You know what is awesome about tonight's show? It's a double eviction night which means after either Jerry or Michelle is evicted, whichever housemate wins HOH will have to immediately nominate two people for eviction, the veto comp will be held, and then someone will be evicted.
You know what completely sucks about tonight's show? NFL preseason games are tonight, meaning BB will be held not at 7 pm per usual, but after the local news, after Dave Letterman, and after the Late Late Show, meaning it will be on around 11:30 or later.
I think that's what the line-up's going to be at least. When I checked my DVR last night, that's what it showed, but now when I check the Time Warner listings online, it is showing it coming on at the regular time. So maybe (hopefully) it will be live or at least timely. Otherwise I'll have to record multiple shows around that time period, because the show never comes on when advertised because games usually run over.