Band and Cheer Stuff

The best thing abt "Wabash Cannonball" is their high-kicking.

But, but, but, but, but, but, but, but (8 buts) what about the brass players bobbing their instruments up and down.
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FYI, Enough posters (including me) were putting up cheer--related posts that I changed the forum name to Band and Cheer Stuff.
BTW, is producing a six-part documentary called "Take The Field", with 20-minute features on 6 marching bands during the 2018 season (which will include the LHB). So far they've posted the features on UConn and Penn State bands. I am eagerly awaiting the feature on the LHB, of course.

Here's the official trailer:
Besides our band, my other favorites are:

USC: great songs--Tribute to Troy, Fight On, uniforms, pageantry (armored dude with sword on white horse), and oh those sweater girls.

Ohio State: powerful drum/percussion section, huge band, dotting the i.

Rice MOB: just plain funny.

Southern: jazzy, dancing band members.

Note Dame: no explanation needed.
UNT is talented to the point of unfair. Every "best college marching band" list that doesn't have them #1, or at least in the top 3, is simply going off of which teams have the most fans. UNT doesn't win popularity contests.

Along with Texas, Texas Tech has one of the better bands in the Big 12.

Like Chop, I've always liked Rice and Southern. From what I understand, Stanford and a lot of Ivy League bands are similar to Rice, but I've never seen them. There are also a few more bands like Southern at other HCBUs like Grambling State, Jackson State, and NC A&T.
I think a lot of Big 10/Upper Midwest area bands like to feature drum majors who march out in front leaning way, way, way back as they high kick down the field. You watch them and wonder how they don't fall over backwards.
UNT is talented to the point of unfair. Every "best college marching band" list that doesn't have them #1, or at least in the top 3, is simply going off of which teams have the most fans. UNT doesn't win popularity contests.

Along with Texas, Texas Tech has one of the better bands in the Big 12.

Like Chop, I've always liked Rice and Southern. From what I understand, Stanford and a lot of Ivy League bands are similar to Rice, but I've never seen them. There are also a few more bands like Southern at other HCBUs like Grambling State, Jackson State, and NC A&T.
UNT has one of the top music programs in the country, so I guess that makes sense.

I also like Tech's band, although personally I find their high-kicking march onto the field to look a bit silly.

Not sure how well it would play in today's society, but I think Tech would be better as the "Matadors" again. Maybe it would fly there. Lubbock's about as non-PC as any town over 200k in the country.
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WRT March Grandioso:

I wish we’d go back to just chanting “Texas” after spelling it. I hated when the “Fight” was added, and I despise the dragging out of Texas.

I also wish we’d play Victory March after a touchdown, as we did in the 1960s.
That and their uniforms. Strange how the two best bands in the Big 12 (Texas and Tech) coincidentally wear the two worst band uniforms.
That's a good one. IMHO, we looked a lot worse even in some of those old burnt orange Century 21 real estate agent-looking jackets. At least now we've got more stylish jackets with more fringe, shoulder ornamentation, etc.

Of course, in those days, more than a few middle-aged and older alums wore burnt orange polyester blazers. :beertoast:

Looks like we have friends in Hollywood who appreciate burnt orange blazers:

"You got a problem with my jacket?"

Well, it certainly beats this (the disco Horn line):
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Our band played the Super Bowl VIII half time show (at Rice Stadium--Miami Dolphins over the Minnesota Vikings 24-7).

“Of course they invited Texas,” said Bill Phillips, 64, who was a trumpet-playing sophomore when UT performed at Super Bowl VIII. “Back then, we were one of the best college bands in the country.” [STILL ARE BILL...]

The violinist is Judy Mallett, 1973 Miss Texas. Charley Pride joined the band to sing "America the Beautiful" and the National Anthem (now if the band would have also done "Kaw-Liga" with Charley Pride, that would have been one for the ages.). IMHO, this show would beat the pants off any of the last dozen or more Super Bowl halftime shows...

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IIRC the Texas Texas Yee Haw started when the Horns played Rutgers(?). Rutgers was expecting Horn Fans to be cowboy yokels so the band came up with something appropriate.
I like it because it is so Texas and original.
That's a good one. IMHO, we looked a lot worse even in some of those old burnt orange Century 21 real estate agent-looking jackets. At least now we've got more stylish jackets with more fringe, shoulder ornamentation, etc.

Last November, one of the attorneys in our firm (who had gotten his JD at UT Law but his undergrad degree at Michigan) asked me "when is the Longhorn Band going to get some modern uniforms?" My response to him was something along the lines of "Never. They might change the trim and the fit and the hat style every now and then, but the basic uniform will remain the same. It's one of the most iconic and instantly recognizable college band uniforms."

Most every other band in the US (with the exception of Tech and USC) have uniforms that are based on just 2 or 3 styles, only the colors and the name of the school are different. But you look at an LHB or Trojan Band uniform, you know right away, without thinking, what school they are representing.

I shot some pics of the LHB when they did the march-in for the 1998 A&M game, and the uniforms look baggy compared to the slimmer fit of the modern LHB uniforms (which were adopted around 2003 or 2004?) The current uniforms have bolo ties instead of the string ties, and cowboy Stetsons instead of the flat-topped gambler hats (or whatever they were called).
Last November, one of the attorneys in our firm (who had gotten his JD at UT Law but his undergrad degree at Michigan) asked me "when is the Longhorn Band going to get some modern uniforms?" My response to him was something along the lines of "Never. They might change the trim and the fit and the hat style every now and then, but the basic uniform will remain the same. It's one of the most iconic and instantly recognizable college band uniforms."

Most every other band in the US (with the exception of Tech and USC) have uniforms that are based on just 2 or 3 styles, only the colors and the name of the school are different. But you look at an LHB or Trojan Band uniform, you know right away, without thinking, what school they are representing.

I shot some pics of the LHB when they did the march-in for the 1998 A&M game, and the uniforms look baggy compared to the slimmer fit of the modern LHB uniforms (which were adopted around 2003 or 2004?) The current uniforms have bolo ties instead of the string ties, and cowboy Stetsons instead of the flat-topped gambler hats (or whatever they were called).
Agree. UT and USC bands are immediately recognizable. USC is my second favorite band.

Now it could only get better if our band wore cowboy boots.
. :fiestanana:
Agree. UT and USC bands are immediately recognizable. USC is my second favorite band.

Now it could only get better if our band wore cowboy boots.
. :fiestanana:
If you go to cowboy boots you then have to decide how to wear the pants - inside to boot Yankee/drugstore cowboy/California style or over the boot real cowboy style.
UT and USC bands are immediately recognizable. USC is my second favorite band.
You should get a kick out of these pics, then.


An honored heirloom in our house. This is a 1950s Trojan Band helmet.


From our family album. The Trojan Band in the LA Colosseum at the USC/UCLA game (1958, I believe). Yes, that is a Trojan Horse. The band members are coming up from an access tunnel and marching out of the Trojan Horse.

Something else great about our great band, we always seem to have really good twirlers. I've always found the twirlers to be a very entertaining part of a good halftime show.


She certainly wins the best twirler outfit of all time!



Erica Kuntz, a public relations junior, is the new twirler for the University of Texas Longhorn Band. Erica’s first performance with the band was during the half time show against Notre Dame, and is hoping to be twirling with fire by the OU Red River rivalry game.






Let's see you try to twirl that baton with those thick furry fingers!


Longhorn Alumni Band Twirlers below:
(there was a male twirler in the LHAB who would hurl the baton half way to the Stratosphere and usually catch it) Speaking of male twirlers, any Houstonians might appreciate that Marvin Zindler was also an accomplished twirler.
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That tall one on the right in the above picture iirc is from Fredericksburg. I have met her, don't recall her name anymore. She was really good. Threw the baton incredibly high. Her parents own a store in Fredericksburg. Or they used to anyway.
That tall one on the right in the above picture iirc is from Fredericksburg. I have met her, don't recall her name anymore. She was really good. Threw the baton incredibly high. Her parents own a store in Fredericksburg. Or they used to anyway.
Dr. Coral Noonan twirler from 93' to 01'
That and their uniforms. Strange how the two best bands in the Big 12 (Texas and Tech) coincidentally wear the two worst band uniforms.
That Tech high-kicking march onto the field is reminiscent of a third world military on parade.
Speaking of third world military marching, just in case you wonder whatever happened to the Wehrmacht after their defeat in WWII, they went down South, way, way, way down South. They apparently turned up goose-stepping through Chile (video below):

Any globalist-conspiracy types out there, forward to 5:05 or so, and enjoy the imagery of U.N. armor juxtaposed with Wehrmacht army men goose-stepping...
As far as The Eyes, I'm not sure why the holding of the Horns has degenerated into the bob

I'm not sure if it started then, but I remember when I was at school and we were losing a lot, we got pretty fired up when we beat OU, particularly that first time in '89. I think around then, that just seemed like a way to add some punctuation to the Eyes - a little extra adrenaline flowing makes the hands do all kinds of stuff. Anyway, that may have been where it started and people picked up the habit.
OK so top 10 fight songs:

Texas Fight
Notre Dame
Ohio State
Texas Tech (yeah I know... it's still good.)
(tie) U of Houston
(tie) Arkansas (That one really hurts...)

Those are the main ones that jump out. I'm sure I'm missing some that should be on that list.
OK so top 10 fight songs:

Texas Fight
Notre Dame
Ohio State
Texas Tech (yeah I know... it's still good.)
(tie) U of Houston
(tie) Arkansas (That one really hurts...)

I can't argue with that list. I would give the TCU fight song an "honorable mention."