Galvin told the New York Times the law (right-to-shelter) was “passed at a different time, and was not meant to cover what we’re seeing now.”

“We’re going above and beyond, while some communities around us are not being impacted, and we don’t have endless capacity in our schools,” he said. “The benefits that are bestowed on migrants make the state a very attractive destination, and without some changes, this challenge is not going to abate.”

Dang....Big City Dem's are starting to say it out loud.

GOP needs to take two actions
1. time for a push to end birthright
2. Abbott, Tucker C. , et al. should ask for an apology from Adams for the "racist" name calling

The line writes itself for Tucker..... "Blue State Governors and Mayors agree. Birthright citizenship 'was not meant to cover what we are seeing now'. It was passed at a different time when immigrants did not have all these automatic benefits bestowed on them"
"Massachusetts Mayor Sounds Alarm on Migrant Crisis, Urges Lawmakers to Reform ‘Right-to-Shelter’ Law" Massachusetts Mayor Sounds Alarm on Migrant Crisis, Urges Lawmakers to Reform ‘Right-to-Shelter’ Law (

"Galvin told the New York Times the law (right-to-shelter) was “passed at a different time, and was not meant to cover what we’re seeing now.”

“We’re going above and beyond, while some communities around us are not being impacted, and we don’t have endless capacity in our schools,” he said. “The benefits that are bestowed on migrants make the state a very attractive destination, and without some changes, this challenge is not going to abate.”

Dang....Big City Dem's are starting to say it out loud.

GOP needs to take two actions
1. time for a push to end birthright
2. Abbott, Tucker C. , et al. should ask for an apology from Adams for the "racist" name calling

The line writes itself for Tucker..... "Blue State Governors and Mayors agree. Birthright citizenship 'was not meant to cover what we are seeing now'. It was passed at a different time when immigrants did not have all these automatic benefits bestowed on them"

Ending birthright citizenship is a nonstarter. Zero chance of it happening in any of our lifetimes.
Then they can continue to enjoy their right-to-shelter law.

Right to shelter laws are dumb. They should repeal it by an act of the Massachusetts legislature. Dumping birthright citizenship would require a federal constitutional amendment (typically done by a joint resolution passing both houses of Congress by 2/3 majorities and ratified by 3/4 of state legislatures) - a near political impossibility in the current political climate.

I'm honestly not sure why LA would care that much. They've been basically ok with illegal immigrants coming into their city in much bigger numbers (almost a million that the city knows about and probably another few hundred thousand that they don't know about) for the last 40 years.
I'm honestly not sure why LA would care that much. They've been basically ok with illegal immigrants coming into their city in much bigger numbers (almost a million that the city knows about and probably another few hundred thousand that they don't know about) for the last 40 years.
I think you can attribute most of LA's school issues (overcrowding and poor performance) to this...."Further, about a tenth of the state's workforce was composed of unauthorized immigrants and 12.3 percent of California's K-12 school children had an unauthorized immigrant parent." Unauthorized Immigrants in California and Los Angeles County (

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that a kid that doesn't speak English at grade level is going to way underperform and require substantially more resources to educate them. I wish Texas would invoke a rule that would not advance a kid to the next grade until/unless they can speak and read at grade level. If we do this we could cut way down on the need for ESL.
I think you can attribute most of LA's school issues (overcrowding and poor performance) to this...."Further, about a tenth of the state's workforce was composed of unauthorized immigrants and 12.3 percent of California's K-12 school children had an unauthorized immigrant parent." Unauthorized Immigrants in California and Los Angeles County (

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that a kid that doesn't speak English at grade level is going to way underperform and require substantially more resources to educate them. I wish Texas would invoke a rule that would not advance a kid to the next grade until/unless they can speak and read at grade level. If we do this we could cut way down on the need for ESL.

Believe me, I understand that illegal immigration is a massive strain on public services of all kinds. But LA has long rejected that concern and been ok shouldering that cost. Why ***** about a few thousand illegal immigrants when you've been totally fine with a million? That makes little sense to me.

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