Beard arrested?

Thanks. The author of that piece is clearly avoiding the possibility of the fiancé being bat **** crazy. See, you can’t go there in today’s world.

The author assumes Beard hasn’t been fired because UT wants to win. Maybe there is another reason? Like the fiancé is more at fault and Beard’s lawyer will expose UT for firing Beard due to his relationship with a person with a history of mental illness?
You expect a discussion of all relevant facts from the Dallas News POS rag??
That excerpt has some valid points but it lost me when it brought up woke ideology and going back to 1954. The thinly veiled allusions to "patriarchy" or "white supremacy" have nothing to do with anything.
Would we all think the woman involved was bat **** crazy and the coach not at fault if it was the head coach at, say, OU or A&M?

Just curious.
Of course not. Most of us wouldn’t give another coach the benefit of the doubt.
He is our coach, so Beard gets a hearing; he hasn’t been found guilty just yet.
If it was A&M, for example, inevitably a Tex Ags thread would be posted with us ridiculing them for defending their coach in this circumstance.
So be it then. There’s just as much (known) “evidence” to support him as there is not to in my eyes.
Everyone seems to be keeping this quiet - on the down low. Why? Because of the X factor (bat **** crazy female).
Everyone seems to be keeping this quiet - on the down low. Why? Because of the X factor (bat **** crazy female).

If the decision has been made to bring him back then time will soften the outrage in those who believe he over-reacted even if provoked. There is a double-standard when it comes to these things. Men know it; a woman can hit you and you have to take it and soft land the situation. Them's the street rules.

AND they need an announcement that the DA/Grand Jury will decline to indict him. If they go forward then I'd say he's cooked even if he is acquitted. Remember, the star witness is probably not going to cooperate. So what's left? Evidence of physical contact for sure; but how did it get there? He said and she said the same thing; It's her fault.
If the decision has been made to bring him back then time will soften the outrage in those who believe he over-reacted even if provoked. There is a double-standard when it comes to these things. Men know it; a woman can hit you and you have to take it and soft land the situation. Them's the street rules.

AND they need an announcement that the DA/Grand Jury will decline to indict him. If they go forward then I'd say he's cooked even if he is acquitted. Remember, the star witness is probably not going to cooperate. So what's left? Evidence of physical contact for sure; but how did it get there? He said and she said the same thing; It's her fault.
It’s possible that the fabled video/audio of the situation really does exonerate Beard.
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Her both starting and escalating it and him only doing what was necessary to defend himself and getting in trouble because he's the man is very believable.

Her changing her story after the fact to protect him while she's stuck in a relationship with him that she won't leave despite abuse is also very believable.

I suppose none of us really have any way of knowing which is correct (or some third alternative for that matter) right now. Which is why I guess it makes sense for UT not to have brought him back yet and also not to have canned him either.
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Her both starting and escalating it and him only doing what was necessary to defend himself and got in trouble because he's the man is very believable.

Her changing her story after the fact to protect him while she's stuck in a relationship with him that she won't leave despite abuse is also very believable.

I suppose none of us really have any way of knowing which is correct (or some third alternative for that matter) right now. Which is why I guess it makes sense for UT not to have brought him back yet and also not to have canned him either.
What if it is known that the fiancé had stopped taking her medicine? What happens then? Does the university condemn everyone who takes drugs for mental conditions by firing her husband because she stopped taking her meds? You are basically shaming and blaming folks with mental conditions.
Not surprised. The sudden mea culpa by his fiance seemed mainly damage control. The powers that be probably know more than we do. It is what it is. What a shock. He has completely flamed out.

Texas fires Beard amid domestic violence charge

"Minton said in a statement that Beard is "crushed" by the news and claimed that the university went ahead with the firing without asking Beard or Trew any questions.

"I am concerned that the University of Texas has made a terrible decision against the interest of the University, based on Twitter feeds and editorials - and not the facts concerning a truly innocent man," Minton said. "The University has violated their agreement with the coach and we are devastated."

Minton sent a letter early Thursday pressing the university to keep Beard on the job; the school responded saying the letter showed a "lack of self-awareness."

"Your letter this morning reveals that Mr. Beard does not understand the significance of the behavior he knows he engaged in, or the ensuing events that impair his ability to effectively lead our program,'' Davis wrote."
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Would not be surprised to see the season implode from here with Beard officially gone. Hope CdC has a really good short list because Terry is not the answer.
I think we do not know yet if Terry is the answer. If he leads this team to the Sweet 16 or beyond, and shows that he can recruit, he may be the answer. If not, then yeah I guess he's not the answer. We just don't know yet.

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