In 1999, we took the President of the FSU Alumni Association, along with the President elect to watch PNG play Stephenville for the State Championship in the Astrodome. A few weeks later, FSU played for the National Championship.
The President looked at me and said, "this is a religious experience. I have a guy on a horse with a flaming spear who rides out and plants the spear. We get a golf clap. There's a 17 year old kid down there that walks out to mid field, raises his spear, and 40,000 people stand and start singing. Can I borrow 25-30,00 of these people to take with me to the championship game? Maybe the band, drill team & cheerleaders as well?"
If you haven't been to Doak Campbell, it is a major disappointment. Just lame - not as bad as State Penn, but trying.