I honestly don't remember seeing any economic arguments from you, but I have posted data from numerous studies, including the Gang of 8 proposal to which you referred at one time and seem to support, that clearly show building a wall is a huge cost savings.
I have seen reports that we need to add 15-20 million immigrants by 2030 to help fund the wealth transfer payments to an aging population. Allowing (virtually begging) foreigners to cross illegally that become charges of the state has nothing to do with furthering the interests of the USA or solving that problem. It is solely directed at increasing the voting base of the Democrats, which can be easily argued weakens the country economically, militarily, and, yes, even morally depending on your perspective.
The only arguments I hear are:
1) "we need to help everyone less well off than we are", but you never consider the cost of that help and its negative effects on our citizens.
2) "We are all a nation of immigrants", but you ignore the fact that we are, except for the 11 million here illegally, a nation built with legal immigrants. Libs also ignore the many times in our history when immigration was intentionally and severely limited.
We can throw in the argument you make concerning the possibility of letting a cowardly Muslim terrorist into the country illegally by stating, "the odds of you becoming a victim of a terrorist attack is extremely small", which is true. However, the odds of someone becoming the victim is not so small. So much for the sympathy toward others argument.
Now Democrats are actually working against the enforcement of the immigration laws of the United States. First, they employ the typical liberal tactic of using a misnomer to try to make something bad sound good (or the reverse). In this case Democrats employ the term "sanctuary city" to describe a political subdivision run by Democrats that harbors lawbreakers. Next, liberal politicians warn illegals of impending ICE raids. Simultaneously, they employ liberal judges in the 9th circuit to misinterpret unambiguous language in the law as a mechanism to further their political interests. Recently, the SCOTUS did everything to demean the 9th circuit short of calling them fu--cking dumbasses.