My personal opinions:
Georgia blows out Sherman a second time this year, and committed A&M's desperate needed 4* quarterback, Christian LeMay today.
Sherman has 12 desperate needs this year to keep A&M from being in the big 12 south rock bottom forever.
You see, Sherman is in his fourth recruiting class since his hire in 2007, and in 10 desperate need positions, quarterback one of them, Sherman has never ever commtted and signed a single high school 4*/5* senior for any of these 10 desperate positions, since his hire in 2007 !
A&M is simply running out of Frans Players and top coaching went with Fran!
Gone are 4*Safety Martin, 4* Corner Harris, 4* Defensive End Lewis Moore, another 4*End to ISU, 4*DT Kellen Heard, all decommitted Sherman to other schools, 4* Safety Pugh, etc.
The days of 7 and 9 regular season victories competing for the big 12, one field goal away from winning the big 12 south, and a Rivals Nationally ranked #11 recruitng class, Fran was bringing in 2008, are over!
Sherman has a terrible .312 winning(?) percentage against other Big 12 teams, half of RC and the wrecking crew's terrible .603(?) winning percentage against other big 12 teams!
A&M going back to the begining of the big 12, has not been ranked in 11 of the last 14 years, never ranked in the top 10 in the final poll; and has lost more than 4 out of every 10 games played against big 12 teams and lost to most ranked teams and ranked bowl opponents?
What a pitiful football program we have become under the current A&M administration, the last 15 years?
The A&M(?) people that looked at their resumes(?), interviewd, hired, approved the hires and supportd the hires of the Sherman 10 in 2007 and the Sherman +5 in 2010 must never be allowed to touch the A&M football coach, hiring process again?
"I will never buy a single ticket to see our coaching failures again"