My personal opinions:

Wadster, it's been a good week for A&M!

The football players keep posting daily on Ag blgs, that as soon as the other big 12 schools, and Lsu and Arkansas, and a few oos schools fill up, Sherman will have plenty of good players left?

So we just lost a desperate needed quaterback, 4*Christian LeMay to Georgia, a desperate needed defensive end, 4*Nathan Hughes to ou.

Then we lost TE Sevenson to ou, and 5* RB Hershal Simms to okie lite?

And then we lost 4*DE Reed to TU!

IF the rest of the big 12 fills up before all the good players are gone, we're in good shape, huh?

Are all the good players gone already?


went easy for dinner tonight. had soup and a sandwich. a little bit full, but got a good 4 mile run in today, so i'm feeling pretty good.
My 10 year old made my wife and I dinner tonight. She set a table with table cloth, and put out the china. Not the greatest dinner, but one I'll remember for a while.

Now the real question. Did she do it because she loves me, or because she wants a cell phone?
between the fried chicken and beer....i thought beer would be the lesser of two evils.

and dont get me wrong. nothing beats good pancakes. too heavy for me on most days though.
My personal opinions:

P. Joe seems to really eat well evey time we lose a top recruit.

A&M Losing 4*DE Reed, 5*RB Simms, 4* DE Hughes, 4*TE Stevenson all within a week and P. Joe has really attacked the calories!

In fact since Sherman was hired in 2007, losing most all top recruits, P. Joe has really been able to pig out when he wants to, and maybe it shows.

Well A&M only has 10 or so, a few more top recruits to lose, and they will almost all be gone.

Time for P. Joe, the Aggie Spin Machine and Sherman to cut back on the calories soon?


My personal opinions:

Wadster, you ask me the question, "miller, why don't you just become a longhorn fan?"

Of course, I just blew the question off!

But wadster, ONLY in the remotest case they should ever bring back RC and the wrecking crew, with their terrible documented record of only a .603 winning(?) percentage against other big 12 teams, along with losing to most ranked teams and bowl opponents, then wadster, just for the heck of it, ask me that question again!

I can't remember a worse time ever for our football program, than when RC and the wrecking crew joined the big 12?

We have carried on this big 12 Aggie tradition, started by RC and the wreckng crew, until today, A&M has lost more tha 4 out of every 10 games against big 12 teams since it began, never been ranked in even the top 10 final poll and 11 of the last 14 years, since the big 12 began, been ranked out of the top 25 final poll!

And the really saddest part about it is these football players seem to embarass themselves by post numerous times on Ag blogs, embellishments of this .603 winning(?) percentage with "bring back the wrecking crew?_____And to those of us that actually watched this football, this is the last thing we want!

Wadster, I just don't want to go through this again!


Miller, you and all ags need to just step back and reevaluate your goals. For instance you should take pride in being in the top 25 at some time before, during, or after the season. Surely that has happened in the recent past. Then build your expectations from there.

How long has that been, by the way?
My personal opinions:

With almost all the top recruits already gone or leaning to the other 11 big 12 schools, Lsu and Arkansas, and to schools out of conference, Sherman has completely failed now, for four recruiting classes in a row!

Look for A&M's failure to continue to even compete at the big 12 level, by not beating UT, ou and nebraska in the same year on the field far into the future; and now mostly just the 2 and 3 star pl;ayers to be signed by Sherman from now on?


Hey Miller,

In about 115 years of football, aggy has had only 10 years of probation aided sustained success. Seems to me this mediocrity you are referring to is the norm. After all, you're aggy.
My personal opinions:

Seems like P. Joe has had a couple more good meals?

Sherman lost a couple more 4*/5* recruits when he offered, but didn't close them?

Seems like Sherman can't even close a door, let alone ever a 4*/5* recruit!

This time they both committed to big 12 south opponents, again!

Bring on the 2 and 3 star leftovers now, for the rest of the year.


Prop, you'd better watch that diet're gonna suffer death by Tex-Mex if this thread doesn't end pretty soon.
My personal opinons:

A&M just committed what appears to be a couple of 3 star defensive players?

Right away some of RC's players start trying to falsely embellish their record, by posting, " bring back the wrecking crew".

The truth, when you check the actual reord, is that RC and the wrecking crew had an overall miseable .603 winning percentage in the big 12, losing 4 out of almost every 10 games they played against other big 12 teams, losing to most ranked teams and bowl opponents.

Of course Sherman's .312 winning percntage would almost double, if it ever gets up to RC's miserable .603?

Sherman also lost another offer this week, when the recruit chose TCU, over A&M.

Wonder how P.Joe's menu this week, will handle a couple of likely 3 star commits, while losing another offer, to TCU?


This just in: Aggy recruiting is still a total disaster.

In related news: Death by Tex-Mex. Now that is funny.
All of us Dirty Mexicans here in San Antonio (pronounced with a heavy accent) know this.
My personal opinions:

Do you think Mike Sherman, with his terrible .312 winning percentage against other big 12 teams, can't compete in the big 12, because he can't recruit the 15 top 4*/5* players each recruiting class?

Or do you think Mike Sherman, with his terrible .312 winning percentage against other big 12 teams, can't compete in the big 12, because he can't coach the players he gets?

Don't you see, it doesn't matter where Mike Sherman is failing to compete, Mike has already failed to compete, continues to fail to compete, and he just has to go for either reason; just like RC and the wrecking crew with their terrible overall .603 winning percentage against other big 12 teams, had to go!(ESPN)


MY personal opinions:

Just how bad is Mike Sherman's recruiting?

Mac Brown committed and signed 21 four and five star recruits last year.

Nick Saban signed and committed 22 four and five star recruits, the year before that.

This is Mike Sherman's fourth recruiting class, and he has yet to sign and commit as many four and five star players in all four classes, as either Mac or Nick in just one class?


PS: P. Joe, are you getting indegestion from all that good food; or is it from Sherman's recruiting and coaching, or lack of both?


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