America is lost...

'90 Day Fiancé': A look at the soft xenophobia of TLC's hit reality show

This is the kind of cr*p being "published" on Yahoo's home page. Here is the money quote:

"To a certain extent, the show is popular because it just embodies the sleaze and scandalous nature of reality television, but I wrestle with its rise in popularity,” he says. “Is it because of the cultural moment and this whole conservative movement in Trump’s America of being skeptical of immigrants? That’s something I haven’t necessarily come to terms with yet: Is it resonating with anti-immigrant rhetoric of the moment or not? Or is the show so ridiculous that you can’t even take its message seriously? I’m actually stumped by the show a little bit.”

Liberals are brain-washed. They actually believe it's about Xenophobia and not the MILLIONS of people who ignored our immigration laws and poured over our border or refused to leave when their documentation expired. THAT IS REALITY. The enforcement of our immigration laws by the President IS UPHOLDING THE CONSTITUTION.

Obama deported over 3 MILLION people. These absolute morons that have taken over the airwaves have a world-class blindspot:

It's called emotional stupidity aka Liberalism.
This is why I support the Republican's to be the Party of No. Progressives will never stop. They lie about reality including their own culpability in what happened in the Senate/House:

Progressives look to make early mark on Biden White House

The money quotes:

"Leading progressives are pressuring President-elect Joe Biden to embrace their policy agenda even as more centrist Democrats argue such proposals prevented the party from retaking full control of Congress.

For now, much of the lobbying centers on who Biden should — or should not — appoint to key posts as he builds out the administration that will take office in January.

The left-leaning think tank Progressive Change Institute partnered with more than 40 activist groups and on Friday released a detailed list of 400 progressive policy experts they want Biden to bring on. That follows a separate effort from more than half a dozen progressive groups this week that signed letters urging the president-elect against naming anyone with ties to major corporate interests to key Cabinet posts.

“Now is absolutely the moment to push Biden to do what’s necessary to meet the moment," said David Segel, a former Rhode Island state representative and executive director of Demand Progress, which was among those signing the letters. "And that means a robust economic response, a robust health care response, a willingness to push back against concentrated corporate power that’s fomenting inequality. And he has a mandate to do all of that.”

What mandate? Liberals are liars. It's so obvious.


They will never negotiate. They will lie to your face. They will lie about reality. They will circumvent the Constitution. They are not good for America. They are the enemy.
'90 Day Fiancé': A look at the soft xenophobia of TLC's hit reality show

This is the kind of cr*p being "published" on Yahoo's home page. Here is the money quote:

"To a certain extent, the show is popular because it just embodies the sleaze and scandalous nature of reality television, but I wrestle with its rise in popularity,” he says. “Is it because of the cultural moment and this whole conservative movement in Trump’s America of being skeptical of immigrants? That’s something I haven’t necessarily come to terms with yet: Is it resonating with anti-immigrant rhetoric of the moment or not? Or is the show so ridiculous that you can’t even take its message seriously? I’m actually stumped by the show a little bit.”

Liberals are brain-washed. They actually believe it's about Xenophobia and not the MILLIONS of people who ignored our immigration laws and poured over our border or refused to leave when their documentation expired. THAT IS REALITY. The enforcement of our immigration laws by the President IS UPHOLDING THE CONSTITUTION.

Obama deported over 3 MILLION people. These absolute morons that have taken over the airwaves have a world-class blindspot:

It's called emotional stupidity aka Liberalism.

I am not sure how many programs Biden will be able to hit the ground running with but, based on what Ive seen, it does look like his team already has a plan in place to to flood the country with illegal and legal immigrants. It's a foundational piece of their bigger plans.

This will move forward whether he shuts the economy down for the rest of us or not
Yep. After the Floyd death, all the sports channels and every single mindless DJ on Sirius XM, you name it, all spewed the same talking points.

[Tucker]"Say this or you are racist!!!!" [/Carlson]

Anyone who says unfettered access to information (even information they claim to be false) is a danger to our democracy is a danger to our democracy (or more accurately, to our republic).
The sick world-class blind-spot and shamelessness of a Liberal blogger from Yahoo home page:

Amend the Constitution to Prevent Another Trump

"... and it should expand the Constitution's emoluments clause, which bars the president from accepting gifts or favors from foreign states, to explicitly include the president and his or her immediate family, and cover businesses held directly and indirectly."

But no... Hunter DID NOTHING WRONG according to the disgusting Left.

And if you say, "But Joe wasn't President at the time," then you're admitting that Joe did take an indirect gift through his son. It also tells me that you are mentally corrupt by playing lawyer games when THE SWAMP was accurately described and that Biden is part of it.
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I am not sure how many programs Biden will be able to hit the ground running with but, based on what Ive seen, it does look like his team already has a plan in place to to flood the country with illegal and legal immigrants. It's a foundational piece of their bigger plans.

This will move forward whether he shuts the economy down for the rest of us or not

I believe that.

The issue of racism versus personal beliefs is interesting to me.

We know for a fact that Liberals (driven by feminists and atheists) hate religious fundamentalists. They hate Catholics (except for JFK). They constantly talk about science and being educated. They hate machismo and homophobia. But when a large collection of human beings ALL are like that and just HAPPEN TO BE OF COLOR, then the goalposts are moved.

So why the love affair with poor, uneducated, Catholic or Islamic men? Because it's 100% political. The elites actually want a feudal society where the wealth gap will be more extreme than ever. Anybody want to debate whether a federal minimum wage of $15 per hour will narrow the wage gap? It's just a political tool. So why attract more and more poor people WHO WILL NEVER rise above their circumstances (I know, I'm from South Texas and it's generational and cultural the way they live)?

It's about power. There is no doubt about this.
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...The elites actually want a feudal society where the wealth gap will be more extreme than ever. Anybody want to debate whether a federal minimum wage of $15 per hour will narrow the wage gap? It's just a political tool. So why attract more and more poor people WHO WILL NEVER rise above their circumstances (I know, I'm from South Texas and it's generational and cultural the way they live)?....

That was a lot packed in a couple paragraphs. I will pick just this one part. If technology is coming for the jobs of low skilled/low educated workers, which it is, then why would you want to flood your country with more and more of them? What are they going to do?
That was a lot packed in a couple paragraphs. I will pick just this one part. If technology is coming for the jobs of low skilled/low educated workers, which it is, then why would you want to flood your country with more and more of them? What are they going to do?

I don't know.

But there's more.

I study what people say and see if they remain consistent in different scenarios or do they offer a debate strategy of convenience. I try to understand their core value system. And Liberals have a clear system of beliefs and it revolves around feminism when it comes to the personal characteristics of thought and action. Yet, as I said, they turn the other way when it is politically expedient.

Why is there so much anger towards Republicans who wish to enforce our immigration laws (anger that was muted heavily when Obama deported over 3 million people) and none apparently towards Mexico BY THE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS THEMSELVES? Maybe they are angry but the Mexican government gets away with failing it's people but are never accused of racism because it's their own race being destroyed from within. So why is it that Mexico fails in taking care of it's people (not that the US is perfect in that regard with its own people)? We are not allowed to discuss it because it may smack of xenophobia or racism. So the only answer is white people I guess.

In the end, the megatrend of the future is clear and poor uneducated people are the last thing that we need.

But immigration laws are actually an impediment to the "intellectual" Liberal who hates patriotism and nationalism. The lines are blurred and everyone has a right to migrate at will to better themselves even if these people retain allegiance (meaning they'd fight and die in a war) to another country. The core identity of being an American and willing to fight for the flag is being destroyed because people like Biden want to tell the world that a collaborative America is back which really means he's ready for back room deals. And when you encourage your own citizens to hate our country because of the sins of the past then they will be less likely to help when all hands on deck are needed against a culture such as China or Russia that is CLEARLY a monolith in terms of it's projection of power from an internal engine that knows who and what it is.
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Your point about what happens when you indoctrinate people to hate their own country is spot on and frightening
We see it in the hate riots going on all over the country.
Contrast that with the Trump support rallies in DC and around the country.
The contrast is amazing
....But immigration laws are actually an impediment to the "intellectual" Liberal who hates patriotism and nationalism. The lines are blurred and everyone has a right to migrate at will to better themselves even if these people retain allegiance (meaning they'd fight and die in a war) to another country. The core identity of being an American and willing to fight for the flag is being destroyed because people like Biden want to tell the world that a collaborative America is back which really means he's ready for back room deals. And when you encourage your own citizens to hate our country because of the sins of the past then they will be less likely to help when all hands on deck are needed against a culture such as China or Russia that is CLEARLY a monolith in terms of it's projection of power from an internal engine that knows who and what it is.

There are so many inconsistencies and contradictions with these people, full engagement at anytime on any subject is almost impossible. With regard to immigration, they want open borders and the freedom for anyone who wants to enter the country and stay to be able to do that. It's an extreme libertarian position.

However, in almost every other aspect of life in general for American citizens, they want total control. This goes from speech, to news, to entertainment, to personal choice, to thought. They are right now trying to reach inside our homes. Ask yourself -- who is it that censors and/or punishes speech now? Who gets people banned and/or fired? Who has control over school curriculum?

It is a strange juxtaposition. They want non-US citizens to have the freedom to go and do whatever they want, but actual citizens must be controlled as much as possible. And they are constantly looking for new ways to increase their control over US citizens. Only in the mind of a liberal does any of this make sense.
That was a lot packed in a couple paragraphs. I will pick just this one part. If technology is coming for the jobs of low skilled/low educated workers, which it is, then why would you want to flood your country with more and more of them? What are they going to do?
Vote for Democrats to give them free stuff.
...However, in almost every other aspect of life in general for American citizens, they want total control. This goes from speech, to news, to entertainment, to personal choice, to thought. They are right now trying to reach inside our homes. Ask yourself -- who is it that censors and/or punishes speech now? Who gets people banned and/or fired? Who has control over school curriculum?...

That was a lot packed in a couple paragraphs. I will pick just this one part. If technology is coming for the jobs of low skilled/low educated workers, which it is, then why would you want to flood your country with more and more of them? What are they going to do?
Imported colonialism. I coined that phrase by the way about a year ago.
With warriors like this America will never be lost
This 19 year old ex-cheerleader now an Air Force Security Forces Sniper, was watching a road in Pakistan that led to a NATO military base when she observed a man digging by the road. She engaged the target (she shot him).
It turned out he was a bomb maker for the Taliban, and he was burying an IED that was to be detonated when a U.S. patrol walked by 30 minutes later. It would have certainly killed and wounded several soldiers.
The interesting fact of this story is the shot was measured at 725 yards. She shot him as he was bent over burying the bomb. The shot went through his rectum and into the bomb which detonated; he was blown to pieces. The Air Force made a motivational poster of her. (Folks, that's a shot 25 yards longer than seven football fields) and the last thing that came out of his mouth ... was his ***!
If You Can Not Stand Behind Our Troops, please feel free to stand in front of them!
Back the post title, "America is Lost."

There is a huge divergence between what America actually is now and what America is perceived (and has been perceived) to be.

Let's start with the phrase spoken by Lincoln in the Gettysburg address, "government of the people, by the people, for the people." While the framework for such government exists (free elections, adult citizens voting, etc.) the reality is quite different.

Oligarchs control media which shape public perception. These same entities finance political candidates that do their bidding. Vast government bureaucracies are run by non-elected technocrats put in place at the discretion of politicians beholden to the oligarchs which select them as candidates. The end result of this process, which is what we have been experiencing for at least the past two decades in an accelerating manner, is a plundering of the countries wealth and resources, social decay, and financial bankruptcy. The monetary policy controlled by the non-elected federal reserve bank has devalued the dollar ninety-something percent since 1913. The economy has morphed from one based on production of goods and services to one based on financialization. It is largely a system increasingly based on looting and extraction, both legal and illegal. The continuance of this system is predicated on supremacy of the US dollar as reserve currency. To maintain dollar supremacy, empire is required. This means using the dollar (SWIFT system, sanctions, etc.) as a financial weapon to keep other countries in line, military dominance for the same, and also bribes, color revolutions, etc. to guarantee cooperation from states not inclined to go along with US corporate interests.
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We're about to find out how bad Liberalism is; not that we didn't know. Trump's personality gave them cover, but we know they really didn't care about his personality because they hated Reagan and Bush just as much. They're Liberals which means they are vile, arrogant, tribal and corrupt totalitarians. Just wait. It will see it as never before because you won't be on the defensive about Trump's tweets. AOC, the entire state of California and Kamala will become so hateful you'll wonder if they actually do want a civil war.
I think the DMC is too used to conservatives rolling over.
Hopefully Trump has shown us not to be so passive.

The irony or the lie promulgated by the Left is that it's the other way around. They act like they don't fight hard enough which is a very sick joke.
I believe that.

The issue of racism versus personal beliefs is interesting to me.

We know for a fact that Liberals (driven by feminists and atheists) hate religious fundamentalists. They hate Catholics (except for JFK). They constantly talk about science and being educated. They hate machismo and homophobia. But when a large collection of human beings ALL are like that and just HAPPEN TO BE OF COLOR, then the goalposts are moved.

So why the love affair with poor, uneducated, Catholic or Islamic men? Because it's 100% political. The elites actually want a feudal society where the wealth gap will be more extreme than ever. Anybody want to debate whether a federal minimum wage of $15 per hour will narrow the wage gap? It's just a political tool. So why attract more and more poor people WHO WILL NEVER rise above their circumstances (I know, I'm from South Texas and it's generational and cultural the way they live)?

It's about power. There is no doubt about this.
Bruh, Biden is a practicing Catholic.
I gave W. a chance and defended him against some of my Sooner brethren.

I was all aboard the Bush train until Cheney began trumping up the case to go into Iraq. That was the single most frivolous and worst foreign policy decision since Vietnam. It not only mired us into Iraq occupation but it delayed success in Afghanistan. When they redeployed the ME Special Forces brigade to Iraq (from Afghanistan) and replace them with the Lat-Am SF brigade that was a sign that we had stretched ourselves too thin making us uncapable of winning in either theater.

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