Logic and reason is not alllowed, Bystander...only feelings and emotion.Fascism...
Immigration policy? What is the law? What should Biden do now? Obama deported over 3 million people. Will Biden at least approach that? I know for a fact they are pouring over all the time in South Texas. And it will be worse unless the man in charge of ENFORCING OUR LAWS makes them remember our laws.
Police brutality? This did not start with Trump. Re: Serpico. Police corruption and abuse of minority communities is an old story. According to the Left it began Jan 1, 2017.
Lowering taxes?
Withdrawing from the Paris Agreement, so named (instead of treaty) because international treaties must be ratified by Congress?
White privilege campaign? Oh yeah, that came from the Left. Innocent white people were made to feel as if they were oppressors and the unfortunate emotional Left were enflamed to attack. Guess that's not it.
Cancel culture? Another leftist construct. A very real and destructive attack force that could cause someone to lose their entire career if they didn't speak in the politically correct manner.
#Metoo? Not for Biden
Antifa? The irony... a street terrorist group. I don't know how big it really is but it's clear the Mayors of Seattle and Portland would rather see their city in turmoil than dare question them.
I'd bet 90% of those on the left can't define nor exposit on it's history and current state of influence. It was, indeed, originally a far-right philosophy...but much of that changed with and after Nazi Germany.
The progressive left in America has now adopted more ideals and philosophy from those who previously held to fascist views than former right-wingers could dream of....and they have much in common.
And we all know up is down, down is up, left is right, and right is left now...
Don't bother trying to explain it.
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