Big Brother

Why aren't people seeing April's for what she is? She quickly becomes best friends with whomever wins HOH. It's almost comical in how blatant it is. She about had an orgasm when Jessie won HOH a few weeks back.
I loved how April's goading of Keesha & Michelle to call out Libra for the "she's only being nice cuz she wants a dress" blew up in April's face. Keesha was obviously lit on the wine & that quickly turned around & hopefully bit April in her ***.

One thing I don't understand during the PoV competition is why Keesha didn't put all of her onions in the PoV box? Why even try for a mystery surprise when your fate is on the line?

Jerry's little speech to Dan during the PoV was stupid. got him, Jerry! He was twisting in the wind for about 1/10th of a second. The only thing that accomplished was to make Dan target you more whenever possible.
Let's see who votes Libra or Keisha?

Dan Evicts Libra
Jerry Evicts Libra
Memphis Evicts Libra
Renny Evicts Libra
Apri Evicts Keisha(Ollie will help here)
Ollie Evicts Keisha

Libra is gone, I believe.

Jerry is a complete fricking Moron, how stupid is he going to feel when he finds out Dan didn't even vote!!!!

I can't wait to see who wins HOH this week!!!!!
It's not even a Boston accent, it is a Rhode Island Accent, Boston wantabee!!!!!

April and her are hideous creatures!!!! Keisha's good, but I wouldn't put her on much of a pedastool.

Not like years past.....
I was pretty sure that the twist this year was going to be that Michelle was actually a man.

She is hideous.

April is disgusting as well. Her skin is terrible, and that dye job is comical. She is also the fakest person in the whole house.

I almost cried when they voted Angie out. I think the women voted her out because she was so much hotter than them, AND she wouldn't hang out the them.

Jerry just keeps getting more and more annoying. He has got to go ASAP. I really hope Memphis gets HOH Thursday.
I am so sick of the "you broke your word" component to some of these people, especially Jerry. What the F did you think was going to happen on this show, old man? I mean, come on, sooner or later, you have to get your hands dirty.

Keesha is reminding me more and more of Danielle from Season 8 every episode.
At first I thought Renny was crazy not putting Ollie & April up together, but the more I think about it she made a smart strategic move.

With Ollie & April up against one another Renny would put a huge target on her back if a) one is eliminated & the other vows vengeance, or b) a crazy PoV shakes things up & both Ollie & April survive, making Renny's situation even worse.

If all goes well April will be eliminated & things will really shift. Ollie's gotten by pretty easily for being the original snake in the house. His pairing up w/ April allowed him to lie low & fly under the radar a bit. I don't think he's a very good strategic player but to this point he's made the most of his position.
Yeah, but if Ollie wins POV, Renny just screwed herself.
Who does she put up and Ollie and April have two votes vs. 1 or 0.

You always put up the two. POV takes one down and the other goes home. If POV does not take one down you cut a deal and guarantee the other they don't go home. Cut the snake in half!!!! Reduce your odds!!!
Qucik question from a big brother newbie, If Ollie wins POV and uses it on April can Renny then put him for elimination? How does this work?
I'm pretty sure the HOH has to put up a different person, it can't be the POV holder. If that were the case, no one would use POV.

Doesn't matter in this case as Dan won POV and did not use it. It seems a foregone conclusion April is out, probably by a 4-1 vote. They were playing hide and seek and other games last night and for some reason April/Ollie had sequestered themselves in the pool and did not participate.
Renny is acting like she knows what she is doing. I see her gone in two people.

Telling everyone that she likes Ollie. She is so stupid. Her and Keesha's voice are really starting to grate my nerves.

April is out, then Ollie, Jerry, Renny, Michelle, Keesha, Dan and Memphis wins!!!!!

One alliance is going to be Ollie-Renny-Jerry with sub-alliance Renny-Keesha against Memphis-Dan-Keesha-Michelle. Memphis and Dan are way to strong. They need to stay real quiet.
Yeah I was rooting for the dawlin from Nawlins until she started telling people she liked Ollie. She just screwed herself if Dan or Memphis wins HOH this week. She also inadvertently pushed Keesha closer to Dan and Memphis.

I am now rooting for Dan or Memphis. I like Ollie, but the fact that he hooked up with that beast April has ruined him for me.
Dan and Memphis need to lay real low, not stir any pots, let Jerry-renny-Michelle-Ollie hang themselves.

I was a little concerned when Dan and Memphis were talking outside and Dan said wanted to do something other than let it happen to him.

Dan did the right thing in talking to April/Jerry and Renny.

I need help here, once the HOH nominates or replaces on the POV, what power do they have? They are the most powerless in the house. What is this, you vote my way or you leave my nominees as is????? I would have told April and Renny stick it where the sun doesn't shine, you aren't going to be HOH next week.

I just don't understand how they keep all this power all week long?

People rarely go against the HoH's wishes unless they know for 100% certainty that their alliance is strong enough to 1) get the person they're targeting evicted, and 2) withstand any counter attacks the following week. That's why, for example, April voted to evict Libra instead of Keesha the previous week. Even though it was obvious that Libra was going to be evicted it's still dangerous to be the dissenting vote (unless you've made a very public announcement that you will never vote to evict player 'x').

Renny's paranoia is getting the best of her. I really thought she would do well to hang w/ Keesha, Memphis & Dan. She had seemingly controlled some of her annoying mannerisms & let others become bigger targets. It was way too early for her to start making waves & announce her fondness for Ollie. I think she's afraid that Keesha & Memphis will hook up, leaving her to twist in the wind.

Kudos to Dan last night for letting people know that April tried to buy the PoV from him. That should bring a lot of ugly attention to that nasty, balding beast the rest of the week.
I understand the voting thing and not wanting to the dissenting vote, but it was Keesha, telling the house how to vote, April telling the house how to vote and then Renny acting shocked that Dan would chance her nominees.

Especially, Renny, she just hung herself.

If I was HOH, I would be here are my picks, house you decide who you want to keep or let go. I would be preparing myself for being a target the next week, not trying to get people to do things for me......

Maybe I just don't get it.
I am seeing tonight as uneventful. April goes home, the only vote I can see her getting is Ollie.


I think it is so funny how April and Ollie think that they can work Dan. I don't really care for Dan much, but he has a few people in this house tooled. Neither April nor Ollie have any tools to convince people to do something else. No sales skills.
I hope you're right about April. The only way I can see her staying is if:

*Ollie convinces Renny that Jerry's a bigger threat than April--not gonna happen
*Ollie & April buy off Renny w/ gold & promise not to put her up--not likely to happen, plus they'd still need Michelle & Dan to flip which would take more gold
*Jerry goes absolutely batshit & does something so stupid to piss off the rest of the house that they decide he has to be dealt with immediately--not likely to happen despite Jerry's ability to warp into senile grunt mode

So April's gone & then hopefully Keesha wins HoH. Dan & Memphis can continue to work in stealth mode while Keesha will nominate Ollie & probably Michelle for eviction.
Not saying this is going to happen, I don't think it will, but I could see an underhanded deal like this:

Memphis and Dan work with Ollie and April to keep April but the deal is to get rid of Jerry and then next week go after Renny. Can't have crazies in the house, unpredictable.

Not likely, but the only scenario that I could see to save April.

I hope that Memphis and Dan keep playing stealth, quiet mode. Let Keesha win HOH!!!!

Keesha then puts up Ollie and Michelle.
I thought Dan's vote is decided for him by "America" (re: people who are goofy enough to spend $.50 per call to vote for stuff like this).
Well that went according to plan. April was easily evicted & Dan is still able to play under the radar.

This HoH challenge is going to be interesting. Jerry & Renny won't be able to take that type of punishment for long. Dan could but I doubt he wants to run the risk of winning back to back competitions so will probably blow it unless it looks like Ollie or possibly Michelle might win. Ollie will lose if a crow flies into the backyard.

I predict Memphis will win this one. He's got the strength to hold on & the bulk to handle the punishment when they get thrown up against the "jungle" walls.
I've always wondered how much they know about the HOH competitions before hand.

I find it hard to believe Dan just happened to have a hooded jacket AND gloves ready for the competition. Ollie also had gloves on I noticed.

I think it will come down to Dan and Ollie. I hope Dan wins it, but he won't be flying under the radar that way.

The best thing for Dan would be for Memphis to win it, and then they can get Ollie or Jerry out.

I'd also put Renny up there just to send her a message that she needs to play along if she wants to get along. She has put a big target on her back.

Next week will be interesting with the double eviction. I'd bet either Renny or Jerry (or possibly both) will be gone this time next week...
***SPOILER ALERT**** (highlight w/mouse if you want to know what happened last night)

Dan wins HOH by cutting a deal w/Ollie. I'm amazed Ollie was willing to do it, since it looked like he was in better shape than Dan. I guess he was trying to earn trust with the others now that he's on his own. Might be a smart move, but might bite him in the *** also. I think he secured his safety as well as someone else of his choosing. I'm guessing he asked for Michelle's safety, but I couldn't hear the audio on Showtime well enough to know for sure.
I won't mention any spoilers, though the results are pretty easy to find. I will say that OUE's guess was correct as to the agreement that was made.

I'll also add at the risk of sounding sexist that some of these competitions are really skewed towards the men. The rain forest one was brutal and they were pretty close to needing medical attention. I know sometimes people throw the comps for various reasons and sometimes the girls win...but when it's a physical and the guy really wants to win, it's not exactly fair.

What physical strength/endurance competition would someone like Michelle be able to beat someone like Ollie? Oh well, it was interesting to watch.
You have physical, endurance, and mental tests.

I think physical swings towards the guys, endurance, females and mental, well nobody is that smart in the house.

I missed last night, Happy Hour and the Bears were on, if that D can stay healthy boys.....

Erlackkkker, Briggs, Harris, Dvorchek played well, obygoneye(SP), Brown, Vasher, Tillman kills me, so does the white guys with the really long name. Orton had his moments last night.

Before anybody says anything, the Bears Defense played straight up, no stunts, blitzes etc......Base defense.
Dan had the jacket on all through last night's episode. They had been locked inside the house for almost 24 hours, so they would have known there was a big thing being set up outside, which would likely mean a long HOH challenge. So he wore a jacket for the eviction, knowing that they'd get sent outside immediately after.

I wonder why more of them do that. You can always take off a layer, but you can't stop a challenge to go get more clothes.

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