2025 Recruiting - Softball

Hannah pitched the second inning in the Futures game. She pitched a long inning. One batter hit a HR off her. However, the following inning, she hit a home run. I was impressed with Lawson. She is awesome at bat and fielding with good base speed.

In the Championship game, after MaTaia got hit by pitch, Goose hit that that Grand Slam she hit was against strong winds... She can probably hit the top floor windows of the bldg behind McCombs left field. All the top schools will be after Goose... I hope that Iowa Premier/Longhorn relationship continues.

Check this youtube link out on the Championship Game.
Go to minute 15:00.

It's the Grand Slam pretty much against the wind. 307'.


Don't know how I missed her pitching the 2nd. I was looking for her to be on the same team as Snead & Lawson but she wasn't. I scrubbed thru a lot of the game, maybe a little too fast. Hannah gave up a run but not a home run. She looked good. They should have turned the double play (Texas would have) to get her out of the inning and she would not have given up the run.
Hannah's home run was a line drive and right over the head of Alisa Snead. Very funny.
Thanks Benny! Very enjoyable watch!!
Hmm. If you listen to this and "if" they do have more insight....
They only mention Florida, OU and UT where Canady would choose...
Hannah Wells is coming to Texas as a Pitcher I believe but she brings a very serious bat and batting average with her. In the all star game she hit a home run on a frozen rope! It went out fast!!
And the below stats are against some of the best competition in the country.

Heard on local radio from "reliable sources" the reason Canady hasn't committed is because she's looking for $250k per year in NIL money. That's starting tailback kind of money.
Heard on local radio from "reliable sources" the reason Canady hasn't committed is because she's looking for $250k per year in NIL money. That's starting tailback kind of money.
Guess she can wish in one hand and you know what in the other. Does Texas really need her?
I was thinking about the rumor about Canady's demands. First, I 100% support NIL. I think that it's always been unfair of schools and businesses profiting off the skills of a player, with the player getting no direct compensation. You know how the NCAA has that commercial that says, "We have thousands of players graduating into the game of life". (roughly, I can't exactly remember). As a person who graduated college without any student debt, more NIL! Hazzah!

But I also remember a well known sports journalist about 3-4 years before NIL finally overwhelmed everyone. He said, "Well I think we'll see the star quarterback and maybe one or two skill players like his wide receivers get NIL. But, the majority of the won't and I think they'll be okay with it. They understand that these guys faces are shown almost every play, whereas linemen are pretty anonymous and they don't expect the attention and thus NIL"

I never thought that was a good analysis. People get jealous and sometimes a top, start left tackle is as important or more than the quarterback he's protecting.

So I made up a made up chart with made up numbers. I said:

1. Texas One fund will give each player on the team.....$30K each year. The estimated cost for books, tuition, room and board for one semester at UT is about $30K. I picked $30K, then switched it to $25K and then moved it back to $30K.

2. D1 Softball allows 12 scholarships. Let's take two semesters x $30K and so a full scholarship is $60K. Then, let's give them out in whole and halves. Whole scholarship is someone like Tegan Kavan. Half scholarships are someone like Ashton Maloney

3. NIL. Let's just say the most popular players, mentioned the most often and that we wouldn't want to lose into the portal would get compensated. And let's the values are $15K and $30K. (I don't know. I had to put something down there).

Then adding up all their compensation and then graphing you can see what a fantasy financial comparison would look like when it's all added up:


Can I justify these numbers? Nope. Can I prove these numbers? Nope? Then why put them up? To show how a big NIL star might affect the dugout environment.


Whoa!!! 13 more scholarships in softball????? That is a massive increase and good for those schools that can support and afford it.
Since Mike White has been here his roster numbers have been:
2019 - 22
2020 - 20
2021 - 23
2022 - 24
2023 - 21
2024 - 21
I'm not sure he will even want to use all his scholarships? Even seems a little excessive. With 21 on our roster in 2024 we still had 3-4 players who rarely saw action. Vanessa Quiroga, Jordan Whittaker, Ryan Brown and you could include Sophia Simpson.
I guess it's not a bad problem to have but will the Coaches get criticized for not using all their ships?? Or for having players on ship who are able to play but never see the field??
Possibly some of the student support staff could be included in the 25 number?
Whoa!!! 13 more scholarships in softball????? That is a massive increase and good for those schools that can support and afford it.
Since Mike White has been here his roster numbers have been:
2019 - 22
2020 - 20
2021 - 23
2022 - 24
2023 - 21
2024 - 21
I'm not sure he will even want to use all his scholarships? Even seems a little excessive. With 21 on our roster in 2024 we still had 3-4 players who rarely saw action. Vanessa Quiroga, Jordan Whittaker, Ryan Brown and you could include Sophia Simpson.
I guess it's not a bad problem to have but will the Coaches get criticized for not using all their ships?? Or for having players on ship who are able to play but never see the field??
Possibly some of the student support staff could be included in the 25 number?
I didn't dig any deeper until later and realized that this is part of a negotiated roster limit:

The NCAA has finally moved on reform of roster sizes, opening the door for programs to offer more scholarships than before.

According to a report from Yahoo! Sports, power conference commissioners finalized the roster-size limits under which athletic departments will be able to allocate millions of dollars in new scholarships. Football will have a roster limit of 105, up from the 85-man NCAA scholarship limit that currently exists.

Baseball will also see a massive increase in scholarship / roster size, going from 11.7 scholarship slots to 34. Basketball will increase from 13 to 15. Softball will increase from 12 to 25, while volleyball will increase from 12 to 18.
The baseball scholarship was always baffling to me. 11.7 scholarships for a roster that size is ludicrous. This is huge especially for the non revenue sports and definitely will benefit Texas in every sport.
This is huge especially for the non revenue sports and definitely will benefit Texas in every sport.
Yes, beginning with the fact that we can afford to supply extra scholarships to non-revenue sports. Not all schools can, and their whining about their micro-budgets is a primary reason that kept the NCAA from loosening scholarship restrictions long ago.
Yes, beginning with the fact that we can afford to supply extra scholarships to non-revenue sports. Not all schools can, and their whining about their micro-budgets is a primary reason that kept the NCAA from loosening scholarship restrictions long ago.

I'm not sure I agree that not all schools can afford more scholarships. Going down to the root of it, what does it really cost the school to allow someone to sit in class for free and stay in a dorm for free? Is there an accounting part to this that I'm probably missing? Books and food are about the only real expense beyone normal training, etc and that's not much to give.
I'm not sure I agree that not all schools can afford more scholarships. Going down to the root of it, what does it really cost the school to allow someone to sit in class for free and stay in a dorm for free? Is there an accounting part to this that I'm probably missing? Books and food are about the only real expense beyone normal training, etc and that's not much to give.
Google says that the cost of going to UT for one semester is:
In-State Tuition: $11,698
Out of State Tuition: $41,070

Room, Board, and Books: $18,548

So, you're a walkon from California or Iowa and you're paying:

8 semesters x ($11,698 + $41,070) = $422,144

For the privilege of playing for UT Softball?

As a parent of two kids in college (in state that God), I can say that would be a "no, sorry we can't afford that".
Google says that the cost of going to UT for one semester is:
In-State Tuition: $11,698
Out of State Tuition: $41,070

Room, Board, and Books: $18,548

So, you're a walkon from California or Iowa and you're paying:

8 semesters x ($11,698 + $41,070) = $422,144

For the privilege of playing for UT Softball?

As a parent of two kids in college (in state that God), I can say that would be a "no, sorry we can't afford that".

But that is not what an extra scholarship "costs" the school.
Google says that the cost of going to UT for one semester is:
In-State Tuition: $11,698
Out of State Tuition: $41,070

I do recall when Coach White was hired that he talked about how many out-of-state players he had to bring to Oregon, and it was a disadvantage compared to schools in states where the quantity of talented players was so much greater. Believe it was about the financial responsibility of the family as most players were on partial 'ships.

Plenty of talent in the state of Texas where if those last few scholarships are awarded to Texans, the financial cost of their scholarships is much less than for out of state players.
I'm not sure he will even want to use all his scholarships? Even seems a little excessive. With 21 on our roster in 2024 we still had 3-4 players who rarely saw action. Vanessa Quiroga, Jordan Whittaker, Ryan Brown and you could include Sophia Simpson.
I guess it's not a bad problem to have but will the Coaches get criticized for not using all their ships?? Or for having players on ship who are able to play but never see the field??
Possibly some of the student support staff could be included in the 25 number?

I hope he does and uses several of them on pitchers, especially left-handed pitchers. This could be a huge opportunity for White to develop young pitchers at a gradual pace, perhaps even redshirt some. Some will be patient and remain at Texas to get their turn; others will move on.
Most of the 2026 recruiting class in attendance and reping the Horns at a USA softball of DFW event!
In the Picture: L to R: Jaycie Nichols, Drea Wilson, Alisa Sneed(she is standing on her tip toes), Hannah Wells, and Caigan Crabtree!

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