AOC wants 70% tax on wealthy

I see SH got his Dem talking points memo in time to post here.

That was original. Please point me to the legislation.

Here it is. How do you put a cost on a resolution that has zero specifics on implementation? Rather its a progressive manifesto masquerading as a resolution. Were this resolution to pass it would cost $0. The "study" was a political statement on a political statement.
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Has it moved from a set of principles to legislation yet? How do you cost out principles?

You can't get exact by any means, but you could come up with a range certainly on parts of it. I don't doubt that the group is applying pretty bleak assumptions about its cost.

My guess is that we won't actually see legislation until after the election and even then, only if Trump loses, because the GND's advocates aren't going to want to see numbers crunched by CBO. If the legislation looks anything like the principles, it'll be the most expensive federal program in the history of the United States - almost impossible for it not to be unless it's wildly watered down. And when that price tag comes up, the discussion about how to finance it will come up, and nobody is going to want to have that in an election year.
You can't get exact by any means, but you could come up with a range certainly on parts of it. I don't doubt that the group is applying pretty bleak assumptions about its cost.

My guess is that we won't actually see legislation until after the election and even then, only if Trump loses, because the GND's advocates aren't going to want to see numbers crunched by CBO. If the legislation looks anything like the principles, it'll be the most expensive federal program in the history of the United States - almost impossible for it not to be unless it's wildly watered down. And when that price tag comes up, the discussion about how to finance it will come up, and nobody is going to want to have that in an election year.
Would be cheaper to subsidize nuclear plants.
If the legislation looks anything like the principles, it'll be the most expensive federal program in the history of the United States - almost impossible for it not to be unless it's wildly watered down.
There isn't a chance in hell the Green Party's proposal, which AOC largely stole, gets implemented according to the resolution. Democratic leadership don't wnt to touch this with a 10ft pole.
There isn't a chance in hell the Green Party's proposal, which AOC largely stole, gets implemented according to the resolution. Democratic leadership don't wnt to touch this with a 10ft pole.

Many Democrats running for president are endorsing it, so they're already touching it with a 5ft pole. They are looking for an issue to exploit to motivate young voters who have been told that climate change as a fast-approaching (10 - 15 years) apocalypse.

However, they're playing with fire like the GOP played with fire on Obamacare repeal and replace but on a bigger scale. If they win, their base will expect them to deliver. Legislation will get filed. Real budget scoring will happen, and the price tag will come out. People will see that simply repealing the Trump tax cuts or even going back to 70 or 90 percent top bracket won't even scratch the surface of paying for it. They'll see big utility surcharges, new payroll taxes, etc. and realize that they are going to pay the bulk of the cost. And pretty quickly, many people who are buying into the alarmism some climate scientists are pitching will become more skeptical.

The result will either be nothing, or they will pass a wildly watered down bill or simply rejoin the Paris Accord, so they can claim they did something.
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This Leftist Dem is trying to outflank AOC and Bernie Sanders. She's introducing a bill in the House to give Medicare to all with zero cost and no increase in any kind of tax to pay for it. She just wants it to magically happen.

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) is introducing the most ambitious Medicare-for-all plan yet — one that envisions a quick transition to a public health plan with a robust set of benefits.

The co-chair of the Progressive Caucus is releasing a proposal Wednesday to transition the United States to a single-payer health care system, one in which a single, government-run health plan provides insurance coverage to all Americans.

“We mean a complete transformation of our health care system and we mean a system where there are no private insurance companies that provide these core benefits,” Jayapal told reporters Tuesday. “We mean universal care, everybody in, nobody out.”

Jayapal’s bill envisions a future where all Americans have health coverage and pay nothing out of pocket when they visit the doctor or hospital. Her plan, the Medicare for All Act of 2019, describes a benefit package that is more generous than what other single-payer countries, like England or Canada, currently offer. The benefits in Jayapal’s bill are even more generous than those included in Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) Medicare-for-all plan.

Medicare-for-all: Rep. Pramila Jayapal’s new bill, explained
Clearly underestimated her chief of staff...

AOC 'living wage' rules allow her staff to dodge financial disclosure laws

The New York Democrat announced last week that she would institute “living wage” rules in her office, paying staff members a minimum of $52,000 a year and a maximum of $80,000 a year.

Under federal law, congressional employees who earn more than $126,000 a year — which includes most chiefs of staff — must submit public financial disclosure forms that detail outside income they earn, stock investments, debt, and gifts or paid trips that they are given by outside sources.

Ocasio-Cortez chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, would be shielded from the public disclosure laws that apply to the vast majority of chiefs of staff in Congress.

Chakrabarti, 33, founded a Silicon Valley app-building company called Some Character LLC before taking an active role in left-wing politics. Last June, Chakrabarti purchased a $1.6 million home in Montgomery County, Md., according to real estate records reviewed by the Washington Examiner.

The National Legal and Policy Center, a government watchdog group, said the $80,000 salary cap for Ocasio-Cortez’ senior staffers was concerning because it could be used to intentionally evade financial disclosure laws.

“Purposefully underpaying staffers in order to avoid transparency is an old trick some of the most corrupt members of Congress have used time and again,” said Tom Anderson, director of the NLPC’s Government Integrity Project.

“It would have [her] staffers fall below the financial threshold for public disclosures,” said Craig Holman, the public affairs lobbyist for Public Citizen, a government integrity group. “The cap that AOC would impose would bring the chief of staff under that threshold.”
This Leftist Dem is trying to outflank AOC and Bernie Sanders. She's introducing a bill in the House to give Medicare to all with zero cost and no increase in any kind of tax to pay for it. She just wants it to magically happen.

Medicare-for-all: Rep. Pramila Jayapal’s new bill, explained

I love this part.

"The part where it collapses is, inevitably, when the country has to pay for it."

Yeah, no ****. Lol. I was just about to buy that Gulfstream until the part about having to pay for it came up. Then it sorta fell apart.
Just my thought but I tell you AOC is not stupid, just very conniving. She will come out of her first term a millionaire, mark my words. The above posting further convinces me of her ultimate motives.
She's introducing a bill in the House to give Medicare to all with zero cost and no increase in any kind of tax to pay for it. She just wants it to magically happen.
If she really believes this, I'd like to sell her some prime oceanfront property in Oklahoma...
Based on the fact that she helped in screwing New York out of $30billion in revenue and 25,000 jobs, does not understand tax credits, and her support of unrealistic pipe dreams like the Green New Deal, she's an excellent "bad example" for Republicans to exploit. Keeping her around as an example of what's wrong with Democrats would benefit Republicans for many years.
The result will either be nothing, or they will pass a wildly watered down bill or simply rejoin the Paris Accord, so they can claim they did something.

Or they move forward and starve half our population. These guys really do want to be Stalin and this is the best way to do it. Just think of all the gun confiscation and executions they can justify trying to force this on the nation.
Keeping her around as an example of what's wrong with Democrats would benefit Republicans for many years.
But...doing so carries with it many inherent risks of damage to the economy at both the State and federal levels. I don't know that we can carry that risk going forward...hopefully the Republicans can gin up a moderate to run in that race and take the seat back.
Or they move forward and starve half our population. These guys really do want to be Stalin and this is the best way to do it. Just think of all the gun confiscation and executions they can justify trying to force this on the nation.

Many of them do want to be Stalin. However, the leadership of the Party doesn't want to kill the goose that lays the golden egg and lines their pockets, and they don't want to talk about the tax hikes that would be required to finance the GND. Admittedly, it is sad that we have to rely on the corruption, cowardice, and duplicity of the Democratic leadership to avoid Stalinism in the US.
AOC kicking *** and taking names in Dem Caucus. When 26 moderate Dems cross the aisle and vote with the Repubs, AOC says she's compiling a list of names and will work with "progressives" to unseat them.

Who would have ever thought that a freshman Congressman could wield this kind of influence? It'll be interesting to see if it blows up in her face.

Ocasio-Cortez warns of 'list' for moderate Dems who vote with Republicans: report
I think she is the Tataglia Family in this. Question is who is the Barsini Family pulling the strings?

She can't have this kind of power without some sort of backing from most likely, GASP, a billionaire.
She can't have this kind of power without some sort of backing from most likely, GASP, a billionaire.

I don't know if Soros has bankrolled her yet, but I'm sure that he will in the future. She's his kind of Lefty; open borders, abolish ICE, anti-American, etc.

Isn't it odd how it's the really rich people like Soros that want to change the principles that Western Civilization is built upon? I wonder why, white guilt?
Alexandria Occasional-Cortex has now threatened to make a list of "bad Democrats."

And, almost like magic, bigwig Dems suddenly discover that they don't much care for creepy totalitarian tactics when they are directed at THEM


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