Big Brother


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Jessie got booted, that was great.

This year is getting interesting, what alliances are going to develop this week?

Dan is so screwed!!!!!

Memphis and Keisha could be strong.

Old man is embarrising the Marine Corp!!!
I stopped watching after the days of Kaysar and Howie.

Three questions:
1. Is it good this season?
2. If so, is it too late to jump in and start watching?
3. What's the "twist" this year?
BB is my guilty pleasure, not sure why I like it, yes I think this season is good.

With the BB site on CBS you could catch up real quick.

No real twist as of yet. The one that I noticed was in one of the POV's you win $10000 that you can use in the house for bribes etc.

The cool thing about this season is there are so many sub-alliances, it is sick. The only thing for sure is Jerry(old man) and Memphis do not get along.

It is not like the Howie season but it is still good.

Just my opnion.
I missed Thursday's episode. Why is Dan so screwed? Did the rest of the house guest find out about his role in evicting Jessie?
Dan was the swing vote and America told him to take out Jesse. He basically told everyone in the house he was voting a certain way so of course either way he was going to piss off half the house. Oh yeah my wife told me that I don't ******* watch BB.
yeah, i enjoy it as well for some unknown reason....

Dan cant be screwed...I have himin a contest at my job and i have high hopes for him

he was definitely stuck between a rock and a hard rock though in the last vote...and it wasnt even his decision in the end

Dan is ok for now...Michelle nominated Keisha and Libra. Unless Libra wins the veto I think she'll be next to go.

And yet Michelle is the one who needs to go...ever since she lied about the 'fly over' banner, I've totally disliked her. Jessie deserved what he got...what a clueless, me me me idiot...he NEVER wronged anybody in the house, yet everybody wronged him. Do you think maybe he has some kind of entitlement issue?


Not sure if anyone watches the After Dark show on Showtime, but the house went apeshit Saturday night. I've never seen such chaos on that show during any of the earlier seasons. Maybe I'm just forgetting another implosion.

Michelle is epic. Wow. April and Libra almost went to blows.

I'm torn on Jerry. Sometimes, I think he gets a bad rap, but then he annoys me at times also.

I want Dan to win. I think he and Ollie are the only genuine people on the show. I guess Memphis MIGHT be for real, but I'm not buying it. The females on the show are batshit crazy, but that is the norm for this show.
Michelle is on an island next week after she is HOH. Neither side of the alliance will keep her, she gone by either side.

Who would you like to see win HOH next week and who would you nominate?

I would like to see Renny, nominating April and Ollie!!!
Dan is perhaps unintentionally full of ****. He just gives that "full of ****" vibe. Exhibit A was his pathetic "motivational speeches" to April, Renny, and Michelle in HOH last week. Exhibit B is the fact that he was pretty much found out as America's Player. I think he's an ok guy, but he'll never make it IMO because he's just not believable.

Memphis is the best player so far. He has more figured out than anyone.

Jerry is a total f'ing moron. I wanted to like him, but he's just a baffoon. Too bad.
in dan's defense, I think he was intentionally giving super-cheesy, cliched motivational speeches for humorous purposes.

I definitely agree that he hasn't been able to be as stealth as he's tried to, but I don't think this is a good example of that.

that said, I think he is in a good position now if he can stick with memphis.
Jerry is an f-ing joke.

He has turned on Dan, saying that no matter what, Dan will always be "Judas", yet he lied in the very first week.

News flash old man: just because you take off your Marine gear doesn't mean you get to forget about "Semper Fidelis".

You make such a big deal out of being a Marine, but you were one of the FIRST people to save themselves by lying their *** off.

I hope he goes ASAP.

Jerry better hope Memphis doesn't get HOH...

Oh, and BB is the best reality show out there. I know, for some people that means very little, but it really is a pretty good show. Especially if you are a fan of schadenfreude...
They don't blur stuff out, but most of the time the girls are too cognizant (or too sober) to change in plain sight. Believe me, I've been trying to catch April/Keesha in a compromising situation all season long.
In that situation, being cooped up like that, I bet it is hard to hold your tongue!!!!!

I don't think that I would last 5 minutes!!!! I would have to be like Jessie or Adam and just sleep or read the whole time.
Yeah April and Ollie have done the deed 9 times now. A couple of times you could see under the blankets. I don't watch it on Showtime but I go to Hamsterwatch nearly every day to get updates and the guy who runs it is always putting up screen caps from the feeds.

I was pissed when I tried to watch last night's episode tonight, because stupid 60 minutes went over and I only got to watch about 10 minutes of BB.

I was rooting for Keesha, but now I'm for Renny, Memphis, or Dan.

Ollie would be cool except he is an idiot for getting with April because 1) they have made themselves a target by coupling up and 2) she is a scary used up -looking hag.
Michelle is screwed, who is on her side?

April and Ollie, only for this week!!

Jerry will be gone soon, the only reason he isn't is because Memphis hasn't been HOH. Jerry is the perfect target for Memphis, cause nobody really has a beef with him at the moment. Memphis is not going to go out on a ledge for any of the women!!!

Michelle is on an island, she will be gone in the next 2-3 evictions.

The next HOH will be a physical challenge, you had endurance, brains, time for just physical or maybe even skilled like ring toss!!!!

I think Memphis takes the next HOH and then who does he nominate besides Jerry? Assuming, Libra's gone? Who is the pawn?
Good point, I think a new alliance is going to emerge, well not really new:

Memphis, Keisha, Michelle, Dan and Renny. They will make it a point to get rid of April, Ollie and Jerry. This alliance will get messy though, Keisha and Michelle do not like other girls around their man, and that is Memphis. Memphis, Dan and Renny will let them fight it out, as the final 3!!!

This show is so stupid but I am freaking addicted to it!!!!
The more I think about it, you put up Jerry and April. If either of them wins the POV, you put up Ollie.

If April leaves I think you could manipulate Ollie. I don't see him as vindictive as any of the others.

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