Breyer retirement

I'm not advocating that you can't have your gun but merely protecting society.

So you want to protect society from guns but not knives. If you get killed by a knife your wife doesn’t get any insurance money got it. I get it guns do more volume of damage therefore need insurance.

Who do you think is doing most of that volume of violence? Criminals I would guess the very people you stated wouldn’t even get insurance. So most of violence will be done by criminals who aren’t going to get insurance but you want everyone else to get insurance because of all the violence. Not going to happen.
Your inability to read comes through again. Go back to my post and point out where I said it was 40% of ALL drivers who were uninsured. You won't be able to do it.
I can almost guarantee that, if officers were allowed to do random stops just to check for license and insurance, there are many areas where they would find four of ten (or more) who lacked even the most basic of liability insurance in effect.

So, 40% for "many areas". Show me the data and we'll talk or throw out some more insults. I suspect the latter is easier for you...more practice.

Never mind that you ALSO show time and again the inability to properly parse data. You rely on some talking points fed to you by the media.

You think the media directed me to that site on non-insured motorists or are even pushing the idea that gun owners should carry liability insurance? Maybe you can do a google search for me to find an article, opinion or news, advocating the points I'm making here. I'd love to read for another perspective.

Oh, and I thought you were going to place me on ignore. I guess that was another lie from you...

Only 1 person is on ignore though you are making a good case to be #2. I suggested you place me on ignore since you aren't interested in debate but rather **** flinging which also conforms to your boasting of how many times you've been suspended by Twitter. You don't want to discuss, learn about opposing views but want to simply toss around insults. At least, that's what you've demonstrated here over and over.
So, 40% for "many areas". Show me the data and we'll talk or throw out some more insults. I suspect the latter is easier for you...more practice.

You clearly have never been to the east side of Austin or the east side of the Houston area. It is ALSO clear that you don't see dockets very often.

The left doesn't want routine traffic stops to occur precisely because they know things like insurance will be found nowhere in sight, and they whine that such stops disproportionately impact the criminal class, err I mean the poor...

Only 1 person is on ignore though you are making a good case to be #2. I suggested you place me on ignore since you aren't interested in debate but rather **** flinging which also conforms to your boasting of how many times you've been suspended by Twitter. You don't want to discuss, learn about opposing views but want to simply toss around insults. At least, that's what you've demonstrated here over and over.

Seems you don't realize that all it takes to get suspended on the bird app is to point out that males are not and will not every be women. Or that women's sex-segregated space means something...and that it should be sacrosanct and entirely exempt from colonization by the pervert class.

Places like the bird app ALSO suspend and ban people for misinformation which is simply fact that has not yet been conceded by the powers that be...numerous examples of this exist in the sniffles thread.

In the meantime, I will continue pointing out examples of you and other libtiles being wrong. Enjoy your coming red wave with the midterms and in the interim, bringing it back to Breyer and his retirement, enjoy the double standards the Dems embrace in their appointment and hiring process.
In real Breyer replacement news, not fantasy gun control schemes, NM's Senator Lujan had a stroke and is out an estimated 4-6 weeks.

That said, I can't believe that Mittens or Murkowski wouldn't vote to confirm whatever Communist that Depend's handlers push forward. Thought Mitch is good at judge battles - about the only thing he is good for, but mighty good there so full marks for what he's done in the past.

It does mean the B^3 bill, and whatever other Senate rule busting stuff the Democrats dreamt of pushing forward is done till Lujan gets back, or at least propped up to Biden/Ginsberg level of automation. Poor Ginsberg was so frail at the end of her term that she couldn't even get out of her chair by herself. At one meeting, everyone sort of forgot about her and she was stuck in place till someone remembered she needed help in sitting up.
So you want to protect society from guns but not knives. If you get killed by a knife your wife doesn’t get any insurance money got it. I get it guns do more volume of damage therefore need insurance.

Who do you think is doing most of that volume of violence? Criminals I would guess the very people you stated wouldn’t even get insurance. So most of violence will be done by criminals who aren’t going to get insurance but you want everyone else to get insurance because of all the violence. Not going to happen.

I very clearly said that guns are much more of an issue when it comes to deaths/accidents but if knives become a problem on the same level as guns then I'd consider it. At this point there is wide chasm between guns and knives.

I didn't tie insurance just to crime. Is auto liability insurance required just to combat bank robbers who use automobiles to getaway? It's to ensure the driver is accountable for the awesome responsibility of driving. Gun ownership, especially open/concealed carry should be though of in the same vein.
You clearly have never been to the east side of Austin or the east side of the Houston area. It is ALSO clear that you don't see dockets very often.

The left doesn't want routine traffic stops to occur precisely because they know things like insurance will be found nowhere in sight, and they whine that such stops disproportionately impact the criminal class, err I mean the poor...

You got me. I've never been to the East side of Austin or Houston and don't see dockets. Not sure how looking at micro-locations invalidates my point.

Seems you don't realize that all it takes to get suspended on the bird app is to point out that males are not and will not every be women. Or that women's sex-segregated space means something...and that it should be sacrosanct and entirely exempt from colonization by the pervert class.

Places like the bird app ALSO suspend and ban people for misinformation which is simply fact that has not yet been conceded by the powers that be...numerous examples of this exist in the sniffles thread.

In the meantime, I will continue pointing out examples of you and other libtiles being wrong. Enjoy your coming red wave with the midterms and in the interim, bringing it back to Breyer and his retirement, enjoy the double standards the Dems embrace in their appointment and hiring process.

"libtiles", "pervert class", "sniffles thread". It's as if I'm paying you to prove my point. You think you were kicked off twitter for having a different view but in reality you simply don't know how to converse with others. Your own writing proves it. You are the toxicity Twitter is trying to expunge from it's platform.

My Grandfather used to tell me "God gave you 2 ears and one mouth. He did that so you listen twice as much as you talk." My advice is to listen more. You may learn something about why the opponent thinks the way they do. More than simply being a "pervert" or "libtile".
You got me. I've never been to the East side of Austin or Houston and don't see dockets. Not sure how looking at micro-locations invalidates my point.

Yeah, 'micro-locations' in large metropolitan areas...that could never be relevant. GTFOH.

"libtiles", "pervert class", "sniffles thread". It's as if I'm paying you to prove my point. You think you were kicked off twitter for having a different view but in reality you simply don't know how to converse with others. Your own writing proves it. You are the toxicity Twitter is trying to expunge from it's platform.

My Grandfather used to tell me "God gave you 2 ears and one mouth. He did that so you listen twice as much as you talk." My advice is to listen more. You may learn something about why the opponent thinks the way they do. More than simply being a "pervert" or "libtile".

I guess we should thank you for identifying yourself as endorsing the rights of sex offenders to declare themselves women so they can prey on females. And the right of mediocre athletes to decide between semesters that they can be champion athletes by changing the switch to easy mode on the game of life and step down in competition class.

Oh and that you ALSO only want one approved narrative. You and your ilk cannot help yourself in decrying that with which you disagree and demanding that it be squelched.

Fortunately those high school kids in Washougal who are sick of mask stupidity give some measure of hope that common sense may eventually prevail in the PNW.
I guess we should thank you for identifying yourself as endorsing the rights of sex offenders to declare themselves women so they can prey on females. And the right of mediocre athletes to decide between semesters that they can be champion athletes by changing the switch to easy mode on the game of life and step down in competition class.

Oh and that you ALSO only want one approved narrative. You and your ilk cannot help yourself in decrying that with which you disagree and demanding that it be squelched.

Fortunately those high school kids in Washougal who are sick of mask stupidity give some measure of hope that common sense may eventually prevail in the PNW.

I didn't endorse or identify anything but you ascribed a whole bunch of opinions to me just as you did with the other terms I pointed out. You are replete with loaded language which exposes that you have zero interest in listening to the opposing party. So, you project on them what you want to believe based on a limited set of experiences. That's your prerogative but the term closed minded is typically reserved for that type of behavior.
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You got me. I've never been to the East side of Austin or Houston and don't see dockets. Not sure how looking at micro-locations invalidates my point.

"libtiles", "pervert class", "sniffles thread". It's as if I'm paying you to prove my point. You think you were kicked off twitter for having a different view but in reality you simply don't know how to converse with others. Your own writing proves it. You are the toxicity Twitter is trying to expunge from it's platform.

My Grandfather used to tell me "God gave you 2 ears and one mouth. He did that so you listen twice as much as you talk." My advice is to listen more. You may learn something about why the opponent thinks the way they do. More than simply being a "pervert" or "libtile".
I blocked that lovely individual. A wise consultant once told me to never get into a pissing contest with a skunk - nobody wins. Not sure if that one fits her as much as the chess/pigeon one.

I’m better than that. I can disagree without being disagreeable, as can you. Most here can. I can’t imagine a rational adult getting banned multiple times on any platform.
I blocked that lovely individual. A wise consultant once told me to never get into a pissing contest with a skunk - nobody wins. Not sure if that one fits her as much as the chess/pigeon one.

I’m better than that. I can disagree without being disagreeable, as can you. Most here can. I can’t imagine a rational adult getting banned multiple times on any platform.
You once talked **** to other people for talking about blocking someone. What gives, here, bootlegger?
You once talked **** to other people for talking about blocking someone. What gives, here, bootlegger?
A commonality across social platforms is that the weak often resort to blocking almost as soon as their ivory tower nonsense is pierced by real-world experience and data.

Saw that again the other day on the bird app where so far-left whacko was claiming Abbott, Patrick and Paxton were all racist. When pressed upon WHY they were racists, they avoided the question. Two posts later, having been shown the other user was clearly a liar, she blocked me. It is part and parcel of the left's playbook...
I'll admit this is a rare instance, but I see it no differently than my aforementioned example. If they can use judicial review to show how something is unconstitutional, and RI's government was clearly not a republican form of government based on x, y, and z, then declare it unconstitutional. What's the "you know it when you see it" line about pornography? Waiting for Congress to describe it as unconstitutional before declaring it unconstitutional (despite it being a 17th century colonial charter and not a law written after 1787) kind of flies in the face of Marshall. Imagine if it was a well-armed state like Texas today. It doesn't get as much publicity because it was little Rhode Island.

The size of the state has nothing to do with it. Law professors don't care how big or well-armed the state is. The opinion doesn't get the publicity you expect, because the idea that Congress decides who the government of a particular state is isn't very controversial in legal circles. In fact, on the issue in question, it's still good law.

I'm not trying to be a jackass, but you talk about this case as though you haven't read it or haven't read it carefully. Peruse it again. It's not the travesty you think it is. Furthermore, if the Court did what you would want it to do, it would run afoul of other constitutional provisions.

What I'm saying is that the 14th Amendment and FFC might as well not exist if we go with "the text of the majority of the people who reside on this piece of soil." We're back to 50 different versions of the law (plus whatever municipal, county, etc.) with no "correct" version of equal protection if we don't have a Supreme Court who can intervene. But a lot of this was supposed to be rectified with all of those Warren court decisions that you don't seem to like. I think it's preferable to stick with those than to tell blue people living in red states and red people living in blue states to go suck a big one.

Actually you have it ***-backwards. We may as well not have a by 14th Amendment or FFC under your mentality, because the Court could just force it arbitrarily. Under my mentality (and the mentality lawyers and judges generally apply when it's not justices screwing with the Constitution), those laws actually have relevance.

I don't know if it'll do any good because it hasn't so far, but I'll say it again. We should follow the law (including the Constitution) as it's written. That doesn't mean we never be strike down laws. However, it does mean that we only do so when the Constitution actually conflicts with them. Any other system is arbitrary and renders legislatures and any system that codifies laws irrelevant. It is why we don't like places like North Korea and Cuba.
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Anyone expecting block voting from the Republicans is going to be disappointed. I heard Lindsey Graham say he expects to vote for Biden’s appointee.
I evolved. I don’t block people who are respectful and reasonable. Only those who are dicks.
You are dodging. I didn't say one shouldn't be blocked. You ribbed me a while back for repeating a few times about blocking a certain poster.


Edited for egregious, outrageous, uphauling, and disgruntling spelling errors.
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Not sure I ever billed the idea as a silver bullet to fix all issues. If it moves the needle to forces gun owners to be more responsible, like it has drivers based on data, then that's a win for society. Per that site 12.9% of drivers are uninsured nationally in 2019. I fully acknowledge that the Chicago gangbanger will not carry insurance on a weapon that nobody knows they have. Still, were those driver insurance laws not in place there are a lot of accident victims that would be left holding the bag, not too different than gun violence/accident victims now.

Here is a news story from an incident last night where a gun owner (concealed carry permit holder) used a gun irresponsibly. Everyone is fortunate the gun didn't discharge but it's also the perfect example of why the gun owner should have to carry liability insurance. Had it gone off she goes to jail. Maybe the store employee files a civil suit where the woman files bankruptcy leaving him with no compensation. If she were forced to carry liability insurance this store employee would have an avenue to make himself whole, financially.

The answer for what to do with criminals is already in the driving world under uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage. In your example you want this lady to have gun insurance so the clerk can sue her and get money for his emotional distress. Next time a gangbanger pulls a gun with no insurance on it. The clerk needs to pay for his own uninsured and underinsured gun coverage for his emotional distress?
The answer for what to do with criminals is already in the driving world under uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage. In your example you want this lady to have gun insurance so the clerk can sue her and get money for his emotional distress. Next time a gangbanger pulls a gun with no insurance on it. The clerk needs to pay for his own uninsured and underinsured gun coverage for his emotional distress?

Yep, I'm sure insurance companies would offer that as an option after liability insurance was mandated for gun owners.
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Yep, I'm sure insurance companies would off that as an option after liability insurance was mandated for gun owners.

Ok. I don't see it passing constitutional muster like a poll tax. As others stated, right to bear arms is in the Constitution. Right to drive car is not. Anyway, I better let this return to Breyer...
I'm talking about background checks. If I sell you a gun I should work in any cost of a background check into that cost to validate that you are eligible to own said gun and if I fail to do so and document that eligibility then I could be held liable for something that you may do with the gun that harms others. Something like 85% of gun owners support universal background checks.

Seattle is talking about liability insurance. I'm not against that but it's my thing.

On the merits, I don't have a problem with background checks so long as they're reasonable in cost, timeliness, and scope. If we're talking about what should pass constitutional muster, the state/federal issue comes into play. A state legislature can basically do what it wants. Congress could only require a background check on interstate sales.
Until the nomination has been made, I don't think anyone should be saying much one way or the other.
I'm at a point of tit for tat and fight fire with fire with the dims. Playing nice gets us nowhere.

I didn't used to think that but that is where we are at.
I rib you for any number of things.
The only ribs we need are these.


I got a bit derailed, but your comments warranted examination and response.

If you want to make it constitutional then put the insurance premium on ammunition for the gun. ;) I'm certain someone can account for presence of ammo or not in insurance premiums. I know you are aware, that "right to bear arms" translation you are using now is not the version the SCOTUS held until the 1970's. That was when the NRA effectively changed our legal view for that to be an absolute right, unencumbered by rules, and diminished the clause "well regulated militia" which is in the same sentence as the right to bear arms. I'm not even arguing over removing guns though...just forcing gun owners to be more responsible.

As you might guess, I tend to accept the NRA's view that the well-regulated militia clause isn't a limitation on the right to bear arms. However, I don't accept their application of the Second Amendment to the states through the 14th Amendment. As I've indicated before, I think a state has the right to ban handguns unless they limit it by their own constitutions or laws.

We put that insurance requirement on drivers when cars became ubiquitous and the damage they did when used carelessly became an issue for the other drivers. As of right now per 38% of Americans over the age of 18 have a gun and the US has 393M guns in the marketplace. Compare that with only 276M registered automobiles. Yes, we have >100M more guns that cars in homes. With Open Carry and expanded concealed carry laws the guns are even more prevelant. They are now outside of the homes. Guns are the most common murder weapon (by magnitudes), the most common suicide option and accidental deaths. This site has unverified (by me) information on accidental gun accidents. I'm saying, that the US fascination with gun ownership has now crossed that same divide that we did with cars where the volume of them results in more injuries by their users so those users should be financially liable for the responsibility they choose to bear.

There are more guns than cars. However, I think you also have to consider use, exposure to the public, and likelihood of accidental injury. Obviously gun accidents happen, and every one of them is a tragedy, but auto injuries and fatalities are much, much more common even though there are fewer cars. For example, in 2018 there were 458 accidental gun deaths in the United States. There were about 36,000 traffic fatalities that same year.
The bottom line is that driving a car is just a hell of a lot more dangerous than carrying a gun, because it's far more likely to be lead to injury or death. It's much easier to accidentally cause a car wreck than to accidentally fire a gun.

Why do I not consider intentional injuries and deaths in this equation? Because liability insurance protects against negligence and gross negligence torts. It doesn't cover intentional acts.

I also can't speak for every state, but at least in Texas, a car doesn't have to be insured if it's not driving on the roads and therefore exposing people to harm. A car that's just sitting in your garage doesn't have to be insured. I don't see much need for a gun that's sitting in a safe to be insured. Could I be convinced to require it for those who get carry licenses? Perhaps. Should gun ranges have to carry insurance that covers the shooters inside? Absolutely. But do I think a guy who keeps his gun in his home and uses it only for home defense should have to carry a special liability insurance policy? No, and there's a good chance his homeowners policy would kick in if an accident occurred.

And of course, you can see where the skepticism is going to come from. States have the power to set insurance rates. Will the State of California set rates at something reasonable, or will it gouge gun owners just because it can? Gun owners aren't going to trust states like that not to make insurance premiums do to the right to bear arms what a poll tax did to the right to vote.

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