Beard arrested?

Terry is not the answer. Any coach that allows his team to give 116 points at home or anywhere for that matter is not the answer. Also, if Del conte didn’t interview beard regarding the incident that’s a big problem.
What the **** does this mean? Do they have video footage? And what does ensuing events refer to? Is this just a cut and paste BS response?

"Your letter this morning reveals that Mr. Beard does not understand the significance of the behavior he knows he engaged in, or the ensuing events that impair his ability to effectively lead our program,'' Davis wrote."
How does Mr Davis know what Beard “engaged in”. He wasn’t there. No one knows other than Beard and his fiancé.
Davis’ statement seems surprisingly presumptive and critical of Beard without proof.
I want to know where Davis is getting his info. If he has proof of Beard’s misconduct let’s hear it.
I suspect there is much that we dont know about the Beard saga, not public stuff. As a result: the decision to fire Beard.

I imagine CDC and UT Legal believe they are on solid legal grounds with the decision. Suspect Beard arrest & accusations triggered the: "terms" on Beard contract about unbecoming conduct / actions that are negative toward UT, etc.?

Just my .02
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So is this where we bring in Mark Adams as our new coach for $5 million per year?
Make My Day!!!! This would be so sweet as to make me diabetic. Red Raider piss-off, angst, beffuddlement is the only thing(s) to rival aggy tears for deliciousness.
How does Mr Davis know what Beard “engaged in”. He wasn’t there. No one knows other than Beard and his fiancé.
Davis’ statement seems surprisingly presumptive and critical of Beard without proof.
I want to know where Davis is getting his info. If he has proof of Beard’s misconduct let’s hear it.
The only way this makes sense is if Beard was exhibiting disturbing behavior at work prior to the incident with his fiancé. If so, let’s hear it.
I think we do not know yet if Terry is the answer. If he leads this team to the Sweet 16 or beyond, and shows that he can recruit, he may be the answer. If not, then yeah I guess he's not the answer. We just don't know yet.
That won't stop a bunch of armchair coaches from pronouncing to the world their utter certainty that he, in fact, isn't.
It would be hard not to give Terry a shot if he finishes top 4 in this conference, at least semifinals of conference tournament, Sweet 16 or higher with Beard’s players and brings in some top recruits of his own. Preventing a mass exodus of the current coaching staff might bode well too.

I’m still grieving what might have been unfortunately. I thought finally all the stars were aligning for this program (which I strongly think is the case for WBB). And then he effs this up. It’s got to be devastating for him to realize what he’s thrown away all in one very heated moment.

Perhaps he will one day follow a similar path of a Billy Clyde Gillespie at Ranger College or perhaps even a new Division 1 program like Tarleton State. Another coach that threw it all away
Make My Day!!!! This would be so sweet as to make me diabetic. Red Raider piss-off, angst, beffuddlement is the only thing(s) to rival aggy tears for deliciousness.
Metaphorically speaking...

Red Raiders are the bastard offspring of Longhorns and Aggies.
They have characteristics of both.
That won't stop a bunch of armchair coaches from pronouncing to the world their utter certainty that he, in fact, isn't.
And Terry might not be the guy.

I just want Terry to get a fair opportunity--he gets to coach until the end of the year (including the tournaments). Let's keep an open mind and see how he does. Of course, in the meantime, we're searching and talking to other coaches in case Terry doesn't pan out.
It would be hard not to give Terry a shot if he finishes top 4 in this conference, at least semifinals of conference tournament, Sweet 16 or higher with Beard’s players and brings in some top recruits of his own. Preventing a mass exodus of the current coaching staff might bode well too.

I’m still grieving what might have been unfortunately. I thought finally all the stars were aligning for this program (which I strongly think is the case for WBB). And then he effs this up. It’s got to be devastating for him to realize what he’s thrown away all in one very heated moment.

Perhaps he will one day follow a similar path of a Billy Clyde Gillespie at Ranger College or perhaps even a new Division 1 program like Tarleton State. Another coach that threw it all away
For Beard:

He gets a decent settlement from UT. Then I see a few years "in the wilderness" not coaching anywhere. Then a lower level program desperate for relevance gives him a shot. Then he works his way up to a mid-major and makes them a force. Then, maybe, a big school gives him a shot. Or he stays with a mid-major for his career.

For this to happen, his long-term fiance would need to get married (to Beard that is) and forevermore:

For Beard:

He gets a decent settlement from UT. Then I see a few years "in the wilderness" not coaching anywhere. Then a lower level program desperate for relevance gives him a shot. Then he works his way up to a mid-major and makes them a force. Then, maybe, a big school gives him a shot. Or he stays with a mid-major for his career.

For this to happen, his long-term fiance would need to get married (to Beard that is) and forevermore:

I am not sure he needs to do much. Bliss found a job at some religous school (I think his scandal is like Wilts 100 point game, nearly impossible to ever beat) and Pitino always resurfaces somewhere. So I expect Beard to have a decent gig in pretty short order.
And Terry might not be the guy.

I just want Terry to get a fair opportunity--he gets to coach until the end of the year (including the tournaments). Let's keep an open mind and see how he does. Of course, in the meantime, we're searching and talking to other coaches in case Terry doesn't pan out.
Agreed entirely. In fact I have my doubts, but I'm not going to formulate a snap opinion on as little data as we currently have.
Long time lurker from Texas Tech who decided to sign up and participate in some of this Beard speculation and hand-wringing. My thoughts/questions aren’t going to be what any of you will expect.

To begin, like most Red Raiders, my beef with Beard has never been that he left, but the way he left. If he sat down with Kirby and said, “I’ve been offered my dream job and there’s no amount of money that can keep here, but if you want to try, go ahead & make me an offer” it would still hurt, but we could eventually get over it…a little bit. But he snuck out, taking staff and equipment with him, without any concern for his players or supporters. He could’ve handled the whole process so much better in this end. So knowing that about me, here are some of my thoughts/musings:

I can’t say that Beard’s demise at UT is a surprise BUT the manner of his demise is absolutely shocking. And truthfully I never expected “his demise” I was expecting 4-5 years down the road, Beard would get arrested for a DWI, a drunken 6th St. brawl or something along those lines. Something that would tarnish him, but something a rehab stint and a sincere mea culpa would “fix”. Might haunt, but wouldn’t destroy him.

He never should’ve laid hands on her BUT she’s a hothead in her own right, and as abrasive and mouthy as they come. Not saying it was justified, just saying I understand. For all Beard’s ego and hot-headed behavior in the midst of a game, he’s not stupid, and he’s never out of control. Many people are citing his epic meltdown in Lubbock during the UWV game a few years ago as proof of his out of control temper. BS! He knew exactly what he was doing the entire time, knew the consequences of his actions, and knew that his team and his fan base would appreciate that he “went into battle” for them. You don’t fist bump the opposing coach on your way out if you’re out of control.

There are several timeline questions that I’m unclear on, mostly because I get my news from the Twitter-verse.

How long after the scuffle did Trew make the 911 phone call? Original reports made it sound like she had barely gotten away from him and was cowering behind a locked door needing immediate help. But later versions sounded like the call happened when Beard left the residence to take a walk afterwards. If that’s the case, why would she need to call 911? Why wouldn’t she get in her car and leave if she was fearful of what would happen when he returned home?

Was Beard there at the house when the police arrived? Or did he return to the house while they were there? If he wasn’t at the house when the police arrived, a truly guilty man probably isn’t strolling up, seeing a cop car in his driveway and casually strolling in. Some reports said Beard was already at home asleep in the guest bedroom when the police arrived. If that’s the case, it leads a to bunch of other questions…did Trew get mad that Beard came home & went to bed without speaking to her or apologizing to her? She was originally mad that he was in the guest bedroom not communicating with her and that’s when she broke his glasses.

That Beard had taken up camp in the guest bedroom in the first place could be pretty telling in itself. Is she ballsy enough to kick Beard out of the master bedroom of the home his $5M salary provides? Or did HE decide he needed time & space away from her? So prior to the altercation there was deep trouble between the two, not just storming around each other, turning the TV up too loud or keeping the bedroom lights on to annoy your spouse while they try to sleep. They put space between each other.

The police are required to do a full assessment of a DV situation upon arrival, and they decided that something had happened. There are no comments about marks/injuries on her neck or throat, just her forearm, temple & legs. If Trew doesn’t cooperate, they may drop the felony strangulation part of the charges, but her remaining statement and what the police saw at the scene are still a bad look for Beard - instigator or not.

Speaking of Trew’s injuries-all visible injuries are locations where one could inflict those injuries upon yourself. If the bite mark was on her upper arm or back, I might not even mention this. Trew refused medical treatment so there aren’t going to be any photos of the bite mark good enough to try and compare to Beard’s teeth.

They have a dog, Mamba, that both adore, but who spends more time with Trew simply by nature of Beard’s schedule. Our dogs have always stepped between our family members during vocal arguments, and wrestling matches between my kids, seemingly pleading for everyone to get along. I can’t imagine a lab not trying to get between its parents during a heated, possibly physical argument. If they were wearing shorts, a lab could’ve easily caused all sorts of scratches on legs while trying to separate them. Just a thought.

If Trew made a false 911 call, created her own injuries and then told a made up story to the responding police, why isn’t she being legally held responsible for that? Don’t play the mental ill card at this point, that’s a courtroom tactic that would need to be proven by Trew upon being charged, not to prevent her from being charged.

The optics of Beard’s arrest, his mugshot, and his video arraignment are beyond awful. I’ll admit it, we ordered FatHead’s of his mugshot to take to the UT at TTU game in Lubbock, and the student section was planing to wear wife beater undershirts at the game. Beard was fired, so no FatHead’s or wifebeater undershirts are needed anymore. (Tech wasn’t the only place any of this would happen, but it would be amplified in Lubbock more so than other places) The other piece of the bad optics puzzle was the very strong possibility of activist students and faculty protesting at games - home & away.

BUT the optics of Trew recanting her original statement is an equally horrendous optic…at best it labels her as a liar and/or gold digger and at worst labels her as an abuse victim being manipulated by her abuser to save his reputation with zero concern for her personal welfare outside of the nice things he provides her. There’s really not much of an upside to her recanting, especially the timing of when she did it. If it had come the day of the arrest, it might’ve changed some minds. As it is, it only confirmed what people on both sides were already thinking.

The audio is a double-edged sword. It may well prove that she was the aggressor, but it may also prove that he responded/escalated the situation to an unreasonable degree. It does indeed confirm that some sort of domestic disturbance took place which is still a bad look for everybody involved. It may also bring other personal info that neither party wants shared out into the public.The things people say when trying to hurt someone can be terribly vicious. Old wounds, hurts, accusations get thrown around and the audio may be too toxic for both parties to have to endure its release.

When Beard left to take a walk (way too late in the process, we can all agree) was there no communication between he and Trew? I find it hard to believe those two weren’t calling & texting each other to either continue the fight, try to apologize, to ask for an apology, to find out where he’s going, if he’s coming back, to tell her to get her things & leave, to tell him she’s leaving…

There are many possibilities that could help or hurt his case if there are those types of messages.

Does Austin PD release 911 call recordings and do Austin police wear body cameras? If either of those could exonerate Beard, you’d think his attorney would be screaming from the rooftops to release them.

As you can see, I’m no longer a Beard fan, but I was never a Trew fan. I think they are a toxic pair that need to get help and get away from each other for good, or they need to buy a bar in the Virgin Islands and spend their days drinking, fighting and #%^<ing on the beach.
Well at this point I’m afraid I no longer need any answers because it’s a done deal now. Beard is no longer the Coach and not one answer to any of that changes anything about it. I suppose your posts does drive home the fact UT was wise to remove Beard from the university. I’m sure your fans will be just as awful as always in the meantime even without the bitterness over Beard obsessing your brains.

Only question left is whether or not this ends up costing UT money which I’m sure it can manage to absorb without a GoFundMe page.

Hopefully we hire an even better replacement.
Metaphorically speaking...

Red Raiders are the bastard offspring of Longhorns and Aggies.
They have characteristics of both.
They certainly know who their Developmentally Delayed big brother is (& they HATE him) and who their Daddy is...&, yes, they hate us too, except it's really less hatred & more a case of them being envious of Daddy's penis.
Now c'mon guys...

...just because this misunderstood woman doesn't see life through the same lens as most people doesn't mean she's "crazy"...

She’s not crazy! She was mouthy & mean-spirited pre-Beard, and post-Beard she became arrogant as well as mouthy & mean-spirited.
Again, not saying she should be abused, just saying I understand.
Long time lurker from Texas Tech who decided to sign up and participate in some of this Beard speculation and hand-wringing. My thoughts/questions aren’t going to be what any of ….

Damn, congrats on the longest post for a first time poster in the history of Hornfans. I made it through Chapter 9 before I decided ‘Even as this all makes sense, do I really care? He gone…”

Welcome to the board. If you stick around, put on some Kevlar clothing (as a Red Raider the shots are going to come your way) and throw a sponsorship Dion’s way.
Welcome to the board. If you stick around, put on some Kevlar clothing (as a Red Raider the shots are going to come your way) and throw a sponsorship Dion’s way.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the welcome and the warning!

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