Chavez is so young. I forgot that she’s a 2025 so I would have to take off my shoes to calculate if she’s a sophomore this fall? It’s not unusual for top AAU players to play up a year or perhaps two. Two years is huge at the top levels. She was the point guard on the 17&U so guess she was playing up two years. And mostly dominated and stood out. She had that one game against WI where she played poorly, but even in that game her skills (handle, vision, passing, etc.) stood out. She certainly plays with flair and personality. Certainly a different look than Harmon. Both are dynamic difference makers and fun to watch. Haven’t seen what Hidalgo is like and what she goes might impact where Chavez goes. I wish Chavez played in Metromess as she’s worth the price of admission to watch. Back in the late 90’s there was another dynamic guard from I think Lubbock that was worth the price of admission. Watched her play at the Sandra Meadows tournament. She went to Purdue and was their point guard when they won the National Championship. I would hope Chavez comes to Texas and can do the same in about 2026 or 2027.