2024 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

It's about reaching voters who are usually with you on issues but need to feel better about voting for you.
Excellent point, Mr. Deez. It's not easy to like Trump, even if you like his policies - and as a result, we're stuck with Biden. It's time for the GOP to turn to a better candidate - one who endorses the right policies and is easy to like.
Nationwide is on your side.

That's what was a bit weird about it. Nationwide usually was relatively fair. They tried to hang onto the money like any other insurer, but they didn't go to war over stupid **** to try to make a point. To put it into perspective, I never had to take Nationwide to trial - not even once. I'm not sure who had a hard-on for this particular claim or why, but somebody did until I scared them straight.

The real bad apples? Allstate, Farmers (especially on smaller claims), and Progressive. They will haggle over mouse ****. I once had to take Farmers to trial over a $1,200 chiropractic bill. They ended up paying about 4x what I would have accepted to settle the claim, and I had to drag their poor insured (who was totally cooperative and decent to deal with) into the courtroom for 3 days. I was happy to take their money, but what a friggin' waste of everybody's time.
That's what was a bit weird about it. Nationwide usually was relatively fair. They tried to hang onto the money like any other insurer, but they didn't go to war over stupid **** to try to make a point. To put it into perspective, I never had to take Nationwide to trial - not even once. I'm not sure who had a hard-on for this particular claim or why, but somebody did until I scared them straight.

The real bad apples? Allstate, Farmers (especially on smaller claims), and Progressive. They will haggle over mouse ****. I once had to take Farmers to trial over a $1,200 chiropractic bill. They ended up paying about 4x what I would have accepted to settle the claim, and I had to drag their poor insured (who was totally cooperative and decent to deal with) into the courtroom for 3 days. I was happy to take their money, but what a friggin' waste of everybody's time.
Interesting. I just got a new roof, sky lights, and gutters through Farmers with no issues. Initial claim being storm damage then determined to be damage from something else with no haggling or anything. I know every case is different.
She was a cute, cheery, nerdy, but fun brunette chick. Not busty (which is different from my style) but tall - 5' 10", only a little shorter than I was. All legs. We weren't a good match for the long term, but we had a good time.

A buddy of mine found a YouTube video with her from last year though, and she didn't age well at all. She's pretty "tore up" now. Lol.

That's what vegetables do to you.
Interesting. I just got a new roof, sky lights, and gutters through Farmers with no issues. Initial claim being storm damage then determined to be damage from something else with no haggling or anything. I know every case is different.

A few big differences. First, you had a first party claim. Mine was a third party claim. It makes a huge difference.

Second, yours was a property insurance claim rather than a personal injury auto claim. They tend to be much tougher on the latter.

Finally, your claim was presumably in Illinois. Mine was in Texas. Which state do you think tolerates more shenanigans from insurers? It isn't Illinois. (They tolerate more shenanigans from trial lawyers.)
A few big differences. First, you had a first party claim. Mine was a third party claim. It makes a huge difference.

Second, yours was a property insurance claim rather than a personal injury auto claim. They tend to be much tougher on the latter.

Finally, your claim was presumably in Illinois. Mine was in Texas. Which state do you think tolerates more shenanigans from insurers? It isn't Illinois. (They tolerate more shenanigans from trial lawyers.)
My Texas experience with Progressive has been stellar, but I've never had an injury claim. Only occasional claims against liability, comp, and collision over the course of almost 30 years.
but I've never had an injury claim.

If there hasn't been an injury claim, then you're not going to see what I'm talking about. The way in which it would come up is you causing an auto accident in which someone is injured enough to need care but not so injured that it justifies just paying your policy limit. You're at higher risk of getting sued and taken to court than someone with (for example), Nationwide, Geico, or USAA but at a lower risk than someone with Allstate or Farmers.

If you don't care about that, you shouldn't like Progressive, because it was run by Peter Lewis (now deceased), who was a big leftist donor. Like buying insurance from George Soros, though not quite that big of a player.
Nice, Dems getting new young leadership, House passes same sex marriage federal law. It’s shaping up nicely.

With RINOs being in charge of our party we will constantly be playing from behind.

As long as a large percentage of our party leaders suffer from TDS over trivial nonsense and still can't figure out the other side is engaging in election fraud we're screwed.
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Honestly, this is worth going to war over. If not before then, this should be the line where Americans start a hot war against the Federal government. States should recall their national guards and march to DC. If not most of us will die of starvation or be relegated to the living conditions of the Middle Ages.
Agree, Mr. Deez. If the GOP will unify behind a ticket of DeSantis and Haley, it's a landslide win - and hopefully long coattails for the down-ballot candidates.
This would be optimum. but as long as they don't get nasty toward each other in campaigning then we could have several start the primary. as soon as they see that they don't have the non-trump vote then they could act professionally and bow out and endorse Desantis/Haley. What we don't want is a protracted multi-way primary season. Hopefully the contenders would quickly see that a rising GOP tide lifts all GOP boats and bow out early.
But has it really cratered enough? Keep in mind that he won the nomination because there wasn't unified support for anyone else. Support was split between a crapload of other candidates, so be won a plurality. If we have a mess of candidates again, he'll win the nomination the same way.
The unpardonable sin in politics is losing, and Trump has now done his fair share. Even though his core support will always be strong, I think he is irreparably damaged. I really hope that we don't end up with the same royal rumble style primary like in 2016, but even if we do I have a hard time seeing Trump coming out victorious.
My biggest fear is that Trump will still muck everything up, just because of hubris and plain old nastiness.
If he ran as an Independent, his rabid core could divide votes enough for a Dem to win.
Gavin Newsome (shudder) was at the border recently, and I don't think it was because of his concern for the enormous amount of illegal immigrants crossing.
He says he isn't running for President, but I believe him as much as I do in the Easter bunny. How people could vote for him is beyond me, but I've seen stranger things happen.

Mayor Pete is another possibility, although he has done absolutely nothing but, in some ways that could work in his favor. He is gay, has a nice affable way of speaking, and younger voters love his whole story. Happily married to his partner, taking off months to care for their baby, blah, blah.

In my opinion, as much as the last election was won due to the educated middle age female, I think the red wave that didn't happen was due to the young Gen Z voter, and younger females.

The type that are worried about climate change, LBGTQ issues, abortion, helping the homeless, gender assignment--all the things that Newsome believes in.
Even though he has turned one of our most beautiful states in to a total dumpster fire, I can see young voters voting for him.
The Republican party lost a ton of female voters due to the abortion decision, and they may need to ease up on some of the more stringent policies.

I am pro-life, but there needs to be some leeway such as abortions for rape victims, pushing the window of time to get an abortion out a few weeks, baby is medically compromised and would live an extremely short life, mostly in a hospital.
That kind of thing. For every one of my friends, even Republican Pro-lifers, that is a one issue No Vote for Republicans.

On a personal note, my beautiful, intelligent niece was date raped her first semester in University. I was her first phone call, (her mother is a total psycho) and we talked it through and she was able to get a morning after pill. She never became pregnant, thank God, but it totally messed with her head and her grades for her first 2 years. That in turn, messed with her ability to go to a top law school.
She pulled it together her last 2 years and was accepted at Emory, but she wanted UT very badly.

She is an attorney now, married to a great guy, but the rape changed her in many subtle ways. She has lost a bit of her joy.
My point is, it forced me to examine my black and white pro-life views.
Did I want my niece to drop out of school to have a child, go through the emotions of having a baby inside of you via a traumatizing event? Give birth, put the baby up for adoption, wonder forever if she had made the right choice, then try to re-start her life?
I'm happy that she never had to make that decision, but some young women do.
And I don't know what I would have wanted if my niece had become pregnant, but I feel pretty certain I would have supported her abortion.

To be crystal clear, I in no way support abortions in most cases. But, in the rare few, I believe there needs to be some flexibility.

Bottom line, in my very humble opinion, Rs need to take another look at the hard core stance on this issue, or we may lose most women voters forever.
Evangelicals are a shrinking group, and we can't count on them forever.
My biggest fear is that Trump will still muck everything up, just because of hubris and plain old nastiness.
If he ran as an Independent, his rabid core could divide votes enough for a Dem to win.
Gavin Newsome (shudder) was at the border recently, and I don't think it was because of his concern for the enormous amount of illegal immigrants crossing.
He says he isn't running for President, but I believe him as much as I do in the Easter bunny. How people could vote for him is beyond me, but I've seen stranger things happen.

Mayor Pete is another possibility, although he has done absolutely nothing but, in some ways that could work in his favor. He is gay, has a nice affable way of speaking, and younger voters love his whole story. Happily married to his partner, taking off months to care for their baby, blah, blah.

In my opinion, as much as the last election was won due to the educated middle age female, I think the red wave that didn't happen was due to the young Gen Z voter, and younger females.

The type that are worried about climate change, LBGTQ issues, abortion, helping the homeless, gender assignment--all the things that Newsome believes in.
Even though he has turned one of our most beautiful states in to a total dumpster fire, I can see young voters voting for him.
The Republican party lost a ton of female voters due to the abortion decision, and they may need to ease up on some of the more stringent policies.

I am pro-life, but there needs to be some leeway such as abortions for rape victims, pushing the window of time to get an abortion out a few weeks, baby is medically compromised and would live an extremely short life, mostly in a hospital.
That kind of thing. For every one of my friends, even Republican Pro-lifers, that is a one issue No Vote for Republicans.

On a personal note, my beautiful, intelligent niece was date raped her first semester in University. I was her first phone call, (her mother is a total psycho) and we talked it through and she was able to get a morning after pill. She never became pregnant, thank God, but it totally messed with her head and her grades for her first 2 years. That in turn, messed with her ability to go to a top law school.
She pulled it together her last 2 years and was accepted at Emory, but she wanted UT very badly.

She is an attorney now, married to a great guy, but the rape changed her in many subtle ways. She has lost a bit of her joy.
My point is, it forced me to examine my black and white pro-life views.
Did I want my niece to drop out of school to have a child, go through the emotions of having a baby inside of you via a traumatizing event? Give birth, put the baby up for adoption, wonder forever if she had made the right choice, then try to re-start her life?
I'm happy that she never had to make that decision, but some young women do.
And I don't know what I would have wanted if my niece had become pregnant, but I feel pretty certain I would have supported her abortion.

To be crystal clear, I in no way support abortions in most cases. But, in the rare few, I believe there needs to be some flexibility.

Bottom line, in my very humble opinion, Rs need to take another look at the hard core stance on this issue, or we may lose most women voters forever.
Evangelicals are a shrinking group, and we can't count on them forever.
there were two generations of Americans raised with the misguided belief that abortion was protected as a Constitutional Right. Those people now believe that an overly conservative SCOTUS took a right away. You can't turn the Titanic on a dime. The GOP is going to have to win this back in increments. A 16 week rule is the best for now. After the citizens get used to the idea it is not a Constitutional right then we could maybe talk about stricter limits in 6-8 years. To keep pushing for stricter controls right now is giving the Dems 2-5 points in most races.
I'm not for stricter limits in the future. Republicans will lose on that ruling alone for many female voters, especially as the young voters now grow older, and young, even more liberal kids come of voting age.

I'm sorry if I'm misunderstanding your post- I was up the past 2 nights with my dog, who was very sick. He's fine now, but my brain is kind of fried.

My thought is that Rs need to be flexible soon, as in the next election.
Not super drastic, but some of the rules now are very strict. No abortion in the case of rape?
I don't think any women coming up will "get used" to those kind of abortion bans, unless they are the crazy, "abortion up until 8-9 months" type.

Women are incredibly angry about this, and most think it is a right. As a woman, with many woman friends, i can't recall a time when they were so determined to not give up on an issue. The whole "my body, my choice", and they don't understand the Roe v Wade decision

Many also don't understand, or if they do, think it very unfair that it is left up to each state.
Maybe that needs to be explained in more detail.
I think the Rs must make some small concessions sooner rather than later to win back some of the female vote. We need them.
I can go along with a rape exception, however, it needs to be reported in a reasonable amount of time. 48 hours or the like, not after the woman goes and buys a pregnancy test 3 months in.

Also, and most of you know I'm right on this, many "doctors" will go right along with diagnoses that say the woman's or fetus's life is in danger if that is made to be an exception.
If it's okay to get an abortion due to rape, it should be okay to get an abortion for other cases. Otherwise, you are saying the baby is worth less than the mother's well-being in the first case but worth more than the mother's well-being in the second case.
If it's okay to get an abortion due to rape, it should be okay to get an abortion for other cases. Otherwise, you are saying the baby is worth less than the mother's well-being in the first case but worth more than the mother's well-being in the second case.
What other cases? In the case of rape being reported quickly, there are ways to determine that it was actually rape, and most women probably wouldn't go running to the police every time they had sex, you know, just in case they need to get out of potentially being pregnant.

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