Big Brother

Slowly but surely, I am becoming a Dan Fan!!!!!

Memphis is cool too!!!!!

I can't wait to see Libra's face when April walks in!!!!!

I would love to see Renny go this week, I think it will be Jerry!!!
Someone please explain exactly how Keesha is considered a good game player? She has basically just floated her way through the show and was saved by the fact that she was nominated for ouster along side the most feared person in the house. She's dumb as rocks and routinely targets people for vindictive reasons rather than tactical. I hope Ollie wins POV and puts her up for ouster against Memphis.
I don't know what the hell Dan was thinking with that decision. I understand his plan is to make people think he's the weakest, dumbest player & therefore not a threat--that someone else is pulling the strings & he's just a pawn--but this move strikes of someone overthinking their strategy.

If--and it's a huge if at this pont--he can keep Memphis from being eliminated, patch up the damage he's done to his alliance w/ Memphis, & convince Ollie, Michelle & Keesha that he doesn't have an alliance w/ Memphis it might work out for him. But he's probably played his hand too soon & by giving Ollie so much power he may have cut his own throat before getting to the finish line.
Dan played with some serious fire, imagine if Jerry had won POV. As has been hinted, I don't think there is anything to worry about. Memphis needs to get rid of Renny, quickly!!! That is going to bite him in the ***, that ole lady.
If Memphis won POV or someone pulled him down, I would put Ollie up!!!!!! What the hell, you lose his and April's vote, it's a move, it's a game, screw him for thinking he was going to get to nominate all those people.
Dan has to talk to Jerry first and guarantee himself a week.

I don't know, Jerry, Renny, Ollie and Michelle all need to go. Target one and go for it, one by one!!!!
Michelle is has a victim's mentality. I'll be glad to see her go. First it was her going off the handle when Libra took the trip to Hawaii from her. " I never win anything" "Nothing good ever happens to me" She acted like she did something to deserve or actually win the trip herself. No dumbass you missed the hockeye goal entirely and pulled out a trip to Hawaii as your parting gift. You knew full well that someone could take it from you.

Then today she starts crying about how she deserves to talk to her family more than anyone else in the house (all who have spent just as much time in the house as her). Good grief. She's a freaking victim if I've ever seen one.
Two things:

One putting Keesha up does nothing for Ollie. It is a two-two split and Jerry goes home. Dan now has three safety nets for the next week. However, I would have let the whole house know the deal, and that you were keeping your word to Ollie. Makes Ollie look like a douche that he is. Puts Renny, Keesha, and Memphis gunning for him. If they aren't already, Renny is a loose cannon.

Second thing:
Ollie broke the deal when he told Jerry and Michelle what the deal was, if I was Dan that has to come out and be public knowledge. Part of the deal was that Ollie couldn't tell anyone. When he told Jerry and Michelle, deal off. Now Dan would have to realize or get proof that Ollie did tell Jerry and Michelle. If he is thinking it is a safe assumption.

So I assume everyone thinks that Michelle is gone? Jerry poses little to no threat.
Dan has to make sure Michelle goes now or else he pissed her and Ollie off for nothing. Terrible move.

He should have either kept his word with Ollie and just gotten Jerry out this week or put up Ollie and just dealt with his anger for a few days before saying goodbye to him.

He made a BIG move in order to get out a fairly weak player in Michelle, and he just played into the thoughts that many have about him being a liar. He could have kept his word and still gotten rid of an enemy in Jerry.
Definately agree.

What is Dan doing working wtih Renny?

I hate her stupid questions. When somebody asks her something, she goes, what do you mean? I fricking hate that, she needs to go right after Michelle and Ollie.

Dan needs to lay it out there for Renny/Keesha/Memphis.

Get the four of us to the final four and then it is every person for themselves!!!!

This week I would be afraid of Keesha or Renny pulling the chick thing and making it the three ladies vs. the three guys. Keeping Michelle and getting rid of Jerry. I doubt it but Dan is starting to put his head above ground and making himself a target.

I don't even think I am making sense anymore.
You know what is awesome about tonight's show? It's a double eviction night which means after either Jerry or Michelle is evicted, whichever housemate wins HOH will have to immediately nominate two people for eviction, the veto comp will be held, and then someone will be evicted.

You know what completely sucks about tonight's show? NFL preseason games are tonight, meaning BB will be held not at 7 pm per usual, but after the local news, after Dave Letterman, and after the Late Late Show, meaning it will be on around 11:30 or later.

I think that's what the line-up's going to be at least. When I checked my DVR last night, that's what it showed, but now when I check the Time Warner listings online, it is showing it coming on at the regular time. So maybe (hopefully) it will be live or at least timely. Otherwise I'll have to record multiple shows around that time period, because the show never comes on when advertised because games usually run over.
I don't know if this is a spoler or not, as it is the next morning, but I am going to talk about last nights show.

That could not have been any better for Dan, Memphis, Keesha, and Renny.

Ollie and Michelle are so stupid, they are without a doubt some of the worse players in the history of BB!!! Dan was a plant!!!!!!! That football picture was fake, give me a break!!!!

I do think that Dan can win the game. When he explains his strategy to people and that he did not vote out Jessie, it will come back to help him. He just needs to get rid of Jerry and Renny. He can't face them in the finals.

This is going to be a crazy finish. Who does Keesha nominate again or do they do the HOH again?
Sent message, also recommending Television Without Pity as a site to keep up with live feeds now shown on CBS.

I don't know about the finale, but the guests were saying there are around 33 days left. But I think CBS has the ability to bump it a week or so in either direction depending how the ratings are.

I'm almost positive I heard JC say on last nights show that the final show was September 16th. If that is the case, it works out about right for the #'s they have in the house right now. It sounds like the players don't really know the real date, if they think they have another month plus.

What is up with Memphis? Why do a bunch of the players despise him? It seems like a bunch of people have wanted him out since the begininng? Was it that thing from week 1 and the friendship with that one girl?
Damn, Dan really busted his *** for that veto! Ollie didn't even find one of his vetoes in the entire time that Dan and Memphis completed the task?! And I was impressed with Renny too - she is spry for an old-ish woman!

Damn, with Jerry almost winning HOH would have screwed Dan/Memphis/Renny/Keesha.

Also, I don't understand why these fools don't count everything in the house, memorize the furniture and objects in the house, memorize what happened each day, etc. They have nothing to do in that house, the least they could do is study up for these comps.
Bye Bye Renny or do you get rid of Keesah? You know that at least one of the last events will be physical.

Get rid of Renny, she would be driving me nuts. Jerry is next!!
Final 3 Memphis, Dan and Keesha!!!

I loved the moment where Renny realized she was getting put up and she goes to Memphis, I could have put you up, Renny you were trying to get rid of him the whole time calling him a snake!!!

Memphis has three deals, that could come back to haunt him if they start talking.

I knew there was something wrong with Jerry when he busted out the AM sweatshirt. I am so tired of his, you broke your word. Memphis has not broken his word to Jerry unless there is something I did not see.....
Dan wins HOH. I guess Jerry and Keesha go on the block. If the POV goes unused, Memphis votes Keesha out. I know he doesn't like Jerry, but either Dan or Memphis would be better off against Jerry in the end.

It kinda sucks since I've really warmed up to Keesha as this thing has gone on. I wouldn't mind at all if she won it. She has won 2 HOH's and 1 POV comp up to this point, so it isn't like she has simply skated through.

I want Dan to win, but based on the existing jury members, that seems unlikely. They all hate his ***. Then again, didn't most people hate Dr. Will and Mike Boogie? They both won the whole thing b/c people, in the end, respect good gameplay.
Players usually respect good gameplay, but it seems pretty likely that the April/Ollie/Michelle block will vote for anyone else over Keesha.

Jerry goes next. If Dan wins the final HOH then he needs to take Keesha to the final 2. Memphis can probably beat either Keesha or Dan.
So, Dan wins this trip outside the house and gets to choose someone to bring with him. He can choose anyone currently in the house or already at the jury house. Who does he choose?

Michelle. WTF?

The approach should've been to take someone who'd end up as a swing vote should he make it to the end. The only logical choices were Libra and Renny. He was smart to not choose someone remaining in the house with him, but choosing Michelle is stupid.

1) You were solely responsible (though unintentionally) for evicting Jesse.

2) You BACKDOORED her, dumbass.

This blatantly transparent attempt to buy her vote is just that -- transparent. She's a crazy mooseface, but Michelle is going to see right through this.

I've liked most of Dan's decisions up to this point, but this one may really bite him in the *** and potentially cost him the game.
I dont watch Big Brother but sometimes i catch the live feed on showtime. WTF? They showed some dude sleeping for like 30 minutes. WHat is that all about?
The Showtime feeds are three hours, they actually have a 24-hour option via CBS on-line. There are only four people left, and as I heard Keesha say last night, "We don't do ANYTHING."

The live feeds can be interesting if there are more people around and especially if there are conflicts playing out. Or if you just like watching a particular character (i.e. not an old man). At this point though, the live feeds are useless.

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