My personal opinions:
Joe, with your very nice, very quite and very football intelligent Aggie Spin Machine spinning in each of your posts, you know exactly, that we will be beaten to a pulp by UT, ou and nebraska this year!
Tu has signed 78 top 4*/5* players in the past five years, A&M has dropped to only 29 total under Sherman's terrible recruiting now!
Reducing that number by A&M's measured 70 % attrition rate, gives us 20, and with an average of about 5 injured and out each week, we'll be playing UT, ou and nebraska with about 15 players on our two deep?
Add that to Sherman's demonstrated coaching inability to instill team discipline and inablity to evaluate players; and I agree with you completely, we're doomed!
A&M has 12 desperate recruiting needs this year, four or five star high school seniors for quarterback, and each of the 11 defensive positions._____Watch close to see if we get 'em?
we may have two of them now in commits, corner Stewart and safety Sparks?
_____Ten more to go to become just to become revelent by 2013 and beyond?
If we dont get 'em this year, we are irrevelent into 2014 or beyond.
Less than an A&M total of 15 top 4*/5* commits for the next 5 years each year, and we dont beat UT, ou and nebraska for the next decade.
Realistic, but Joe, your very nice, very quite and very intelligent Aggie Spin Machine spin is always appreciated, but not believable by anyone knowing todays detailed real Aggie facts!