Big Brother

When Keesha gets out and watches the show beginning to end she is going to be pissed at Dan. He played her like a fiddle.

If I was Memphis, I would at least try and explain it to her. For him to win the money, the odds are better with Jerry in the house than her. Even though if I was Memphis or Dan, I would want to go up against either Keesha or Jerry, not each other.

This is going to be good, I am sure some of you all ready know some things, make sure you keep them to your selves.
I tend to notice that when the jurors vote, they do give proper cred to people that played the game well, if they are just bitter or self centered, ie April and Libra they vote out of spite.

I think it will be very close between Dan and Memphis. It may even come down to closing speeches.
I think Dan should definitely win - he has been the best game player by far. Memphis only won that last veto because Dan gave it to him.

Dan's won what - 3 HOHs including the last and most important one. Plus he won more than one POV and the visit to the beach.

I agree it will be very close though. The only person I can see for sure voting for Memphis to win is the bumbling old coot, since he "never breaks his word" and thinks Dan is Judas.

I think the jury Q&A will be crucial, and I think that Dan is a better orator and if he presents his arguments well, he should walk away with the 500K. Go Dan!!
That was my thinking as well. Dan thinks better on his feet and he is preparing for each Juror right now. I think he already knows what they are going to do and he has been good at anticipating people so far.

Either one can win, but I think Dan played the jurors the best.

I don't have a preference, but I really hate that April girl, she has got to get evicted from the Juror house!!!!
Here are my predictions/gut feelings:

Jerry-Memphis, the Judas thing/America's player
Ollie-Dan, I think he respects the way that he got played
Keesha-Memphis, she still has a crush on him and will figure out why he did what he did
Libra-Dan? Because April so despises him.
April-Memphis, she shouldn't have a vote
Michelle-Memphis, those New Englanders have long memories and don't like to be played multiple times
Renny-Dan, she still thinks Memphis is a snake

Memphis wins 4-3.

Just a guess, what are your predictions.......
I really think it's a landslide for Dan. In the end, the jurors USUALLY respect good gameplay, and no one has played the game better than Dan since Dr. Will. Even when he came close to overplaying his hand, he reeled himself in and overcame the damage.

The only person I can see not voting for Dan is April out of spite because she is such a self involved *****. Even if she is the only vote for Memphis, she will be shocked-SHOCKED-that the rest of the house didn't vote the same way she did.
Sunday, you were able to see how Dan analyzed each and every other player/juror. I think his closing will quietly address each and every player.

Good Luck to both of them!!!!
They were looking at the picture wall, he was talking about what made each player tick and what their downfall was, he has pretty good insight, things that I don't think Memphis is taking into account. Dan is going to close these people hook, line and sinker!
Yeah, that Sunday show was proof positive that Dan was far and away the smartest person in the house.

It also showed how easily someone who is smart and motivated can manipulate the weak minded...

Dan's got this thing in the bag. Although if I had to choose Dan's weak spot, it's his ego. If he gets too cocky, which at times he has but was able to reel it in, he could say/do the wrong thing, and that could be enough to sway some votes.
I'd be mildly surprised if Dan didn't win. It could be a close vote but I think a few people sitting on the fence won't vote for Memphis simply because he won a car in the first competition. A $50K car plus 2nd place $50K is a very handsome takeaway.
Which of the jury members are you guys hoping will get the $25K? I hope it's Renny. She was the most entertaining person in the house - definitely the star of the season.

If Jerry wins it I will barf. CBS has portrayed him as this harmless old man, but people who watch the feeds know that he is a dirty old man (grabbing April's boobs and telling Keesha she is a hottie in her bikini) and mean-spirited (always talking **** about Dan, saying he's going to burn in hell, etc.).
I hope that either Renny or Keesha gets the $25K. I fear that Jerry will based on his "harmless old grampa whose wife has Parkinsons" routine but he's a clear example of the wonders of editing.
Dan wins easily, Keesha gets the fan vote for $25K.

This was only my second season to watch, and it wasn't nearly as entertaining nor surprising as the previous one. Plus the gender gap was really exploited by the men, though some of that is the fault of the women for evicting each other a few times.

For future, I would like to see (1) more attractive females who actually have a chance to survive and (2) more fairness in physical contests, like the hockey shot. I admit the vine swinging deal was probably the most compelling moment of the season, but that's something only a 20s guy will win.
Gotta give it to Brian last night for exposing Ollie, April, Michelle & Jerry in front of a live audience. Ollie just tried to hide & giggle when he was called out, while April & Michelle both tried the "what are you talking about?" approach when Brian revealed how they were ripping on Keesha's appearance--who was by far the hottest woman in the house--when they were in the jury house.

But Brian's bringing up Jerry's so-called "Christian values" & personal attacks on Dan was classic. Obviously the producers planned for this w/ the cued tapes of Jerry being an ***, but it was great to hear Jerry's playground-grade response of "Dan brought up his religion first so when he didn't do what I thought he should do I felt I would use my beliefs against him & he's a Judas blah blah blah". Way to show that your 75-year old *** is about as mature as the average grade-school kid...or aggy.
I can't believe Dan won 7-0. I thought the old aggy man would vote for Memphis for sure. Especially since he referred to Dan as Judas, plus he had a deal with Memphis and supposedly he "never breaks his word."

Brian was awesome, I wish he would've said what Michelle and April specifically said about Keesha (that she had gained weight), then they wouldn't have been able to pretend they didn't know what he was talking about.

Thank god Keesha won the $25K, although I personally voted for Renny.

Speaking of Renny, what was she going on and on about when she put her key in the box anyway? And what was Jerry talking about when he said that the person he voted for showed him "a little bit of kindness"?
Yeah, the unanimous vote was a surprise. It seemed like April & Ollie were going to vote for Memphis if for no other reason April didn't want to go along w/ Keesha's decision on anything. And Jerry's such an idiot his "I never break my word...unless I'm not wearing a Marine t-shirt or cap" act was just ridiculous.

I think Renny was trying to make it clear that she'd voted for Dan w/o breaking the rules & also wanted to get one last jab in at Memphis' (lack of) character. In the end I think that Memphis was such an idiot when it came time to answer the jury's questions everyone decided he was too stupid to have half a mil. He'll still be a bartender...oh, that's right, a "mixologist" in 10 years & the '69 Camaro he won will be in need of an overhaul since the cheese that he exudes will have ruined the interior.
I say don't put old Coots in the house again. Jerry got played by every side and Renny is a freaking space cadet. I never understood her, what do you mean questions? I still do not get her hatred toward Memphis?

Glad Dan won, surprised it was 7-0. I love how April thinks she is such a player, she went out over a month ago, no player, more of a pawn!!

I still don't think that Jerry realizes that Dan did not vote for Jessie.

When they were all milling around at the end, it was funny nobody was talking to Jerry, he was standing there like the dumb *** that he is......

Renny was talking about how Dan showed her respect and would kid around with her. He even referred to her as "Mom". Memphis, on the other hand, never had anything to do with her. She had a dislike for Memphis early on.

I think Jerry was referring to the fact that if not for Dan he probably would have been gone a lot earlier.


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