You still only know her side of the story. For all we know, she could have been whaling on him and he had finally had enough. Sadly, we live in a world where women have been so insulated from any negative consequences of their actions, some of them think they can do anything to a man and he is just supposed to take it. Mostly, they are right, but we need to wait and see and get the whole story. I find it very hard to believe CB just jumped up and choked her with no provocation.
In a past life I was living with a woman. She went out of town to visit her family one weekend and I ended up spending some time with an old college buddy (my first roommate ever) who happened to show up in town. I'd not seen him in 40 years. We got together and he wanted to go to Twin Peaks. I wasn't that thrilled about the selection because I'm not really the type to want to flirt with girls in their 20's anymore. I also knew my girlfriend was the jealous type. I thought about it and decided to go with him. We had a regular old time with one famous anecdote. As they do, one of the young ladies joined us at our table. She was texting away with someone and acting a bit annoyed. So we asked what was up. She said some guy wanted her to come down to Kyle (we were in South Austin just off of 35). She said she didn't want to go and he had said something like, "It's only for an hour." I told her to text this:
"I'm not an hour; I'm a lifetime."
She loved it. And promptly sent him the text. Not sure how it all turned out but that's part of the story.
Anyway, we leave and I go home. By this time my girlfriend is close to town and we talked on the phone. She asked me what I'd been doing. So I told her. I didn't want to not go because of her and I didn't want to lie about it. I didn't tell her the anecdote.
Anyway, she shows up a few minutes later as she was almost there when we talked and I could tell she was miffed. She grabbed a beer and a jager bomb (we had the fixin's as she liked them and so did I). About 30 minutes later I was in the bedroom and heard a loud popping sound coming from the living room. I ran out and she had taken her jager glass (which she had refilled with a second round) and thrown it at the wall. It turns out that she was an alcoholic and had been drinking on the way back to town. She totally snapped. So I quickly sized up the situation and realized she had another glass and was winding up to throw it at me; which she did. I ducked and it missed. Because she was volatile I always kept my phone, wallet and car keys on the bar close to the door (we were in an apartment). I had two choices, try to calm her down which might have involved grabbing her some way or get the hell out of there.
I got the hell out of there and ran down the stairs. I trotted around the side (it was at night) and hid in a grove of trees so I could think things through. She came out yelling my name. I stayed quiet. I was fully expecting my car was about to be keyed or my windows broken out. Luckily she didn't do anything. She kept yelling my name but as time passed I could tell she was just wanting me to come back. Her voice was showing signs of remorse. But I didn't go back. Finally, when she went back in I jumped in my car and drove out to where my friend was staying (at an RV park as he had ridden into town in a camper). She was lighting up my phone but I didn't answer. I spent the night at his place. He is a male nurse and studied psychology in college. He said, "You know, domestic violence gets worse each subsequent time." I said, "I know. I have to figure this out."
Later I took her call. She was completely repentant. Crying, saying, "I could lose you." So I went over in the morning, as she had called in sick and I told my boss (very cool person) that I had a domestic tranquility issue that I needed to sort out.
To end the story, we hung in there a few more months but she lost me that day. But what I did was to remove myself from the situation. Call me chicken or whatever. But grab a woman by the arms to control her and you've handed her evidence in the form of bruises. Just get out of there.