Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

I think some wall is necessary. Maybe some more wall is necessary. I can defer to experts. To think there is a need for a full border wall is simplistic. I agree with Deez on this issue.
Sorry, but Barry didn't ruin the Cowboys. That's 100% on his enabler.

Barry did do me the huge favor of killing my interest in the NFL though, since I quit on the Cowboys when JJ hired him, and I wasn't just going to transfer my lifelong loyalty to some other team. Funny thing, I don't miss football on Sundays even a little bit.
Bobby "Beto" O'Rourke says he'd tear down the wall in El Paso if he could. Makes you think, if Trump gets the military to build the wall (doubtful), will President Kamala Harris or Beto O'Rourke come along and tear it down?

This issue isn't going to stop until the American people rise up and have the balls to say that they don't want their nation and way of life subsumed in a tsunami of illegal immigration, like parts of Europe are doing.
Sorry, but Barry didn't ruin the Cowboys. That's 100% on his enabler.

Barry did do me the huge favor of killing my interest in the NFL though, since I quit on the Cowboys when JJ hired him, and I wasn't just going to transfer my lifelong loyalty to some other team. Funny thing, I don't miss football on Sundays even a little bit.

Barry chose to be his ***** and do his bidding. Nobody forced him.
Is Trump calling for a 100% border wall?
I keep reading he speaks about barriers where needed AND more technology and more agents and changes to immigration policies.
I had not heard he wants a wall all along the entire border.
Is Trump calling for a 100% border wall?
I keep reading he speaks about barriers where needed AND more technology and more agents and changes to immigration policies.
I had not heard he wants a wall all along the entire border.

The goalposts have moved so often your confusion is understandable.
Is Trump calling for a 100% border wall?
I keep reading he speaks about barriers where needed AND more technology and more agents and changes to immigration policies.
I had not heard he wants a wall all along the entire border.

It depends on the day. He has been all over the map on whether it has to be a wall or can be a fence and how long it needs to be. This issue is turning into a **** show very fast.
So you think the word matters MORE than having a way to prevent people from illegally entering?
Trump has always called for other things like technology and more people and changing policy. Why ignore that?
Barriers work no matter what you call them.
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I have several friends on Facebook who are now posting they are safe from the national emergency. They are Liberal and one came from Mexico (I worked with him) and he wears his Mexico pride on his shoulder.

I wonder what they would do the next time a a US citizen is murdered by an illegal alien. I have a feeling it wouldn't bother them at all. They'd rather pretend they are clever by declaring themselves to be safe.

It proves nothing to say you are safe. It completely belittles the facts of the influx from the south enabled by the tactics of the Left which I will be happy to list upon request.
I have several friends on Facebook who are now posting they are safe from the national emergency. They are Liberal and one came from Mexico (I worked with him) and he wears his Mexico pride on his shoulder.

I wonder what they would do the next time a a US citizen is murdered by an illegal alien. I have a feeling it wouldn't bother them at all. They'd rather pretend they are clever by declaring themselves to be safe.

It proves nothing to say you are safe. It completely belittles the facts of the influx from the south enabled by the tactics of the Left which I will be happy to list upon request.

They would just say the murder is anecdotal of course. The stupidity of the left will eventually bite them in the *** on this issue when Trump is proven right.
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They would just say the murder is anecdotal of course. The stupidity of the left will eventually bite them in the *** on this issue when Trump is proven right.
The travel ban was a more valid issue to the left and they lost (after a number of re-writes by the administration). I suspect this gets approved in the first go-around as there is much precedent to build on.
The travel ban was a more valid issue to the left and they lost (after a number of re-writes by the administration). I suspect this gets approved in the first go-around as there is much precedent to build on.

From what I've read, an emergency is not well defined in the law/Constitution. So it's like the old saying, "I can't define porn but I know it when I see it." I think there is an emergency but it's not like 9/11 as I mentioned to Seattle. The system is broken. Now, is the wall the right response to the emergency. That's another story. What if instead (no wall) Trump declared an emergency and decided to fund more drones, e-verify and hired a bunch of auditors to crash down on all the employers to fix the problem?

Would the Left change their tune?
So you think the word matters MORE than having a way to prevent people from illegally entering?

Well, they aren't the same, but either way, Trump made the distinction. He cared about the words.

Trump has always called for other things like technology and more people and changing policy. Why ignore that?
Barriers work no matter what you call them.

I don't ignore that. What exactly are you looking for from me?
Mr D
Not you but many who keep saying the wall wil not sove all the problems keep ignoring that they are the only ones saying the wall will not solve it all.
Neither will e verify or stopping visa overstays (those 2 things seem the easiest to immplement, why have't we?)
The next easiest option seems to be keep them (drugand human traffickers as well as illegals) , keep as many out as we can.

Btw I remember Kay B Hutchison trying to change immigration policies many years ago when I first understood the disaster chsin migration is.
Mr D
Not you but many who keep saying the wall wil not sove all the problems keep ignoring that they are the only ones saying the wall will not solve it all.

Really? Is somebody actually claiming that the wall will solve visa overstays? Not sure how it would do that unless the wall has no openings at all and is 50,000 feet high so passenger airliners can't get past it - basically a blockade on Mexico.

Neither will e verify or stopping visa overstays (those 2 things seem the easiest to immplement, why have't we?)

Why haven't we? Two reasons. First, they have quiet opposition. Democrats don't want them for the same reason they don't want any immigration from the Third World stopped. Same with corporate hack Republicans whose donors like cheap labor.

Second, nobody is pushing for them (certainly not with any meaningful effort), so the opposition can stay quiet even though their opposition is indefensible. Trump could be pushing for them, but he's blowing his wad on the wall. That's why I say this is about cock size at least to a significant point. He could be making a make push for something that would be much easier to get and deal with the broader problem much more effectively, but he's largely ignoring them because he didn't base his political success on those.

The next easiest option seems to be keep them (drugand human traffickers as well as illegals) , keep as many out as we can.

You think the wall is easier to implement than e-verify? That is crazy talk. It is 100 times harder both politically and logistically.

Btw I remember Kay B Hutchison trying to change immigration policies many years ago when I first understood the disaster chsin migration is.

She has also flirted with amnesty - similar to Marco Rubio on immigration. But she did go to UT, and she was hot back in the day and aged a lot better than Farrah Fawcett.
Just to reiterate; I said that stopping visa overstays and using e verify, those 2 things seem the easiest to implement,
Then you asked ,"You think the wall is easier to implement than e-verify? "
Right after you posted my sentence," The next easiest option seems to be keep them (drug and human traffickers as well as illegals) , keep as many out as we can.
It made me go Uh??

BTW Farrah fought and lost a horrible fight with a horrible cancer. That will take a toll on anyone's looks
Appreciation by societal elites of foreign invaders has a long history.
For example, when the Roman Empire fell, its elites were too wealthy to care, or even notice.

Here is a page from from "Before France and Germany" by Patrick Geary

click once to enlarge
There is a new poll out by Harvard about the border
-- 80% of all voters say US needs secure borders
-- including 68% of Democrats

"A wide-reaching new poll conducted by Harvard University reveals that majorities of U.S. voters — including Democrats — appear to agree with many of President Trump’s most basic beliefs about immigration.

The findings reveal, for example, that eight out of 10 of all U.S. voters — 79 percent — say the U.S. needs secure borders; 93 percent of Republicans, 80 percent of independents and 68 percent of Democrats agree with that.

Another 79 percent of voters overall say immigration priorities should be granted on a person’s “ability to contribute to America”; 87 percent of Republicans, 79 percent of independents and 72 percent of Democrats agree.

Meanwhile, 68 percent overall oppose a lottery-based immigration system which is meant to ensure “greater diversity: in the U.S.; 78 percent of Republicans, 65 percent of independents and 62 percent of Democrats agree....."

Roughly 80% of all voters say U.S. needs secure borders, including 68% of Democrats: Harvard poll
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Just to reiterate; I said that stopping visa overstays and using e verify, those 2 things seem the easiest to implement,
Then you asked ,"You think the wall is easier to implement than e-verify? "
Right after you posted my sentence," The next easiest option seems to be keep them (drug and human traffickers as well as illegals) , keep as many out as we can.
It made me go Uh??

Go back and re-read what you posted in context, and you'll see why I reached the conclusions about your position that I did. If you think I drew the wrong conclusions about your position, that's fine. I won't hold it against you if you want to clarify.

BTW Farrah fought and lost a horrible fight with a horrible cancer. That will take a toll on anyone's looks

You can't play the cancer card for 20 years. She stopped being particularly good looking in about 1985. Honestly, I think most of the defense of Fawcett here has more to do with the fact that she went to UT than that you all think she was that hot. If she had gone to A&M or OU, I wouldn't get an argument.
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My defense of Farrah would rely primarily on the fact that her nipple on that swimsuit poster gave me many a woody when I was 13 years old. It's hard to erase those memories! lol
Women are like flowers, they bloom and then fade fast. That’s a generalization and there’s lots of exceptions, like Christie Brinkley, but for the most part it’s true. Look at Kathleen Turner, Jennifer Jason Leigh, or Kelly McGillis. They’re almost unrecognizable today.

Farrah was smokin’ in the late sixties and through the seventies, but then she started to fade. But, just as we always picture Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly or Brooke Shields in Blue Lagoon, we’ll always picture Farrah in that poster or in Charlie’s Angels. Eternally hot!
His overarching point that a 13 year old me was easily induced into popping a woody is entirely correct, but his singular example is 100% wrong. I've never been sexually attracted to (what do they call them now?) thikk women.
That is nice of you and now I have to go back and figure out how what I thought I was saying I was not.
Here is what I thought I was saying.The easiest things to implement to stem illegal immigration are e verify and stopping visa overstays.
Then I said the next easiest thing is a wall.
I honestly do not know why you asked ,"You think the wall is easier to implement than e-verify? "

Back to Farrah
here is a Mag pic from 1985

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