My personal opinions:
A&M has offered 20 or more of the 23 four and five star players that UT, lsu and ou have committed.
RC's boy, Byrne's Sherman has lost each and every head to head battle with UT, lsu and ou for these talented players.
A&M is getting only the leftovers after TU, lsu and ou get the top talent and the picks of the litter.
With Byrne creating the uncertainty distraction last year, we lost 14 decommits; especially critical a 5 star safety decommit, a four star safety dcommit, a four star corner back decommit, a three star corner decommit, a four star linebacker decommit, another four star linebacker decommit, and a three star linebacker decommit,
All three linebackers could run 4.5 or better and all 4 db's were 4.5/ sub 4,5 players. This would have been the leaders of our wrecking crew for the next five years.
So Byrne and Byrne's Sherman (b.s. for short) have decimated two classes in a row now.
When these two classes delute our squad in 2009, all the ground made up by Fran on the RC/ Cassidy five year recruiting folly, will have been lost and A&M will be a bottom tier non bcs team on Kyle field for years to come.
As far as the A&M blogs and what the football challanged 80+% write, forget it; just 100% bias! True factual posts are often immediately deleted, and only posts bias one way are allowed. A lot of athletic department surrogate spin (lies) are often allowed. Example; A&M is really putting the emphasis on recruiting with the hiring of coach x ( repeated about 10 times in some form, each time a coach was hired)
I recently posted a one line resume for each of the 10 new coaches, it was immediately deleted, and I was banned from that blog. Example of post; Coach x, school,position, years experience, 4 and 5 star players signed; 2006-0, 05-0, 04-0, 03-1, 02-0.
Of course to list 10 A&M coaches one line resumes showing that they had recruited only 2 four star players for the last 5 years was a bannable offense? Although 100% true and factual, it was not consistant with athletic department spin and blog owners bias.
I have personally received an email from an Ag blog owner stating that "we know that what you posted is the truth, but we'd rather you not post it."
When you have former college and pro level players posting who have never earned the first dollar calling a pro play, recruiting a college player, preparing a game plan, or even attending a quarterback meeting, you have to realize that they don't know crap about 99% of football, except the executing what they are "told to do" part, at one or two positions
As far as Sherman doing a good job, as far as the Ag Blogs are concerned;100% bias; Sherman is RC's boy and forner line coach, and last I heard, a former RC Ag pro lineman owned a majority of one of the Ag blogs, a tight circle, for an example of why the truth might be 100% bias one way.
How many Ag students or former students do you think understand this incest exists between the coaches, blogs, athletic department and their surrogates?
A&M a rebuilding and a winning season in 2006 and champs in 2008.