
I'm not sure it's that good of a start,

Again, 6 guys that are 4'star or higher outside of DB and WR

1 5'star OT that is going to be a guard when he gets on campus, Texas has two offensive linemen on his level and both of them are legit tackles.
3 4'star DE/DT, I admit I wish we had Leal, but we don't. Their DT is a solid guy and that DE Mowery is also really good. I'll withhold judgement until I see what Texas fill in with.
1 4'star TE - not much difference between their TE and the one we have committed.
1 4'star RB - He just didn't impress me, I will withhold judgement until I see what Texas gets.

Texas has Roshon, they don't. They have great Dbs and Wrs, big deal their classes don't compare to what Teas got last year, and that has played a major part in why some of those guys are committed there and not to Texas.

Average player rating has them ranked 10th, and that is way up from where they used to be.

EDIT: I double checked, it looks like their DT got his 4th star and their guy that I thought was a LB is a DE
Not long ago the world faced Kevin Sumlin and the swag copter.....and anm had a stellar class.(13-14 top 10 classes)
Aggie's class this year is good but is still missing critical pieces with very little room left on the boat. On top of that a few of the big names are still looking at other schools. If Aggie implodes I suspect they will lose several big fish. If they manage to pull off a big win against LSU etc they will be ok for this year but being eliminated from the national title 4 weeks into the season is not impressive.
And I don't get the jumbo love. He left FSUs cub bard bare despite several years of top 10 classes.
When Jared Goff gets married, VY will speak as a special guest.
If only we had hard knocks when VY was with Jeff Fisher and Norm Chow. I DON’T WANT HIM. So I’ll lose to prove I’m right
I really wish we could have seen Vince in Houston

I will repeat this again, I don't care if I went to jail or had to fight the whole state of Bama, I would not have let the SOB hit me like that. I've been in a few fights, and I lost some, but I will never let anyone mistreat me like that.
I like this statistic going into the RRR. Oklahoma has not faced any top talent this year. Iowa State and Army are both decent teams, but not good teams (much like KSU). Saturday will be the first time Oklahoma faces a team with elite talent and some skins on the wall.

I like this statistic going into the RRR. Oklahoma has not faced any top talent this year. Iowa State and Army are both decent teams, but not good teams (much like KSU). Saturday will be the first time Oklahoma faces a team with elite talent and some skins on the wall.

ou's defense does appear vulnerable, but we are going to need accuracy from the QB position

I rmbr when they played Army, I saw the 4Q score and started scrambling thru my TV channels to find it but I couldnt. It was on PPV for some reason. It was like the 70s, you just had wait for the score to scroll by
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If the Horns D does not keep some pressure on and somewhat contain Murray, it could turn into an unpleasant scoring fest...
If the Horns D does not keep some pressure on and somewhat contain Murray, it could turn into an unpleasant scoring fest...

Disagree, I think blOwU is way overrated and this is going to be a game much like TCU. Murray looks good against inferior competition, but he hasn't faced anyone like Texas, he is in for a rude awakening.
Perfect illustration of A&M mindset was this text convo between me and an Aggie friend during the TAMU vs Kentucky game.

me: Omg your punter is amazing, I think you stole Michael Dickson and made him switch jerseys.

him: Yeah you wish

me: ?

him: Dickson wasn't getting off 80 yard punts.

me: Yeah nobody gets those consistently.

him: Dickson never got them at all, so don't even try to compare these guys.
Perfect illustration of A&M mindset was this text convo between me and an Aggie friend during the TAMU vs Kentucky game.

me: Omg your punter is amazing, I think you stole Michael Dickson and made him switch jerseys.

him: Yeah you wish

me: ?

him: Dickson wasn't getting off 80 yard punts.

me: Yeah nobody gets those consistently.

him: Dickson never got them at all, so don't even try to compare these guys.
You should tell him that he is right...when the punter they have gets drafted higher than the 12th pick in the 5th rd after said team traded up to acquire him...then you can compare them.

Those 80 yard punts are the result of the Aggie offense never being able to get the ball out of the shadow of their goal posts, not to mention the return yardage. Then there's the issue of dropping the punt inside the 10.
Perfect illustration of A&M mindset was this text convo between me and an Aggie friend during the TAMU vs Kentucky game.

me: Omg your punter is amazing, I think you stole Michael Dickson and made him switch jerseys.

him: Yeah you wish

me: ?

him: Dickson wasn't getting off 80 yard punts.

me: Yeah nobody gets those consistently.

him: Dickson never got them at all, so don't even try to compare these guys.

You need to find a more informed aggy "friend" :rolleyes1:
Perfect illustration of A&M mindset was this text convo between me and an Aggie friend during the TAMU vs Kentucky game.

me: Omg your punter is amazing, I think you stole Michael Dickson and made him switch jerseys.

him: Yeah you wish

me: ?

him: Dickson wasn't getting off 80 yard punts.

me: Yeah nobody gets those consistently.

him: Dickson never got them at all, so don't even try to compare these guys.

I don't even know if that's an aggy thing - I mean yeah there are some of them. But that guy just seems like a jackass that wants to argue about everything. That's like me arguing that I can hit a driver farther than Tiger Woods because of that time I caught the cart path and my ball bounced all the way down to roll off next to the green 400 yards away. (I exaggerate for effect, it was actually about 300.)
Perfect illustration of A&M mindset was this text convo between me and an Aggie friend during the TAMU vs Kentucky game.

me: Omg your punter is amazing, I think you stole Michael Dickson and made him switch jerseys.

him: Yeah you wish

me: ?

him: Dickson wasn't getting off 80 yard punts.

me: Yeah nobody gets those consistently.

him: Dickson never got them at all, so don't even try to compare these guys.

Win the Ray Guy award and then let's talk... What a douchebag.
You need to find a more informed aggy

He's actually pretty well informed.

His attitude just so perfectly illustrates at least 4 different mindsets that are typical of A&M fans, and collectively you could even say they define what the world is like through Maroon-tinted welding goggles.

1. "Everyone's Out To Get Us" - A&M thinks they are unfairly the unfavorite of pretty much the entire college football world, and is constantly on the lookout for conspiracies where there are none. This also manifests as seeing hidden motives where there are none, and loaded statements in things that were actually innocuous. Thus when I said "your punter is the next Dickson", I just meant "We had such a great punter, and now you have one", but he heard something more like "Hey great punt but Dickson came first and was better and your guy will always be second" and so felt compelled to respond and defend himself against an attack that did not exist.

2. Envy & Inferiority Complex - A&M is an odd place. They are one of the biggest schools and richest programs in the nation, and if you just rated by that stuff, and by stadium size, fanbase rabidness, and traditions, you would think they were on the level of Michigan, USC, Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, Miami, rather than actually being more on the level of Michigan State, UCLA, Texas Tech, Oklahoma State, Ole Miss, or Georgia Tech. So they kind of have a foot in both worlds. The thing is, most of those latter schools accept that they are in the mid-tier P5 category as historical programs, but A&M has a unique envy based on thinking they are in the top-tier despite knowing deep down that they don't belong there. Thus, when you have a UT guy who just won a national award and is getting surprisingly high nationwide recognition for this given his position, A&M has a guy at that same position who has one really good game and immediately defaults to envy mode. So rather than him rejoice in his guy's good game and agreeing with me, it's time for him to compare the guys because he is dedicated to the idea that A&M is just as good as everyone else.

3. Inability to see greatness. Sure, everybody has unreasonable fans, but most fanbases can generally admit when they've just been outplayed. Most OU fans will say we deserved to win last week because our team outplayed them. And some USC fans still whine about Vince's knee, and most probably think they'd win more than 50% if the game was played over and over again, but they also generally give VY and Texas due credit and can begrudgingly admit we earned the win on that day, and even respect how good we are. Why? Because USC was a great team also, and greatness recognizes greatness. Reminds me of Kobe - I hated him in a lot of ways, but unlike most high-volume scorers he worked hard to be great on the defensive end too - and consequently he respected Doug Christie, Bruce Bowen (dirty arsehole though he was) or the Detroit Pistons because he knew great defense when he saw it. A&M is not great, and does not recognize greatness when it sees it. They can't admit Dickson was an all-time punter. They still think with a little different luck Reggie McNeal could have been Vince. They still think of Colt as McCry. Mack Brown wasn't as good as Franchione. They can't see that these guys were great, because they honestly do not know what greatness is or isn't.

4. Excuses and cherry-picked stats. Maybe this is related to the first, but it's different, although I'll use the 2005 Rose Bowl as an example again. When USC and Texas fans argued before the game about who was better, they usually used reasonable claims to argue this - because normal people and non-loony fanbases have (mostly) an agreed-upon idea of what stats to argue about. Remember the McConaughey vs Ferrell deal from before the game? "Vince has so-many yards of total offense" "Reggie Bush has so-many all purpose yards" "Texas scores more points per game", "USC leads the nation in red-zone TDs" "Texas also gains more yards per game" "Did I mention we have 2 Heisman trophies?" Etc etc. No Texas or USC fan would have responded with something like "But our longest rush TD this year was 92 yards, and you guys don't have a single rushing TD of even 80 yards all season". Yet to an A&M fan "our punter just hit a single punt of 85 yards and your guy never hit one that long" passes as an instant end-of-argument winner. The only stats that matter are the ones that favor them, anything else isn't worth discussing. They'll pick that one thing out of a hundred that works for them, hammer it to death, and if you point out it's meaningless, it's just proof that you are making excuses like a typical spoiled sip.

TL/DR: the problem isn't "informed", the problem is "aggy".
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Good points @Statalyzer and I think it mostly comes down to insecurity for that fan base - they want to puff their chests out about something so they latch on to any little positive development and whoop! it is the best thing ever you dumb sips haha

He's actually pretty well informed.

His attitude just so perfectly illustrates at least 4 different mindset that are typical of A&M fans, and collectively you could even say they define what the world is like through Maroon-tinted welding goggles.

1. "Everyone's Out To Get Us" - A&M thinks they are unfairly the unfavorite of pretty much the entire college football world, and is constantly on the lookout for conspiracies where there are none. This also manifests as seeing hidden motives where there are none, and loaded statements in things that were actually innocuous. Thus when I said "your punter is the next Dickson", I just meant "We had such a great punter, and now you have one", but he heard something more like "Hey great punt but Dickson came first and was better and your guy will always be second" and so felt compelled to respond and defend himself against an attack that did not exist.

2. Envy & Inferiority Complex - A&M is an odd places. They are one of the biggest schools and richest programs in the nation, and if you just rated by that stuff and stadium size, fanbase rabidness, and traditions, you would think they were on the level of Michigan, USC, Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, Miami, rather than actually being more on the level of Michigan State, UCLA, Texas Tech, Oklahoma State, Ole Miss, or Georgia Tech. The thing is, most of those latter schools accept that they are in the mid-tier P5 category as historical programs, but A&M has a unique envy based on thinking they are in the top-tier despite knowing deep down that they don't belong there. Thus, when you have a UT guy who just won a national award and is getting surprisingly high nationwide recognition for this given his position, A&M has a guy at that same position who has one really good game and immediately defaults to envy mode. So rather than him rejoice in his guy's good game and agreeing with me, it's time for him to compare the guys because he is dedicated to the idea that A&M is just as good as everyone else.

3. Inability to see greatness. Sure, everybody has unreasonable fans, but most fanbases can generally admit when they've just been outplayed. Most OU fans will say we deserved to win last week because our team outplayed them. And some USC fans still whine about Vince's knee, and most probably think they'd win more than 50% if the game was played over and over again, but they also generally give VY and Texas due credit and can begrudgingly admit we earned the win on that day, and even respect how good we are. Why? Because USC was a great team also, and greatness recognizes greatness. Reminds me of Kobe - I hated him in a lot of ways, but unlike most high-volume scorers he worked hard to be great on the defensive end too - and consequently he respected Doug Christie, Bruce Bowen (dirty arsehole though he was) or the Detroit Pistons because he knew great defense when he saw it. A&M is not great, and does not recognize greatness when it sees it. They can't admit Dickson was an all-time punter. They still think with a little different luck Reggie McNeal could have been Vince. They still think of Colt as McCry. Mack Brown wasn't as good as Franchione. They can't see that these guys were great, because they honestly do not know what greatness is or isn't.

4. Excuses and cherry-picked stats. Maybe this is related to the first, but it's different, although I'll use the 2005 Rose Bowl as an example again. When USC and Texas fans argued before the game about who was better, they usually used reasonable claims to argue this - because normal people and non-loony fanbases have (mostly) an agreed-upon idea of what stats to argue about. Remember the McConaughey vs Ferrell deal from before the game? "Vince has so-many yards of total offense" "Reggie Bush has so-many all purpose yards" "Texas scores more points per game", "USC leads the nation in red-zone TDs" "Texas also gains more yards per game" "Did I mention we have 2 Heisman trophies?" Etc etc. No Texas or USC fan would have responded with something like "But our longest rush TD this year was 92 yards, and you guys don't have a single rushing TD of even 80 yards all season". Yet to an A&M fan "our punter just hit a single punt of 85 yards and your guy never hit one that long" passes as an instant end-of-argument winner. The only stats that matter are the ones that favor them, anything else isn't worth discussing. They'll pick that one thing out of a hundred that works for them, hammer it to death, and if you point out it's meaningless, it's just proof that you are making excuses like a typical spoiled sip.

TL/DR: the problem isn't "informed", the problem is "aggy".
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