
Actually, it's an old Yo Mamma joke.

It ranks right up there with.
Yo Mamma is like peanut butter, She spreads for bread.
Yo mamma is so fat, when she sits around the house, she really is sitting around the house.
Yo mamma belt size is equator.
Yo mamma's teeth so yellow she could butter a whole loaf of bread
Yo mama so fat, she stepped on a talking scale and it started to cry.
Yo mama got more chins than a Tokyo phone book.
Yo mama is so fat when she sat down at Walmart, all the prices went down.
Yo mama is so ugly when she was born, the doctor slapped your grandma.
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BEVO makes SI’s list of greatest mascots, but not Reveille. (Uga and Smokey made the list. So did the Stanford Tree.) Makes me smile.
Ranking the best mascots in college football history
If it were up to me, Ralphie would be #1, and The Masked Rider (Tech) would be #2. Bevo and Traveler would be somewhere in my top 10.

If we were more active with Bevo and got him to do something, he'd rank higher. But a buffalo charging full-speed across the field? As of now, no one tops that.
If we were more active with Bevo and got him to do something, he'd rank higher. But a buffalo charging full-speed across the field? As of now, no one tops that.
but Ralphie isn't a full-grown animal. If they could do that with a full-grown buffalo that would be impressive.
For the sheer spectacle of it, I agree with Ajo. It's damned impressive to see that run when you're in the stadium. It's the same reason most everybody got completely fired up when Bevo came through the fog with an attitude at last year's home opener, and why we still get a charge out of watching the Bevo v Uga spectacle despite the obvious danger to everybody in the vicinity. Deep down, people love it when the mascot embodies the aggressive qualities one hopes to see in the players, and Ralphie's run works at that level.
West Texas A&M (formerly West Texas State U) in Canyon has a buffalo calf that they run on the sidelines, too (this tradition started in the late 1970s). Back in the 1920s (IIRC) they had a full grown buffalo that they kept in a corral near campus, donated to them by rancher Charles Goodnight. Periodically Old Charlie (as the Buffalo was named) would break out of the corral and some frat boys would have to hunt him down and bring him back alive. The last time that happened, Old Charlie didn’t survive the encounter. He was stuffed and mounted and put on display at The Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum at WTSU for many decades. WTSU didn’t have a live mascot again until the late 1970s.
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I was in the stands when Horns played CU. Ralphie stunk so bad you could smell it even after she ran by..
Bevo gets bathed more than Antifa thugs.
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If it were up to me, Ralphie would be #1, and The Masked Rider (Tech) would be #2. Bevo and Traveler would be somewhere in my top 10.

If we were more active with Bevo and got him to do something, he'd rank higher. But a buffalo charging full-speed across the field? As of now, no one tops that.
Ralphie is better than the team usually so he has to run to stir up excitement for that program.
Which is more intimidating, Ralphie running straight at the visiting team since her trailer is parked outside their dressing room door OR

Mike the tiger roaring right outside the visitors door while the crowd chants "Tiger bait". Of course back in the day, Mike got a shot from a cattle prod every couple of minutes.
What about the FSU Indian on horseback with flaming spear?

In 1999, we took the President of the FSU Alumni Association, along with the President elect to watch PNG play Stephenville for the State Championship in the Astrodome. A few weeks later, FSU played for the National Championship.

The President looked at me and said, "this is a religious experience. I have a guy on a horse with a flaming spear who rides out and plants the spear. We get a golf clap. There's a 17 year old kid down there that walks out to mid field, raises his spear, and 40,000 people stand and start singing. Can I borrow 25-30,00 of these people to take with me to the championship game? Maybe the band, drill team & cheerleaders as well?"

If you haven't been to Doak Campbell, it is a major disappointment. Just lame - not as bad as State Penn, but trying.
In 1999, we took the President of the FSU Alumni Association, along with the President elect to watch PNG play Stephenville for the State Championship in the Astrodome. A few weeks later, FSU played for the National Championship.

The President looked at me and said, "this is a religious experience. I have a guy on a horse with a flaming spear who rides out and plants the spear. We get a golf clap. There's a 17 year old kid down there that walks out to mid field, raises his spear, and 40,000 people stand and start singing. Can I borrow 25-30,00 of these people to take with me to the championship game? Maybe the band, drill team & cheerleaders as well?"

If you haven't been to Doak Campbell, it is a major disappointment. Just lame - not as bad as State Penn, but trying.
As the son of a U of Illinois grad, I'm still grinding my teeth that they decided to give Chief Illiniwek the heave-ho. How come FSU gets to keep their live mascot?
Two reasons:

1) FSU has a strong alumni that will not let a bunch of libtard educrats destroy their tradition

2) FSU has a treaty with the Seminole nation

FWIW< PNG has a treaty with the Cherokee nation

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