Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

Weak sauce.
"First offenders can be fined $250-$2,000 per illegal employee. For a second offense, the fine is $2,000-$5,000 per illegal employee. Three or more offenses can cost an employer $3000-$10,000 per illegal employee. A pattern of knowingly employing illegal immigrants can mean extra fines and up to six months in jail for an employer."

I didn't search hard, but I can't even find a list of employers that have been fined. My sense is that most often they get warning after warning. While there may be laws against it, even our best anti-immigration advocate in years is not willing to lower the boom on these crappy companies that are illegally hiring workers.
I think I stated that the rules aren't properly enforced, so more rules against employers is not the solution.

Again, the solution is to stop the illegals at the border, and that is the government's job.
Sounds like the 'caravan' is back on the move
Mexico gave them all 30 day passes
And someone has paid to bus them all the Mexico City for a rally (the organizers are 'People Without Borders')
Their plan is to demand free asylum in the US, which the system Obama left behind could allow, while calling Americans racists

One caravaner, who lived illegally in Atlanta for a year before he was deported in 2013 says ....

'Trump is crazy. He's racist. The National Guard doesn't worry me, it's all bulls**t.' 'I'll be reunited with my family. See you soon Mr President.'
You feel sorry for the Guard having to guard?

yep. They get hosed in these situations. Their role is to be a supplementary force in times of real need. Making the Guard/Reserve pawns in a political stunt is crap.

And it has a real impact on their lives and employability. Doing it for political points ticks me off.
The fact that the GOP doesn't win Asians shows gross incompetence on their part. Democrats screw with Asians more directly and to a greater degree than any political party screws with any ethnic group. Attracting Asians to the GOP should be pretty easy. The fact that they don't have a major outreach program to Asians is really stupid.
Wut happened?

Bill Galston is a former Clintonista who now writes for the Brookings Institute. Liberals today consider him a "moderate" (which most of you probably already know how to translate).

He does not like "populism." He wrote something for his fellow leftists on how to stave off the wave of populism around the globe. He notes that most of the world instinctively embraces the idea of national sovereignty as an international organizing principle -- so leftists in the US and the rest of the West must embrace it too, if not populism will prevail. He advises that they embrace prudential policies that drain the energy from populism.

"Post-election analyses show that concerns about immigration largely drove the Brexit referendum, the 2016 U.S. presidential election, and the gains of far-right parties across Europe."

"Liberal democrats must make their peace with national sovereignty."

I dont think liberals are capable of doing this. The bulk of them are not smart enough. But really what struck me as the most amazing thing is that most Republican politicians dont get this either. This is something they should all grasp instinctively yet most do not.
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When is it too many? What would be acceptable to the Liberals?

Also I get sick and tired of hear "they are here at no fault of their own." I have sh8t happen to me all the time that's no fault of my own. I accept it and move on. Kids lose their criminal father "no fault of their own" So should we not send criminals to prison because it's not the kids fault? How about the wall doesn't work because it doesn't stop all of the prison inmates. So that thinking must mean that if a prison fence doesn't hold all the inmates inside because a few escape that we shouldn't have a fence? I swear we hear some of the most idiotic things from the liberals.
According to the DHS and DPS, over 251,000 criminal aliens have been booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011, and April 30, 2018. They have been charged for a total of 663,000 offenses including:

1,351 homicides;
7,156 sexual assaults;
9,938 weapons charges;
79,049 assaults;
18,685 burglaries;
79,900 drug charges;
815 kidnappings;
44,882 thefts;
4,292 robberies

Law enforcement actions have resulted in 296,000 convictions. The DHS has confirmed that 66% of those convicted were illegal aliens.
Can anyone argue against this"
"Attorney General Jeff Sessions. “Every crime committed by an illegal alien is, by definition, a crime that should have been prevented,” he said in the press release. “It is outrageous that tens of thousands of Americans are dying every year because of the drugs and violence brought over our borders illegally and that taxpayers have been forced, year after year, to pay millions of dollars to incarcerate tens of thousands of illegal aliens.”

Good grief:rolleyes1:
"There are several thousand more suspected but unconfirmed non-citizens in custody. "
More than half of non-citizen children/teens are on Welfare. And nearly half of all the adults --

"More than half of all non-citizen children and teens in the United States are receiving taxpayer-funded welfare, mostly Medicaid, while nearly half of all non-citizen adults legally in the country are on welfare, according to a new report.

In a just-released study of welfare use by U.S. born Americans, naturalized citizens and non-citizen aliens, the Migration Policy Institute found that of the 22 million non-citizens in the country, 10.3 million are one at least welfare program.

The report said that 54.2 percent of children and teens up to age 17 receive at least one of four major public welfare benefits while its 46.3 percent for those aged 18-54 and 47.8 for older aliens.
I would be ok with verified so called Dreamers gettng permanent legal status but absolutely not citizenship.
I would want the verification process to be really comprehensive.
Latest polling on this - and this pollster is a Clintonista

"84% of Americans support turning undocumented immigrants over to authorities"

"Prominent Democratic pollster Mark Penn said on Thursday that a vast majority of Americans don’t really support so-called sanctuary cities that shield immigrants in the country illegally from deportation.

Penn, who served as chief strategist for Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign, revealed that 84 percent of Americans favor turning undocumented immigrants over to federal agents.

“I asked them, ‘Do you think notifying ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] would in fact increase crime because it would inhibit people from reporting crimes or does it decrease crimes because it takes criminals off the street,’ and they overwhelming said ‘decrease,’ ” Penn told Hill.TV's “Rising.”...."

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